This is what I wrote to my daughters and wife... earlier in the morning... and I forwarded it to my son in law and another friend whose wife passed away six years ago and now he is living with a girl friend... He was bored by himself...
Read below...
celebrate women's day... every day...
think it is a bit belittling, to say the least, to designate a day
for women... for mothers... and so on...
told this to my classes and let me tell you too...
completing the creation of the world... God looked at "his"
handiwork and said; "It's marvelous...," so created Adam
to enjoy everything...
walked around and looked around played with the animals a bit, but
started getting bored... "Nothing to do... No one to
bully..." and boredom and suicidal thoughts wrapped him...
noticed Adam's loneliness and created Eve... a companion to him...
since God had gained experience while creating Adam... "He"
created Eve MUCH BETTER... and looked at "his" handiwork
and was satisfied... "He" relaxed and said; "I
created the best first... then I created the "best"est..."
God relaxed on Sunday... But being a "He"... like Adam, he got bored too... and in order to quail "His"created boredom... "He" created music... and listened to divine harmony... and relaxed and amused "Himself" looking after Adam and Eve playing in the Garden of Eden...
Unfortunately women are conditioned... to behave like men desire them to behave...Check the absurd ways women demean and behave... just to please the males...
International Women's Day...

fact that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue still exists is a
potent statement about attitudes towards women in America. The
annual edition of bikini-clad women has been hitting news-stands
for more than 50 years, and although the swimsuits only get tinier
- body paint is now a common substitution for fabric - the women
on its pages are starting to diversify... and all because women want to please their male counterparts... Women do the cheer-leading... still... just to please their male counterparts... |
Women bare everything... just to please their male counterparts...

from the shackles of patriarchy and the confines of clothes it
seems... I am not sure what she wants to prove... !
In the U.S. presidential campaign... Hillary Clinton is mocked and is subjugated to sexist jokes...

The male candidates even praised the size of their dick... and joked about their manhood...
What a degrading way to debate and discuss world affairs...
Indeed God failed in His first attempt in creating human beings... Adam is an almost total failure... and looking at the U.S. Presidential campaign you will have the adequate and indisputable proof of this fact... God failed in creating Adam... so tried a second time and created Eve... But man became jealous and decided to subjugate women... with their power and dick... because they could not have won by thinking and reason... The power of men is below their belt... The power of women is in their head...
The Church dominated by men... and that's not only for Christians... It is the same with Muslims and Hindus and Confucians and Jews...
Women still make only 75 cents to every dollar made by men... They still are subject to double jeopardy... working outside to earn money and working at home to look after the men... in their lives...

Yesterday, the U.S. and South Koreans began "war games"... Yes, they call it "war games..." It is unthinkable when God will halt "His" big joke... and grant some brain to men too... So as women and men will celebrate International Women's Day next year together... without wars... and in PEACE...
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