Travel more... Visit friends... Check the exotic... Learn from different cultures... educate yourself... and CREATE PEACE and HARMONY... within and without you...
Obama is headed to Saudi Arabia to meet the new King Salman and pay his respects following the death of King Abdullah last week.
Check what he said about the DICTATORSHIP of Saudi Arabia...
Barack Obama in
an interview with CNN reporter, Fareed Zakaria, defended
the need to maintain a close alliance with Saudi Arabia, a
strategic U.S. ally with a poor human rights record.
even as the U.S. works closely with the Saudis on common strategic
goals like counterterrorism, Obama said he and his administration
continue to apply "steady, consistent pressure" on
issues like human rights.
Obama explained... "Sometimes we have to balance our need to speak to them about human rights issues with immediate concerns that we have in terms of countering terrorism or dealing with regional stability." |
If the West can "apply steady, consistent pressure" on the
despots of Saudi Arabia... why they attacked Iraq and initiated
the uprisings of the "Arab Springs" in the rest of the Middle
East... ?
The results of the Arab Springs are quite obvious by now...
1. Iraq is still in turmoil... after the invasion of the West...
2. Libya has become an Islamic-Jihadist bloodbath...
American has been killed in the terrorist attack at a Libyan hotel...
The Islamist-Jihadists attacked a luxury hotel where government officials and foreign journalists and diplomats stay...
This is the result of the Arab Spring in Libya...
3. Syria is in civil war which is the result of the so called Arab
Spring... and there is no end in sight... because the West is still
supporting "moderate" Islamists...
4. The Islamic State led by ISIS is the direct result of the invasion of Iraq and Arab Springs...
Check the latest activities...
A video file posted online Tuesday purports to relay a new message from Japanese ISIS hostage Kenji Goto: He and a captive Jordanian military pilot will be killed in the next 24 hours if Jordan doesn't release a convicted would-be suicide bomber.
But still the West does not get it...
They are after all political hegemony in the Middle East and economic GREED... they want the Arab oil... and the Arab Spring is just another euphemism to satisfy their GREED...
Arab lives do not matter to the Big Brothers of the West and the East and the North and the South...
What matters is their profit and satisfying their insatiable GREED...
They are still practicing and playing "war games"... Check below...
NATO military exercises are currently underway... and yesterday, Monday, eleven people died after a Greek air force F-16 jet crashed at
a base in Los Llanos in southeastern Spain, authorities said... Nine
were French military personnel, and two were Greek pilots... and twenty people were injured, all those hurt are either French or Italian...
The participants in this "NATO WAR GAMES" are the United States, the United Kingdom (i.e. England-Scotland-Wales-Northern Ireland), France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark and Greece, the Spanish air force reported last week...
are playing "war games"... so as to kick the hell out of
the Arabs establish political hegemony and economic gains...
Maybe the West just wants the Arab oil and they cannot care less you kicks whom...
Maybe Saudi Arabia is a good political model... and the West can teach the other Arab states... how to be despotic and have poor human rights record...
The ONLY requirement... follow the West...and NATO...
al-Bataa died after undergoing surgery in 2013
The West is doing its utmost to cover up for Islamic-Jihadists atrocities...
Read below... This is accepted Islamic practice... where women do not matter and where men dictate the women's destiny and way of life...
Egyptian doctor has been convicted of the manslaughter of a girl who
died after an illegal female genital mutilation procedure, activists
of FGM were dismayed when Raslan Fadl was acquitted in November of
charges relating to the death of 13-year-old Suhair al-Bataa.
after an appeal, a court in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura sentenced
him to more than two years in prison.
campaign group Equality Now called the ruling a "monumental
FGM was banned in Egypt six years ago, it remains widespread.
The Saudies are allies... and so they are GOOD... Only sometines they imprison journalist... they stone women... they behead prisoners...
The Islamic-Jihadists in Egypt are friends with the Saudies... so they are friends with us... so they are GOOD too... only sometimes they mutilate women... they burn churches... they rape foreigners who do not follow Islamic dress codes...But remember... the Saudies are our allies and THEY ARE GOOD...
