Saturday Reflections...
A Reader/Student writes...from Toronto, Canada
I just watched the documentary, Citizenfour, with a few students, teachers, and the principal at Hot Docs Bloor in Toronto. It is related to current world problems that we as a generation must deal with in the present and the future.
The documentary is wonderful and scary at the same time since it shows how so much is going on behind the scenes at the government level with Big Brother tracking everything (EVERY SINGLE THING) and preventing our freedoms. They might even be spying on this conversation... :) There is so many things in this world that we as a generation must deal with to prevent things from taking a wrong turn in the near future. Thanks for reminding us that the world is on fire and that we need to have fire in us to put it out.
And not to mention, the terror attacks that have been in the news in the past couple of months, pollution, epidemics, and many more.
Long way to go for humans...
As he refers to "the world is on fire"... The previous blog post... He contemplates taking up the challenge and stand up to be counted...
The "silent majority"... the "moderate" middle are just impotent and irrelevant... READ BELOW...
Islam was invented in the 7th century, Muslims have followed
Muhammad's example to commit violence against Hindus, Buddhists,
Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Baha'is, Shintos, and Atheists.
ideology, since its inception, is political and designed to dominate the world under one
totalitarian Sharia system clearly outlined in the Qur'an.
This is no different than a brief recounting of history throughout which the "radical" minority overpowered the "peaceful" and "moderate" majority.
- In 1939, only 6 percent of Germans were members of the Nazi party. But, within less than ten years, however, that 6 percent caused the death of more than 66 million people and the destruction of entire European regions. The peaceful majority of Germans were irrelevant...
- Stalin killed more than 50 million people, nearly one third of Russia's population. Stalin starved the Ukrainians...The peaceful majority of Russians were irrelevant...
- The Ottomans massacred more than 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. The peaceful majority of Muslims and Turks were very much irrelevant.
- The Japanese slaughtered more than 30 million throughout Southeast Asia. The "peaceful" Japanese were again irrelevant...
- Mao Zedong's regime killed well over 50 million people, over 30 million alone during his "Great Leap Forward." The "peaceful" and "moderate" Chinese were irrelevant...The peaceful majority living throughout the entire Southeast and Asian region were irrelevant...
- More significantly, on September 11, 2001, there were 2.3 million Muslims living in America. It only took 19 "radicals" to kill nearly 3,000 Americans. The majority of "peaceful" and "moderate" Muslims in America and worldwide are irrelevant.
They say 15-20% of the Muslims sympathize with the Islamic-Jihadists...
let's consider the lower limit of 15%... and calculate...
15% of 2.08 billion = 312 000 000
This is equal to the entire population of the U.S. of A. at least in numbers...
reality is that nearly the entire population of America, among one
group, is devoted to destroying Western civilization.
The question remains: who will be irrelevant in America?
The question remains: who will be irrelevant in America?
We should expand our rights and freedoms... NOT LIMIT THEM according to religious whims of any kind...
Pope declares that free speech has limits too...
much is too much? As throngs turned out across France to support
freedom of speech and buy Charlie
Hebdo’s “survivors’
issue,” featuring Muhammad on its cover, Pope Francis said that
insulting anyone’s religion is likely to draw a “punch in the
of thousands of Muslims protesting the magazine worldwide seem to
agree. The pontiff wasn’t excusing the terrorists, emphatically
denouncing those who kill in the name of religion.
he warned that provoking believers was bound to draw a reaction and
that we have to respect the faith of everyone...
police, meanwhile, have arrested several suspected militants and
remain on high alert for reprisals.
I realize that the Pope has forgotten the times when they were indeed omnipotent and burned the "witches" in the thousands... that in the past few years so many priests were accused of sexual offences... that the Crusades maimed and plundered... that the Catholics and Protestants devastated Europe almost a century after the Reformation... The Catholics and the Protestants fought each other for supremacy in Europe and the Irish situation is the remaining dispute between the "Christians"...
Why anyone will have limits... when organized religion maims, beheads, burns, rapes and dehumanizes God's creation... the human beings...
Again they got it wrong...
Niger, Africa...
Protesters set churches on fire...
Churches and French interests have been targeted in Niger - a former French colony
Police earlier fired tear gas to disperse some 1,000 youths in front of Niamey's grand mosque
Saturday's protests began outside Niamey's grand mosque with police using tear gas a day after at least four were killed in the second city of Zinder.
At least two churches have been set on fire in the capital of Niger amid fresh protests against French magazine Charlie Hebdo's cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
Ignorance is not bliss any more...
The leaders of the hoards in Niger... should know that it was not the Church or the Christians who published the cartoons of the Prophet... but Charlie Hebdo from the French non-religious sector...
Christians ARE NOT THE OWNERS OF CHARLIE HEBDO... but I think it is too much to ask from people who do not have the experience to distinguish between RELIGION and POLITICS... between CHURCH and STATE...
Because Islam is political to start with... and it was initiated by wars between the cities of Saudi Arabia... just like the wars among the various principalities in Europe...
Ignorance is not bliss any more...
The leaders of the hoards in Niger... should know that it was not the Church or the Christians who published the cartoons of the Prophet... but Charlie Hebdo from the French non-religious sector...
Christians ARE NOT THE OWNERS OF CHARLIE HEBDO... but I think it is too much to ask from people who do not have the experience to distinguish between RELIGION and POLITICS... between CHURCH and STATE...
Because Islam is political to start with... and it was initiated by wars between the cities of Saudi Arabia... just like the wars among the various principalities in Europe...
Pope Francis cuts short visit to typhoon-hit Tacloban, Philippines...
I was hoping for a miracle...
May be the Pope would have stopped the rain and the typhoon...
But my hopes were in vain...
Tropical Storm Mekkhala forced Pope Francis to cut short his visit after the Mass...
The Pope told the faithful that "so many of you in Tacloban have lost everything. I don't know what to say - but the Lord does… He underwent so many of the trials that you do"... Indeed, I was hoping for a miracle... After all, Jesus calmed the sea and walked over it... I followed the ceremonies on my TV set... But my hopes were in vain... I was hoping that the Pope will continue and tell the people that the Vatican will get rid of the centuries of accumulated riches and feed the hungry... But my hopes were in vain... I have read in the Bible that Jesus told to the Prince... sell everything and follow me... and later added that it is easier for the camel to go through the Needle's Eye than the rich princes going to heaven...
I was hoping for a miracle...
I am still hoping for a miracle... But my hopes are not confined to the princes of the Wall Street or the princes of the Vatican...
My hopes are with the people of the world... they will do the right thing and they will triumph...
I hope... and since I hope... I will prevail...
Power to the people...
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