Saturday 24 January 2015

Eliminate the THEM and US... In our ONE WORLD there is only US...

Things that WE DO...

Discretionary power and authority to decide and judge is very dangerous... Good intentions are not enough and I will not relinquish my individual rights willingly to order that he/she will decide for me...
There were the "benevolent despots"... in European history... like Frederick II of Prussia, Joseph II of Austria and Catherine the Great of Russia...
But benevolent despot is oxymoronic to say the least and in another phrase can be described as "enlightened dictators..."
But essentially they are dictators...

  • The Saudi king may be "benevolent" on the one hand and order the imprisonment of reporters who criticize him...
  • In Russia... Putin may be benevolent for his followers and extremely dangerous for his opponents...  he is fighting a war in Eastern Ukraine... and bombing people... today 30 civilians died from a bomb that was fired by seperatists supported by Russia...

Rockets kill 30 in Mariupol as rebels launch offensive

  • Yesterday the Western "democracies" announced that 6000 Islamist-Jihadists have been killed since the bombings began... of course many more civilians were killed too which were not announced... 
Human life is not worth anything when it is from "them" and not from "us"...

As long as there is the dichotomy we and them, I and the other... and as long as the governing norms of society are based on profit and greed... as long as the world is based on the 1% and the 99%... It is very dangerous to rely on the "benevolent despotism" of Big Brothers...
Some may call it... "trickle down" charity...

When it comes to religion...

Jesus tells us to bless those who persecute us, to return love for hate and good for evil, and even to love our enemies. 
Loving your enemies certainly includes supporting the foundational commitment to free speech, and defending the right of free speech, even, or especially, for those who offend you."Christianity as a philosophy...tells us to embrace the poor and to forgive the enemy...
That is to share and not only tolerate but love...each other...
Check the examples below...
They demonstrate the danger when we limit our rights and let others decide for us...

Item 1...

A federal judge gave a four-year prison sentence Friday to a 19-year-old Colorado woman who admitted guilt in wanting to become an ISIS bride and participate in its jihad in the Mideast.
She is one of the first Americans to be sentenced for conspiracy to support ISIS and received a sentence that was also recommended by prosecutors seeking to send a message of deterrence.
"I am deeply humbled by this opportunity to grow," she said.
"I do not believe I am a threat to society and I ask you to allow me to prove it," she pleaded to the judge.
Conley's mother waved to her with tears in her eyes as Conley was led out of the courtroom. Later her parents released a statement online criticizing the U.S. legal system for making an example of their daughter in trying to discourage others from turning to extremism. If "the government is willing to sacrifice the future of a 19-year-old American citizen to drive the point home ... then we feel the terrorists have won this particular battle in the war on terrorism."
  • Conspiracy to support ISIS... means she was not a member... and she had not DONE anything YET... 
  • Sending a message of deterrence... means that she is being sentenced to make others afraid...
I have said before and I have written in many blog posts that what the Islamist-Jihatist are doing is barbaric and inhuman... ALL THEIR REASONING AND THOUGHTS AND ACTS... run contrary to all civilized human values...
But this 19-years-old teenager is confused and misguided... may be we should reason with her... educate her and demonstrate to her that she is misguided...
To send her to prison to deter others is similar to the logic of the Islamist-Jihadists... to the reasoning of ISIS... that is, they behead people just to scare their enemies...
When their is us and the enemy... that is North Americans and ISIS, then the discretion and power are dangerous tools...
And think from the other side...
An Islamist-Jihadist prosecutor and judge will behead people just to deter us, the North Americans...
Scary logic that only Big brothers comprehend...
May be we should eliminate the causes of WAR...  maybe we should eliminate GREED ... and abolish the them-us logic and embrace JUST US... MAYBE OUR DECLARATION SHOULD BE EXMANDED AND READ... WE THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD...

Item 2...

Song lyrics that glorify violence are hardly uncommon. But a prosecutor in California says one rapper's violent lyrics go beyond creative license to conspiracy.
San Diego-based rapper Tiny Doo has already spent eight months in prison, and faces 25 years to life in prison if convicted under a little-known California statute that makes it illegal to benefit from gang activities.

