Read the interview below and be inspired...get involved and make a difference...
People need your help... Share your time and wisdom with them and make a difference...
We may dismiss him as another "no-good-hoody"... We may dismiss him for whatever reason we may find... But actually his principal cares enough so as NOT TO SUSPEND them...
I have always argued that suspending a kid from school or kick them out for the easy way out... is the dumb way out... it is the stupid way out...
Actually, principals who suspend students are admitting that they have failed...and they do not have any clue how to educate and help the kids...
These principals should be dismissed... We should be allowed to dismiss principals who are detrimental to the well being of the kids... who suspend instead of educating...
The educational system should not be held hostage to Union privileges... The unions and GREED should not decide the mental well being of the kids... and the Big Brothers and Boards should not determine the policies...
The neighbourhood communities and parents should be the decision makers... and not the administration, or the Boards or the politicians...
Student committees + Parents councils + Neighbourhood councils should make the decision... and no principal or teacher should have life long tenure... They have to prove their commitment everyday... and educate the kids... and not be their for a secure salary...
Read below...
"Who's influenced you the most in your life?"
"My principal, Ms. Lopez."
"How has she influenced you?"
"When we get in trouble, she doesn't suspend us. She calls us to her office and explains to us how society was built down around us. And she tells us that each time somebody fails out of school, a new jail cell gets built. And one time she made every student stand up, one at a time, and she told each one of us that we matter."
“This is a neighborhood that doesn’t necessarily expect much from our children, so at Mott Hall Bridges Academy we set our expectations very high. We don’t call the children ‘students,’ we call them ‘scholars.’ Our color is purple. Our scholars wear purple and so do our staff. Because purple is the color of royalty. I want my scholars to know that even if they live in a housing project, they are part of a royal lineage going back to great African kings and queens. They belong to a group of individuals who invented astronomy and math. And they belong to a group of individuals who have endured so much history and still overcome. When you tell people you’re from Brownsville, their face cringes up. But there are children here that need to know that they are expected to succeed.”
your biggest goal in life?"
"I want to make it out of
the hood. I don't have to go that far. But if I can just live an inch
outside, then I'll feel safe and know that I'm straight."
When given the chance, kids appreciate it...
When given compassion and understanding... kids act in kind...
When kids are suspended and banished and punished... there will be indeed another prison cell built
is the student government president at Mott Hall Bridges Academy. For
anyone who hasn't seen already, we are currently holding a
fundraising campaign to provide the students at Adrian's school with
an annual visit to Harvard.
Instead of taking the students to the zoo, to Disneyland, to a car show... they want to take the students to Harvard...
A wonderful way to make them inspired and motivated... to raise the bar and expectations... instead of just dismissing them as no-good-hoodies and suspend them...
Instead of the kids, we should suspend the Big Brothers, the Boards of Education, the principals, the teachers...
The kids know whom to trust... the kids realize whom to thrust...
Give EVERYONE a chance... to grow and to breath and to BE...whatever they aspire to be...
Why Praise and Glorify WAR...?
A WAR in any other name... is still professional killing... and it kill people and destroys lives and property...
The release of the film American Sniper has led to an increase in threats against Muslims in the US, according to an Arab-American civil rights group.

Bradley Cooper has been nominated for best actor at the Oscars for his role in American Sniper
movie degrades and dehumanizes people from the Middle East and Arabs
in particular... Hollywood has special skills to divide the world
into THEM-US dichotomy...
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has written to
director Clint Eastwood and star Bradley Cooper.
film is based on US soldier Chris Kyle's service in Iraq from
ADC said a "majority of the violent threats we have seen over
the past few days are result of how Arab and Muslims are depicted in
American Sniper".
organisation, which describes itself as the largest Arab civil rights
organisation in the US, said it had collected "hundreds of
violent messages targeting Arab and Muslim Americans from
movie-goers", mainly from Facebook and Twitter.
