What is it that they cannot SHARE...?
Ross , the chaplain at the last school that I was teaching, did not like wars... and that was not a passive sentiment... He actively participated in meetings against wars and wrote to the government regularly... and blasted ALL wars... He wrote about Christian love and insisted that not only Christianity, but ALL religions were against war...
I had misgivings about his claim... and insisted that one cannot believe in peace and at the same time wage war...
That's where my misgiving about organized religion emanates... The religious groups point to their "Holy Books" and insist that their religion advocates peace... I on the other hand, point to their history and indicate that all they did is war with each other... I whispered to Ross that actions speak louder than words and its is not what the "Holy Books" write, but what organized religion does... Some burn witches on stakes and others chop the heads of the infidels... They decapitate...
I have told Ross that the Christian "Holy Book" should be ONLY the New Testament... Since whatever Jesus preached is a total departure from the Old... The "eye for an eye" of Judaism is NOT "turn the other cheek" of Christianity... I told Ross that Christianity is a REVOLUTIONARY RUPTURE and NEGATION of the Old ways... Christianity is a departure from the Old Ways...
For me the Old Testament is very similar to Greek and Roman mythology... But the New Testament is the living teachings of Jesus...
So we had debates... whenever we did not have other things to do...
The Seder Supper annoyed me... I told Ross that at the Last Supper Jesus talked about the last time He will be eating with them... the next time they will "see" him will be after the Resurrection and that's where the New will begin and that's how the rupture with the Old will begin...
Ross , hated the wars and pointed to the waste which the arms race generates... He firmly believed that we can feed everyone in the world and eradicate poverty when we devote our resources for the benefit of the people and not manufacture arms and armaments...
below the tons of waste that could have been used to feed and shelter
But check the cat and mouse game in the South China Sea...

Chinese ship are watching over U.S. Ship... They are playing a cat and mouse game with each other... and you never know... mistakes happen... and they may fire on each other... What if the mistake happens... ?
Confucius was for peace... Jesus was for peace...
Then why China and the U.S. are manufacturing arms and not food... Why cannot they feed the hungry in China and in the U.S. ... and the hungry of the world too...?
Check this absurdity... below...!!!!!
Four nuns of Mother Teresa slain by gunmen in Yemen...
What is it that they are unable to share... After all both sides are fighting in the name of Allah...!

The care home looked after some 80 elderly people... I am not sure what will happen now... !
How does Allah advocate the destruction of an OLD AGE HOME...?
How does Allah justify the killing of Missionary nuns... ?
How does Allah advocate the destruction of an OLD AGE HOME...?
How does Allah justify the killing of Missionary nuns... ?
religion... this time Muslims... One Shia (Iran) and the other Sunni
(Saudi Arabia)... are fighting in Yemen... a very POOR COUNTY...!
cannot they feed the people... instead of killing them...?
The Pope condemned the killings of the nuns...
But to be more credible I will suggest that ALL heads of organized religion... The Pope in Rome... The Moderator of the Anglicans in London, the Patriarch of Moscow... and the rest of the heads of Christian Churches... Also the rabbis of the synagogues and the muftis of the mosques... and the Dalai Lama and the Hindu and Sikh and Chinese and Japanese and Korean priest... should come together...
Organize a world conclave of ALL THE FAITHS... and denounce ALL the wars... and condemn the manufacturing of arms and ammunition...
Condemn the manufacturing of weapons... and advocate PEACE...
Let the Pope take the initiative... Let him invite all the heads to Rome... and let "organized religion" come out for World PEACE...
I am sure ALL the Gods of the various religions will be HAPPY...
I told this several times to Ross, my friend... He agreed... I suggested to him that he as the chaplain of our school might take the initiative and write to Rome... and may be all the students can sign the petition... Ross looked at me in bewilderment... and he never took leadership... !
Organized religion can do a lot... so far they have not... will they act on what they preach...?
I doubt it... I honestly do...
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