Ross did not have any faith in the leaders of organized groups... religious or secular it did not make much of a difference...
And I did not believe in organized groups...
Any group begins with good intentions, but then degenerates into a group hungry for power and survives by demolishing individual rights...
That's always the case... even with revolutionary groups and organizations...
The U.S. began with a revolutionary zeal and established a government "for the people and by the people...," but now it is in a state of crisis... The democratic rights of the people are under attack in the name of "national security..."
The Islamic Jihadist danger is real... Europe is in turmoil and the refugee crisis has not been solved...
Yesterday the Oscars were awarded... Best film Spotlight... When they announced the winner... I said, "politics..." and indeed it is a political game and hypocrisy... by the Hollywood elite...

The Spotlight... But also the Sins of the Press...
I have a question... Is only the Catholic Church corrupt and abusive... ? Is the Catholic clergy only sexually assaulting boys, and maybe girls...? I believe that all organized religions have their share of abuse... But the North American media and the Hollywood elite... have targeted the Catholic Church... and Christianity only...
I believe the Evangelicals are as corrupt as the Catholics and abuse boys too... other religious groups too... have their share of abusive behaviour...
Any temple...any church...any mosque and any the same... The only difference is that the Catholic clergy have been caught red handed... and others are still in the shadows... Sexual abuse of boys and girls has a long history and comes from the Egyptians and Greeks to us...
Targeting the Catholic Church and criticizing Christianity... is organized hypocrisy and abuse of power... I believe all organized religions are in the same boat... and the boat is fortunately leaking...
I hope soon...there will be more Spotlights... Spotlight on Evangelicals... Spotlight on Muslims... Spotlight on Jews and Spotlight on Buddhists and Hindus and all... Chinese and all the rest...
Shining the Spotlight just on one group is organized abuse of power... is organized hypocrisy... and just greed to make money...
Every now and then... If a writer or a journalist has nothing else to do... they write about Christians... they write plays about the stories in the Bible... and they distort and twist and abuse the truth... In case of plays... they have the ultimate excuse... It is fiction after all... they say...
Recently.. 'The testament of Mary' opened up on a Boston stage... The play is quite sexual... and believe it or is profitable...
Before it premiered on broadway in 2013, Colm Toibin's 'the Testament of Mary' began its life as a book. Actress Paula Langton portrays Mary in ‘The Testament of Mary,’ which opened at Boston’s New Repertory Theater...
From Broadway to Boston... and globally Christianity is free for all...
People use and abuse as they please... Shine the Spotlight... wherever they please,
but as long as they are focussing the Spotlight on Christianity...
But these writers abstain from writing about other religions... !!!
What are they afraid of... ? Islamic jihadists...? Vocal and militant minorities...?

Activists outside
the 2013
premiere of ‘The
Testament of
Mary’ protest the
play’s depiction
of the Holy
Mother ... Of
course the play
was "successful"
and now it is
staged in Boston...
Just a final challenge... If playwrights and writers in general are truthful enough... and courageous enough... Let them write about other religions too and try the same abusive approach as they write about Christianity...
As I began... I don't appreciate organized religion... I do not appreciate organized politics too... But I do not agree to shine the Spotlight only on Christianity and the Catholic Church... 

Opulence and decadence... in Hollywood...
Ross said; "You are going to the city of dreams...," referring to Hollywood... "and to the city of hypocrisy... too...," I added...The Hollywood elite was in its opulent best yesterday... But also at the zenith of hypocrisy... Just few blocks away there is the Hollywood skid row... and thousands of homeless...

Skid Row and homeless people... in Hollywood...
Once Ross coined; "Opulent homelessness..." after an Oscar night... "That's the reality...," he said...
Ross loved the movies... He did his best for the homeless... But here we are again... The opulence of Hollywood... and the misery of Hollywood...
I guess we can repeat... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair..."
Ross loved The Tale of Two Cities... and Ross loved life too...
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