“Western democracies”... have always relied on this simplistic
and childish duality... you and I, them and us...the bad and the
good... the black and white... The soviets and the west... the
Chinese and the Western democracies... the evil Russians and the
angelic Americans...
is a huge propaganda machine in the hands of Big Brothers... they
want this simplistic idea of the world so as to have free hand in
subjugating all the rest (the them) and profit from it... and satisfy
their GREED...
the stats...
- The
British have invaded 193 countries out of the total of 203 countries
that are UN-recognized (195) or not UN-recognized (8).
- France
, the US and Israel have invaded 80, 70 and 12 countries ,
consequences of British invasion for greed-based conquest (as
opposed, for example, to invasion for the purpose of liberation from
Nazism in WW2) ranged from total or near-total dispossession and
extermination of hundreds of unique Indigenous peoples in the
Americas and Australia to the active and passive mass murder of
scores of millions in Africa and China and India...
ignored yields history repeated.
in the 21st century is still invading and devastating other countries
( Mali , Libya , Iraq , Afghanistan ).
satisfied with Britain 's First Syrian War (WW1) and Britain 's
Second Syrian War (WW2) , the UK is now presently engaged in Britain
's Third Syrian War. Similarly, not satisfied with Britain's First
Iraqi War(1914-1932), Britain's Second Iraqi War (1941-1948) ,
Britain's Third Iraqi War (the 1990-2003 Sanctions War in which 1.7
million Iraqis, half of them children, died avoidably from imposed
deprivation), Britain's Fourth Iraqi War (the 1990-1991 Gulf War in
which 0.2 million Iraqis were killed) , and Britain's Fifth Iraqi War
(2003-2011 in which 2.7 million Iraqi died, this including 1.5
million violent deaths and 1.2 million avoidable deaths from
war-imposed deprivation), the UK is now engaged in Britain's Sixth
Iraqi War (2014- onwards, with thousands of Iraqis killed and
thousands more to die from war-imposed deprivation in what seems to
be an endless war for oil and hegemony).
invaded Australia on 26 January 1788 and this is celebrated as
Australian Day by White Australians. However Indigenous Australians
commemorate this event as Invasion Day in remembrance of the
continuing Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Australian
in which 600 unique Indigenous groups and dialects disappeared, with
only 150 remaining and of these all but 20 severely endangered.
Britain has invaded 193 countries - all but 10 of the world's 203 countries -
and continues to illegally invade other countries for oil and
The Western democracies have invaded and invade other countries with impunity...
The Russians invade other countries and the West is furious... the Chinese cheat and the West is indignant because they see their profits shrink...
is the most powerful expression of racism... Decent, anti-racist,
pro-peace people around the world resist
the Big brothers who invade other countries... and a proposal...
Maybe the UN should designate a day, and I propose April 24 when
Armenians commemorate the Genocide perpetrated by successive Turkish
regimes against Armenians... as WORLD INVASION DAY... and let schools
and communities educate people about the brutality of war...
The Human Cost...
Do the Big brothers of the East and West and North and South CARE...?
Fighting is ranging in the east of Ukraine... and towns and villages are devastated and people are maimed and killed...
The heaviest fighting was said to have taken place around the town of Debaltseve
- Some
5.2 million people live in conflict-affected areas and 1.4 million
are considered "highly vulnerable and in need of assistance"
- More
than a million people have fled their homes with 633,523 living as
displaced persons within Ukraine and 593,622 living outside Ukraine,
mostly in Russia
- More
than 5,000 people have been killed in the fighting and more than
10,300 injured
...And do the Big brothers of the East and West and the North and
the South CARE...?
I guess their GREED motivate them to invade other countries and kill at will...
It's not only Russia invading Ukraine... but the "democracies"
invading Iraq and the Middle east and ...
The UN should ban the wars...and the people of the world should protest... The SILENT MAJORITY is irrelevant...
Be inspired and
Get involved...and
Make a difference...
Promote PEACE and HARMONY...
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