They told me, "Go where you came from..." so I left the meeting and headed to the chapel... I needed quiet "alone" time before I went to my classroom to teach... I stayed there for ten minutes... attempted to get rid of the negativity which was still fuming within... I wanted to liberate myself from the clutches of negative energy... I did not want to face students in a funny mood... The ten minutes were wonderful... peaceful... quiet... I was ready for the kids... Tranquility had overwhelmed the alien mood and I was human again...
Walking out of the chapel I met Ross... He did not smile... his usual greeting had disappeared... He said; "I know..." A busy body gossip bag had informed him of what happened... I kept quiet... "Why they are like that, I have no clue...?" He said... "You think they will learn... I know you guys have differences... But it should not be like this..." Ross was sitting on the fence... He always sat on the fence... He was never confrontational... He wanted peace...
"Peace be with you...," I said and went to my classroom... I was comfortable with the kids... somehow... I looked into their eyes and realized another time that things will not change... They will be like their elders... I remembered when the Principal informed me that a student, with his parent, had complained about my accent and that he wanted to change his section... I told the Principal..."It's okay with me... I cannot force feed someone... I am too old for that..." The Principal thank me for my cooperation and understanding... While walking out I muse... "How can he say 'cooperation and understanding' referring to racist attitudes... It disgusted me...
The Principal "cooperated and understood" racism... and Ross sat on the fence... I looked into the eyes of the kids... and realized that nothing will change... After all, nothing has changed for decades... centuries... millennia...
"If anybody’s upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone that was also made by these kids," Rock joked afterward.

Instead of PWC representatives, Rock introduced three young kids with Asian and Jewish sounding names.
Ross sat on the fence... he did not want to upset anyone... The Principal thanked me for my understanding... He was happy that I did not rock his boat... I accommodated the racist attitude of the student and his parents... All of which were first generation immigrants too and had just another accent unlike mine...
Ross expected that they would have learned from their books ... and from their experience... He was still expecting that they will learn... I was not so sure...

Ross still expects that they will learn... The Principal expects that the victim will not rock the boat... The Black host of the Oscars expects that we will appreciate his Smart Alex joke and laugh... and "if anyone's upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone...," He said... Implying, Fuck you all... I don't give a damn...
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