Monday 19 January 2015


Freedom of Speech is not a gift from Big Brothers...It is our fundamental right... But it must be defended...
My friend sent a note (see below) about freedom of speech and the debate that has flared up... I hope all will take a moment and think about it... I hope some will go back and re-read the blog posts... and send their notes to me... I will publish them...

Climb the highest peaks and declare your freedom of though...of speech and dare to defend it too...
Do not let Big Brothers intimidate you...
The Church has its own agenda to defend...
The governments have their own agendas to defend...
The Islamist-Jihadists are not the ONLY group threatening our rights...
Be vigilant and dare to defend your individual rights 
He writes...
I'm so glad this topic came up, I was getting bored of reading the blog, I just quickly scanned through the posts but now I read it word by word and feel interested. Maybe it's because I am part of it and people tend to pay more attention to things they are apart of but I'm contemplating on going back and reading some of the older posts more carefully. I feel your pain with the Armenian Genocide as the Ukrainian Famine also creates pain for me, I would imagine it's the same pain you feel about the Armenian Genocide. 

Check the convoluted logic... below...
He declared...the attack was in retaliation to the "cartoons"
Then he said...
The attaches were for the West (U.S.- France-England-germany...and the rest) killing Muslims...

Check what this bearded leader said...
First, he claimed it was in revenge for Charlie Hebdo's printing of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed. Al-Ansi then went on to state in much greater detail that the attack was in response to France and the West killing Muslims: "We will tell you once again ... stop spilling our blood." And then he urged Muslims across the world to "take vengeance for Muslim blood spilled."
The sad issue is that... The Islamist-Jihadists are killing and torturing and maiming and beheading MORE Muslims than all the other countries and Big Brothers combined...
I guess with his double-talk and his behaviour... he should join the club of Big Brothers Without Borders...
They may deceive some of us for sometime... but they will not be successful in cheating us all the time... Their lies will be exposed and their followers will abandon them...
This is what happened to four Azeri Muslims... 
Azerbaijan is one of the Islamic culture counties that provides more fighters to the Islamist-Jishadists... Four fighters deserted and were captured... Now they are arrested and condemned for treason... and will be executed, that is... beheaded...
Is there a difference betweeen Islamist-Jihadist barbarism... atrocities and Christian- Patriarchy...?
Check the end result... the end product...
A few years ago, Glyzelle was begging for food. 
This week, she was in front of thousands of people, asking Pope Francis why God lets children suffer. 
Check the hypocrisy of the Church...
The Pope kisses and then abandons the poor to pray...
If I remember correctly, Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss too...
Questions for ORGANIZED religion... be they Christian or Muslim or any other religion...
Why the Vatican and the other churches divest their properties and feed the people...? 
Why not organize a fund for the poor instead of building another church...? 
Why not feed the kids instead of kissing them and abandoning them to prayer...?
Is the Christian Church any better than the Islamist-Jihadists?
May be there is a difference of degree and not a difference of the essence... both have abandoned the people and are enriching themselves and their churches and Vatican bank accounts...
Catholic, protestant, orthodox... Islamist-Jihadists... jewish and all the rest... organized religon is part of the Big Brother club...
They are the Big Brothers without Borders...
Check the stats released by Oxfam... Today...
and answer the question... whether the church and other organized religion have any blame to share...
Here is the bare truth... ugly as it might be...
The wealthiest 1% will soon own more than the rest of the world's population, according to a study by anti-poverty charity Oxfam.
  • The charity's research shows that the share of the world's wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% last year.
  • On current trends, Oxfam says it expects the wealthiest 1% to own more than 50% of the world's wealth by 2016.            
The research coincides with the start of the annual Big Brother gathering of  World Economic Forum in Davos...                                                                                     
The street people and the others... attracted by the glitter in the store...
Check the sad truth...of Global wealth...
                 Now       and   Projections
                  owned by richest 1% in 2014
               owned by richest 1% by 2020

  • $1.9tn       wealth of 80 top billionaires - equal to bottom 50% of rest of world
  • $600bn  increase in wealth for 80 top billionaires in 4 years - or 50% rise
  • $750bn   drop in wealth for the poorest 50% of the world in 4 years

A migration without end...

The Invasion of the Unwanted... Cargo ship carrying '700 migrants' docks in Italy

The smugglers... have abandoned the ship and let it drift...

The drifting ship... and the 700 Europe...

The Central American migrants... traveling to the U.S. of A.
They will face the hardships... hunger, beatings and rape...
They will climb any fence... they will bring their newly born with them and scale the search of a more peaceful life...
No matter what Big Brothers of Europe and North America legislate... they will not be able to stop the wave of migration...
If the people are tortured... If they are hungry... If they are unemployed... if they are raped... If they are subject to Ebola and other diseases... If the political power of the state exploits them... If organized religion, be it Christian, Islam or otherwise have abandoned them to prayer...
No matter what the he governments in Europe and North America legislate...
No matter how many Davos forums they will have in Switzerland... 
They will not b able to halt the invasion of the UNWANTED...
If there is GLOBALIZATION of business, then there will be GLOBALIZATION of labour too...
We live in a Global Village reality...
Neither the Popes nor the protestant preachers... or the Islamist-Jihadists and other religions... will be able to stop the osmosis of peoples...
The poor will invade the richer and greener pastures...
That is the LAW of HUMAN HUGER...
and the PEOPLE will prevail...
I do not know where you stand... but it is time to be inspired, and be motivated and stand up to be counted...

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