There is a Church very close to my house... When I walk I pass by the church every day... The Church has a nursery... but the sign outside reads "nurtury..."
As I have mentioned before, I love etymology of word... and I love new words which catch my imagination...
Nurtury is a wonderful word... and whenever I pass by the church it puts a smile on my face... Beautiful...!
But the church has a sign which cautions the passers by and reads... "24 hour surveillance camera..." and after smiling for "nurtury," I get depressed for the "surveillance camera..."
Why the nurturing church will need 24 hours surveillance...?
It makes me think... and I tell myself, I told this to Ross also, that organized religions are at war with each other... for power and for material riches... Ross agreed with me, but not wholeheartedly...
So let's see...
Organized religion... Fighting for their Faith...Fighting for Islam... Fighting for their faith... That's what they believe in... and who can debunk them... They have faith and will power and money and weapons...!!!
Saudis and their Gulf State allies... Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Turkey... finance the Islamic-Jihadis and provide them faith too...
The Saudis lash bloggers who oppose their regime and faith... The King and Islam are supreme and they discriminate at their will... as they wish...

Cartoonist: Abdallah Jaber in Saudi Arabia... How to make Your House Quiet in Five Minutes...

Cartoonist: Salman Al-Malek in Qatari paper... Democracy in Action... and Working for Democracy... In the Middle east...
...And Check the Democracy Rankings... and since 2010 there has been no movement in the rankings...

Where there Organized Religion reigns... Democracy is just a fantasy... and the rulers of the world deceive the people by insisting that they are fighting to establish democracy in Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan... or anywhere else...
Democracy cannot be exported... and established by the sword... Democracy needs education and nurturing and civil society...
The West is in bed with the despotic rulers of the Middle East...
During the week the Turkish First Lady celebrated International Women's Day by announcing that the Harems of the Ottoman Turkey were educational institutions for young women... and it prepared the women for life... This is what Organized Islam believes...
They have Islamic-Jihadists and suppression of society... specially women...
Check sports in Islamic States... and in Islamic culture...
Ibtihaj Muhammad

It must be quite uncomfortable fencing in Islamic attire... While males dress comfortably... !

Islam oppresses women... The Christian Church... Catholics and Orthodox... exclude women...

Iran football (soccer) national teams... Why women should be covered... and men dress comfortably...
I DO NOT THINK the Gospels and teachings of Jesus... or the Quran and teachings of Mohammad advise men to suppress women...
But ORGANIZED RELIGION does suppress and oppress and discriminate against women...

These are teams from Afghanistan... It is not a Shia or Sunni dichotomy... Both sects discriminate...
When a priest from the Catholic Church used "Allah" for "God"... The government in Singapore introduced a law in parliament to forbid the use of "ALLAH" for the Christian GOD...
...And I was thinking that God is ONE... and in Arabic God is called Allah...
But organized religion distorts everything and makes everything to coincide with the material profit of the Church or the Mosque or the Synagogue or the Temple...
But it's not Islam alone... Christians discriminate and suppress too... The Church hierarchy is ONLY MALE... and the followers are at times quite racist... I personally have been subjected to racist discrimination and experienced racist attacks in schools... in church too...Some recent examples...

The Catholic congregation is unable to accept the Congolese priest as part of German society...
The congregation is not defending the priest... He resigned to be safe...
This is what they wrote... in German...

The Crisis in Ukraine... Is creating a conflict between the Russian... Ukrainian and the Catholic church... Each is attempting to get more of the congregation and more of the churches...It is a conflict to define and demarcate the terrain... for riches and for profit...
Why the church will be involved in defining the boundaries and the domain of each... What is it that they cannot share...?
![Russian Patriarch Kirill leads a Christmas Eve mass at the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow [Getty Images]](

The Russian Patriarch... The Ukrainian Patriarch... are at loggerheads... They infringe on each others turf... and also they reject each other... Very similar to the political turmoil which has placed the West the Ukrainian and the Russian political systems... against each other...

The West has NATO... The Church has the Vatican...
The Ukrainians have their own Patriarch... The Russians their own Patriarch and the Vatican has the Pope... and all three are disputing the boundaries and quarreling against each other...
Why the churches have to quarrel...?
What is it that they cannot share...?
Churches are not supposed to be for riches and for control...
Preaching the GOSPEL does not require lavish residences and does not require highly decorated churches...

Pope Francis is flanked by Catholicos Aram of Cilicia, Lebanon, left, and Catholicos Karekin II of Etchmiadzin, patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church ...
In the 1960's the Armenian church split...
Now the Catholicos of Cilicia (Lebanon) is controlled by one of the Armenian political parties... and one has to be an affiliate of that political party to be accepted to the seminary...
The Catholicos in Armenia is more or less controlled by the regime in Armenia...
Hence the Armenian church has been politicized...
It is the same with all the churches...
Now the Pope is open to the poor and the oppressed of Latin America and the world... Conservative bishops in Vatican and in the world are not that happy with the Pope's teachings...
But the two sides coexist...
The conservatives wait for the next Pope... Just like Americans are waiting for the next President...
The organized church is political and powerful too... The church is not only preaching the GOSPEL, but has POWER too...
And as in anything... Power corrupts... and as in anything which is organized the organization usurped power...
This is the funny side of Organized religion...
The conservative Jews, followers of Judaism... harass Christian priests in Jerusalem... They spit on them... Because that's what their Judaic learning tell them...
Organized Judaic Jews... and Organized Christians at loggerheads...!

In the latest incident, anti-Christian graffiti, written in Hebrew, was put on the walls of the Baptist House church in central Jerusalem reading “death to Christians” and “price tag.“
The Judaic tradition and Christian teaching have never been compatible... and in the streets of Jerusalem it is physically evident...

Trappist Monastery at Latroun, Israel where graffiti in Hebrew was spray painted early this morning and a wooden door set ablaze....
Fr Pizzaballa's intervention, unusually outspoken for a senior Catholic churchman, came after pro-settler extremists attacked a Trappist monastery in the town of Latroun.
The door of the monastery was set fire to and its walls were covered with anti-Christian graffiti that denounced Christ as a "monkey".
The incident is the latest in a series of acts of arson and vandalism this year targeting places of worship, including Jerusalem's 11th century Monastery of the Cross, built on the site where the tree used to make Christ's Cross is held to have been planted.
Slogans reading "Death to Christians" and other offensive graffiti were daubed on its walls.
The Jihadists are killing and massacring people in the name of Islam...
The Christian churches are in dispute for control of the congregation and riches...
The Judaism followers are harassing Christian monks and priests in Jerusalem...
The Evangelicals in the U.S. are supporting ultra conservative presidential candidates...
Organized religion is organized for power and not for preaching the teachings of Jesus or Mohammad or Buddha or Confucius...
After all, the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad and Buddha and Confucius are PEACE and HARMONY... But organized religion has been in wars throughout history...
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