Every morning I passed by the caretakers office and lunch room... on Monday after the Palm Sunday the head caretaker called me to his office... brought out a bottle of brandy and poured couple of glasses... It is the Holy Week and we had to mark it...
He said; "Salute..." and we bottomed up the brandy...
"Have a good day..., " I said and climbed the stairs to my classroom.
15 or 20 minutes passed... and then, Ross brought palm leaves to my classroom... early Monday morning after the Palm Sunday...He never forgot to bring also a cup of coffee spiked with brandy...
That was the start of the Holy Week...
Later during the day the students, few of them, brought woven palm leaves... usually shaped in cross... I displayed them for a year till next Palm Sunday...
I love the rituals... I love traditions... But I am rebellious like hell... and Ross could not come to grips with my many faces...
The Degradation of Women continue...It is sad when women have to expose themselves to be noticed!
I do not care how rich Madonna is... I do not care how popular she is... I do not care whether she is the best singer or not... I do not care whether she is a loved "artist"... She does not have the right to pull a fan's top and expose her breast...

Josephine Georgiou, 17, was attending the singer’s concert in Brisbane on Thursday when Madge pulled her on stage and pulled down the teenager’s top in front of a 10,000-strong audience.
Madonna was confused too... and told the fan; "You can do the same to me..."
The fan afterwards said...
She said that she doesn’t consider the singer’s
actions to be embarrassing, as only she has the right to determine
that. "Only
I get to decide if I’m humiliated or not. Why would people
assume I am humiliated by my own breast, nipple or body?" she told...
hilarious to me how much of a big deal it is to everyone."
Women are conditioned to accept the male chauvinist culture... and the degradation of women on a daily basis...
Check this too...I love to watch tennis... I follow the tournaments whenever I have a chance... I find it relaxing and very polite sports game... Unlike the violence in Hockey or American football...
Tennis, along with real football (soccer) is enjoyable and for me very much relaxing...
But on the week end Ray Moore, the director of the tennis tournament at Indian Well, California... made stupid comments... Check below...
"In my next life when I come back I want to be someone in the WTA because they ride on the coattails of the men. They don't make any decisions and they are lucky. They are very, very lucky," he said. "If I was a lady player, I'd go down every night on my knees and thank God that Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal were born, because they have carried this sport."
Also, he added... that women are "attractive prospects..." and cited couple of players like, Canada's Eugenie Bouchard and Spain's Garbine Muguruza...
Ray Moore elaborated his comments by... “They are physically attractive and competitively attractive,” he said. “They can assume the mantle of leadership once Serena decides to stop. They really have quite a few very, very attractive players.”
Madonna Does the degrading of women in her own way...
This guy, Ray Moore, does the degradation in his own way...
Also, Hillary Clinton...
... She is smart and men are not able to tolerate a smart lady... They want exposed nipples or women "down on their knees..."
"Down on their knees" is very lewd and sexist too... Just like Madonna exposing the fan's breast... is very stupid and sexist and lewd...
Fortunately in the tennis-incident women reacted and blamed the stupid director for his comments... loud and clear...
Women tennis number one, Serena Williams said..."Obviously, I don't think any woman should be down on their knees thanking anybody like that..."

Male players should condemn the Ray Moore comments too...Males should take the lead to get rid the world of wars and sex exploitation... and slave labour... and child labour... and
And on another note...They say North American kids are obese...! The say obesity is a disease... But then they come up with an ice cream sandwich...
It looks yummy and I am sure it is... But NO ONE NEEDS IT...
North America can feed the world with the food that we dump in the garbage or just the EXTRA that we eat ourselves...!
We just began the Holy Week and may be we will be able to contemplate how we can help each other and share what we have... and leave in peace and Harmony...
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