After the Winter Solstice... Come Christmas...
Yesterday we celebrated the Winter Solstice... Winter is fun when you decide to enjoy the cold and the snow and the rain... But if you decide to complain and be a pooper...then your ills compound and compound and you will be more miserable...
So enjoy the day... find a way to celebrate... After all, it is the season to be jolly and happy and sharing and promoting peace...
The solstice is beautiful... the shortest beautiful day...

Find a way... your own way to spread happiness and PEACE...
The solstice at Stonehenge...
It still bothers me... The world is not what it CAN be...
or what it should be...
The Media…pundits… babble…
There's a sad irony in the fact that one of the great tests of America's freedom of speech should involve a movie that, according to some reviewers, utterly sucks.
Variety magazine calls "the Interview" an "alleged satire that's about as funny as a communist food shortage, and
just as protracted." Yet this "comedy" about two TV guys tasked
with assassinating North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has sparked a cyberterror campaign that amounts to extortion.
The Politicos…pundits… lament…
No one should kid
themselves. With the Sony collapse America has lost its first cyberwar. This is
a very, very dangerous precedent... Laments Newt Gingrich...
And the public is
fed up of the doublespeak and Big Brother rhetoric… Check below...
Here is a sample...
Here is a sample...
"Simply put, at a certain point - given the accumulated damage in industry relationships, in corporate practices revealed, in class-action lawsuits from its own employees, in potential liability nightmares - The Interview was no longer the hill that Sony wanted to die on," he says.
If Americans want to get upset over something, he says, they should be
less concerned with violence spawned by shadowy hackers and more worried about
studios no longer being interested in pushing the bounds of political satire.
"Freedom of expression will no doubt endure, greater battles than
this will be won, firewalls will hopefully be secured, and corporate emails
will likely get a lot less freewheeling," he concludes.
…And cyberattacks are skyrocketing… I think this is the people’s way to retaliate to the Big Brother diktats…
and greed and arrogance…
Why will anyone want to make a farcical… stupid… movie about
assassinating a “leader” of a country…?
- The country may be dictatorial, according to us…
- The leader may be stupid, according to us…
- The leader may be a “communist dictator”, according to us...
- The country maybe on OUR terrorist list…
- We may not like the way the country is run… we may not share the way their leader dresses, acts, smiles, conducts himself, his politics, his choice of cigars, his choice of cognac…
- ... and all the rest…
But the questions…
- Who gives us the right to make fun of any assassination…?
- Who gives us license to promote violence in our culture…?
- Why our video games have to be saturated with violence in the name of free speech…?
- Why our sports should be swamped with violence…?
- Why we have to promote killings and shootings in our movies…?
- Why we have to manufacture guns…?
Guns promote violence and guns kill…
Two policeman killed on Saturday... This type of "payback" is drenched in blood and does not solve anything... We cannot stop violence by committing violent acts... This type of "logic" is screwed up and indeed sucks...
Two policeman were shot in New York…on Saturday… in the name of justice
to retaliate police shootings of unarmed African Americans… in New York… in Ferguson… and in other places...
These killings are misguided and stupid...
These killings are misguided and stupid...
Guns kill… and Blood begets blood…
Wars are not the cure for ANYTHING... History is the living proof of it…
It is Christmas… PROMOTE PEACE… and BAN THE WARS…
Killing is taking the life of a human being... and
I do not know any reason to kill someone...
It is the Season for sharing the joy...
The back and forth accusations continue... The hackers are mocking the FBI... the Big Brothers are competing for adjectives... and if the conventional adjectives are not sufficient, they are inventing new ones to describe the "Sony Hacking" and the "Sony Hackers"...
It is amusing to read the back and forth between TWO FACTIONS of the Big Brothers...
I guess the Big Brothers are acting funny to amuse us all...
In today's news the back and forth continues non stop... If you have time scan the e-outlets... and you will be entertained...
The back and forth accusations continue... The hackers are mocking the FBI... the Big Brothers are competing for adjectives... and if the conventional adjectives are not sufficient, they are inventing new ones to describe the "Sony Hacking" and the "Sony Hackers"...
It is amusing to read the back and forth between TWO FACTIONS of the Big Brothers...
I guess the Big Brothers are acting funny to amuse us all...
In today's news the back and forth continues non stop... If you have time scan the e-outlets... and you will be entertained...
- I do not care if "The Interview" is released on not... The Variety magazine said it sucks... and I am sure it does...
- I do not care if Hollywood is embraced about the gossipy revelations from the hacking...
All of this is not about "freedom of speech"... as they pretend... but it is about political hegemony and profit and greed...
So to be honest... It is amusing to see the Big brothers squabble about the profits and exposing their greed...
Jordan has executed 11 men convicted of murder, ending an eight-year moratorium on the death penalty in the country.
Jordanian authorities gave no reason for the
lifting of the 2006 moratorium on capital punishment.
So why will Jordan travel backwards...?
The U.S. example is sufficient to refute the naive argument that executing people is a deterrent... It is just revenge and make us feel good about ourselves...
Killing someone does not deter people... because when someone is getting ready to kill... I believe they do that because they have "lost it..." They have become deranged...
Wars demonstrate the failure of HUMAN LOGIC and REASON...
Killing anyone demonstrates our inability to convince people... so we resort to our ANIMAL INSTINCTS... that is, POWER...
But, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...
Still celebrating Advent day by day...
My neighbour has all the house lit... My neighbour's house is in joy... and all dressed up and ready to party...
I put up outside lights too... not as extravagant as my neighbour's... but enough to be noticed...
Our house is in joy too...
I have been lazy, but soon I will put up our Christmas tree too...
The Prince of PEACE is coming to town...
My neighbour has all the house lit... My neighbour's house is in joy... and all dressed up and ready to party...
I put up outside lights too... not as extravagant as my neighbour's... but enough to be noticed...
Our house is in joy too...
I have been lazy, but soon I will put up our Christmas tree too...
The Prince of PEACE is coming to town...
Wake up with a carol in your heart and get involved... Make peace on earth reality
It is Christmas... initiate new routines... and celebrate PEACE and HARMONY...
Be active and usher in PEACE...
Be active and usher in PEACE...
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