The Saudi King is not like Bashar-El-Assad or Like Saddam Hussein or like Muamaar Kadaffi... The Saudi King is OUR ally and he is GOOD despite his shortcomings... like beheadings and stoning and mutilations...
A friend sent me this note yesterday...
This picture shows the prime minister of India wearing a suit with his name stitched into it over and over again. This reminded me of you because I remember you telling us never to be full of yourselves and to be humble. Clearly this man is not humble and clearly he is not working for his people, this picture just shows that he only cares about himself and not the people he is supposed to be serving. It kind of ties into all your blog posts about big brothers not giving a damn about anyone but themselves.
Anyways just a quick picture.
India's prime minister Narendra Modi wore pinstripe “name suit”... to meet Barack Obama.
spell out Modi’s
Check it closely and you will be able to read... and be inspired...
The Indian Army Sikh Regiment marches in Monday's Republic Day parade in New Delhi, attended by President Obama as a sign of warmer U.S.-India ties. Modi displayed might and military... and wore his Name-Stripe suit... |
I have always admired the beauty of the peacocks...
But Modi has lots to learn...and imitate the peacock properly...
I bet he will succeed... eventually... Maybe even before his term is over...
I bet he will succeed... eventually... Maybe even before his term is over...
Correct is metamorphosing us into a herd of sheep... grazing and munching and not caring about the droppings...
They are turning us into below average intelligence... robots...
Check below...
They are turning us into below average intelligence... robots...
Check below...
Cumberbatch, 38, told Smiley, a PBS interviewer:
"I think as far as colored actors go, it gets really difficult in the UK, and I think a lot of my friends have had more opportunities here [in the U.S.] than in the UK, and that's something that needs to change.
Read it carefully... He is clearly defending the black actors and wants EQUAL opportunity for them...
But few smart ass reporters and some nothing-else-to-do-below-average-intelligence-robots have criticized him for using the word "colored"...
"I think as far as colored actors go, it gets really difficult in the UK, and I think a lot of my friends have had more opportunities here [in the U.S.] than in the UK, and that's something that needs to change.
Read it carefully... He is clearly defending the black actors and wants EQUAL opportunity for them...
But few smart ass reporters and some nothing-else-to-do-below-average-intelligence-robots have criticized him for using the word "colored"...
gone wrong -- we're not being representative enough in our culture of
different races, and that really does need to step up a pace,"
Cumberbatch said. "It's clear when you see certain migratory
patterns that there are more opportunities here than there are in the
Cumberbatch issued the
following statement to People magazine on Monday: "I'm
devastated to have caused offense by using this outmoded terminology.
I offer my sincere apologies. I make no excuse for my being an idiot
and know the damage is done."
The moronic robots made Cumberbatch to apologize...
The moronic robots made Cumberbatch to apologize...
"I can only hope this
incident will highlight the need for correct usage of terminology
that is accurate and inoffensive. The most shaming aspect of this for
me is that I was talking about racial inequality in the performing
arts in the U.K. and the need for rapid improvements in our industry
when I used the term."
"I feel the complete fool
I am and while I am sorry to have offended people and to learn from
my mistakes in such a public manner please be assured I have. I
apologize again to anyone who I offended for this thoughtless use of
inappropriate language about an issue which affects friends of mine
and which I care about deeply."
Haven't they learned that a rose by any other
name will still smell like a rose...?
The name does not matter... the concept is the
Did the French demonstrate recently in defense of FREE SPEECH...?
Read the item below...
He said in his ruling that the name Nutella was the trade name of a spread that is commonplace in Gallic homes... "And it is contrary to the child's interest to have a name that can only lead to teasing or disparaging thoughts," he pronounced.
I have seen people named Rose... Honey... Bunny...
This is General Arse Biscuites and here is Fire Penguin Disco Panda
...And of course this is Hand majic... and Wayne Gay...
Who is the judge to decide...?
It is abuse of power and "I-know-better-than-all-of you" Judge... I guess the only thing we can say to this judge an Big Brothers like him... FUCK OFF... GET OUT OF OUR FACE...
Ice and water covering the streets...
Wind and snow playing with the passers by...
Some play... and are happy...
Some stay at home and enjoy the family...
Mother nature is beautiful as usual...
People appreciate the fun...
and Central park .... New York... invites us to be thankful... to nature...
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