Monday 1 December 2014

What's in a Word...?

What’s in a Word...?
Words have lethal power... they create controversies... they even create wars...
Words have a life of their own... they breath and evolve... We have to be careful how we use them... in our passion... in our rush... 
Words reflect the left over from our hearts... use them at your own peril...

Some examples...

1) Persian the historic when there was a Persian Empire... Now the Arabs want it to be called Arabian Gulf...                                                             
The name will not change the reality...but the name will create a conflict of its own...

2) Some called it Northern Ireland...which has three more counties –mostly Catholic, and some called it Ulster – it has three less counties... and protestant majority...                                                                                               
Names create controversy... and antagonism...

3) The Republic of Nogorno karabagh... is an independent far as the local Armenians are concerned... But the Turks and Azeris  will call it Province of Nogorno Karabagh... a province of Azerbejan...                                         
The name signifies the political status of the region...

4) People’s Democratic Republic of... Korea... or Congo... will be a propaganda piece... These countries are neither democratic or belong to the people...

5) The Great War...the War to End All wars... did not measure up to its “greatness”... WW II surpassed it in atrocities and scope and violence... So now it is World War I and World War II...

6) A much maligned term... terrorist... for one side the fighters are terrorist... for the other side they are “freedom fighters”... and we hear the side that will appeal to us and appease our senses... No logic... Just Big Brother propaganda...

And within WWI ... other controversies... A British reporter explains...

Other Great War events remain contentious, not least what I always refer to as the Armenian Holocaust (with a capital "H"), the genocide of 1.5m Armenian Christians at the hands of the Turkish Ottoman government in 1915. It was the first industrialised genocide of the last century - the second being the Jewish Holocaust - and the two mass acts of slaughter had clear historical connections. The Turks suffocated thousands of Armenians in caves - by blowing smoke from bonfires into the cavities where they had imprisoned them in the Syrian Desert - and thus created the first primitive gas chambers.

Armenian men were sometimes taken to their execution in railway goods wagons. And junior members of the German Kaiser's army who were training the Turkish army at the time witnessed the genocide; more importantly, some of the names of these Germans turned up less than a quarter of a century later as members of Hitler's Wehrmacht in the Ukraine and Belarus, where they were helping to organise the mass killing of Jews. There's no doubt where they learned how to do that.

An image from 1915...
Turkey deported two thirds of the Armenian population; many were either killed or died of starvation during the journey many years ago, therefore, I used the phrase "Armenian Holocaust" in The Independent. A sub-editor immediately changed the capital H to a lower-case h. My phone did not stop ringing. Armenians were outraged. Why did they not deserve a capital H, they demanded to know? Didn't the Turks murder enough Armenians to qualify them for a capital H? I wrote a long memorandum to my then editor, Simon Kelner, explaining that it was racist to make a distinction between two genocides; we could not base our definition on the numerical difference between 1,500,000 and 6,000,000. Besides, Israelis (as opposed to the state of Israel, which doesn't even regard the Armenian catastrophe as a genocide) refer to the Armenian massacres as the Armenian Shoah - using the Hebrew word for Holocaust. Kelner later published my memo as an article in The Independent - and it won the DC Watt journalism award. If the these are not enough... the Big brothers create new controversies... and new definitions... like they are doing in Ukraine... in the Middle East... Big Brothers like Tony Blair and the rest, need controversy to cover their GREED... they create controversy to demonstrate that the other side is even worse... so they plead; “stick with us...”

But it is up to us... the “little” people... to get inspired from the example of the Hong Kong youth and make a stand... and get involved... I am sure it will make all the difference...

Get acquainted with Spider Monkeys...

A new study observes male spider monkeys killing male babies in order to prevent further sexual competition
They are cure...they even look smart... But they are scared of competition... So they kill the newly born order to avoid competition...
I guess... when Big brothers wage war... They are imitating the spider monkeys... I guess it is the Big Brother's way of understanding "Back to nature"... movement...

A question...
What do Big Brothers and spider monkeys have in common...?
Both kill their young males... Big Brother does not have the courage... they send the youth to war... others do their dirty job of killing... at least the monkeys do the killing themselves...
Big Brother... and spider monkeys... behave the same way... evolutionary theories must be true... after all... despite the Newly Born and Born Again Christians...
Monkeys rule...!

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