Mark Geragos, criminal lawyer in LA, says the district attorney may be trying to send a message "that you shouldn't glorify or glamorize gang activity."
"The problem is you're going to run straight head-on into the First Amendment," he said. "If they don't have anything other than the album, this case I don't think would ever stand up."
It is just discretionary power and a judgement call...
I do not like rapping... Classical music relaxes me... but I will not ban rapping and loud music and I will not ban lyrics of any kind...
I hate violence... I abhor the glorification of violence in any form... and where do be stop... why condemn the violent lyrics of one sort and permit violent lyrics of another...

Item 3...

American Sniper   

American Sniper is a movie that glorifies war... albeit, Hollywood style...
It divides the world between them and us... a very simplistic dichotomy... It makes us hostage to the concept that when they are killing is BAD and when we are killing is for the GOOD of ALL...
I will not see this movie, usually I do not attend movie theaters...
But this movie helps to perpetuate and to educate North Americans... that WE are the GOOD, and THEY are the BAD...

To many viewers on the political right, Clint Eastwood's "American Sniper" is a patriotic film that celebrates a war hero and doesn't shy away from the truth about the terrorist threat.
To some on the left, it glorifies an unjust war while paying homage to an unapologetic killer with a simplistic, good-versus-evil view of the world.

I guess we should rise above the WE-THEM division and BAN ALL WARS... Maybe we should rise above the concept of WE-The GOOD and THEM-The BAD...
May be it is time to realize that it is time to realize that we have ONE WORLD SHARE... and there is only US, THE CITIZENS of the ONE WORLD...

A footnote to the movie...
On Friday, i.e. yesterday, Taya, the wife of the American Sniper, was left searching for words after the nonprofit organization awarded her family $62,000 from its successful rifle raffle.
The group auctioned off five rifles from its site. One of the rifles was a replica of the McMillan .338 Lapua sniper rifle that Kyle used in combat, which Taya, the wife of the American Sniper, signed.
They claim that the movie does not glorify War and barbarism... but is just a testimonial to TRUTH... But, what they do not say is that the TRUTH according to them... and the reality based on THEM and US... which from the point of view of HUMANITY is fundamentally flawed...

God commanded... Thou shall not kill... it is a simple command and has no qualifiers... that is there is no such thing as...Thou shall not kill, but...
There are not buts... there are no ifs... in God's command...
And here is the last item...
She is glorifying her funny behaviour and exploiting her body... for riches...
So to tell the simple truth... she is following the routes of so many before her... selling her body for money...

I absolutely do not like it... but I absolutely will defend her right to publicize her "funny behaviour" and make money out of it...


Check below...

Josie Cunningham says she doesn't care people call her Britain's most hated woman - because it earns her money.
She claims to have "the UK's most controversial boobs" and receives continuous online abuse.
In 2013 she appeared in The Sun, tabloid,  boasting about her boob job courtesy of the tax payer - on the NHS.
She's also sold tickets to the birth of her daughter... 

Josie says: "Everybody just thinks I'm this fame hungry bitch but actually I'm a hard-working parent.

So the lady has learned how to SELL HERSELF... and there is money in it...

Despite the fact that I do not approve her behaviour and her abuse of the media... I will NEVER think of banning her...
Free speech has no limits...
I though about these "items" and they reinforced my convictions that...
1. Big Brother is not reliable... they are guided by GREED and not by the GOOD OF THE PEOPLE...
2. Social norms allow the people who have power to abuse it...
3. Our societal values and norms and beliefs are based on the dichotomy of them and us...
4. That they are the bad people and we are the good people...
5. That discretionary power is dangerous and it sucks...

...And because of all these... power should rest with the people and the rights with the individual...

Big Brothers are abusing the power and riches which they possess...
The Islamic-Jihadists are barbaric and not my cup of tea... they have turned the civilized world up side down...
The terrorist do not solve any problem... in fact, they are part of the problem... they are the other part of the Big Brothers...

Be inspired... Get involved... and make the world a better place for ALL... ban the wars and abolish the them-us division of the world... 
It is difficult... but it can be done...

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