Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Pope in Turkey... Big brothers - Religious or political - are the same... All are motivated by GREED...

 The Pope visited Turkey…
The Crusaders failed… So did Pope Francis…

By his visit the pope gave Turkey legitimacy in its  hypocritical politics… and human rights record…
I have no clue why… What was the Pope expecting from Turkey…?
Turkish president...welcoming the Pope

There were three major issues that the Pope wanted to raise…

1. Respect for Christian and other minorities in Turkey and the Middle East… and freedom of worship…
The Turkish President did not promise anything… only urged the Pope to work in Europe for tolerance for Islamic fundamentalism – the corner stone if Islamic-Jihadist recruitment… That is Turkey wanted the Pope to support Islamic atrocities and terror…
Read the statement…

"I sincerely believe that you cannot say that all Muslims are terrorists just as you cannot say that all Christians are fundamentalists; every religion has these little groups," the pope said.

Just a question…
Muslim terrorists… and Christian fundamentalists… Since when these two are equal…to each other… I have never come across to a Bible thumbing fundamentalist who advocates massacring minorities…!
Why the Pope equated these two groups…? Ignorance…? I don’t think so… It is just kowtowing to the Turkish president in his vision of a new Islamic Empire… and ingratiating the Turkish arrogance... Obscuring the Turkish Human Rights record and imprisoned journalists…
What the Pope received in return… absolutely NOTHING…  
Also… the Islamic-Jihadists are not a SMALL group… and they control vast areas of Iraq and Syria… and there are no Christian fundamentalist groups who control countries and have political power…!
Why equate these two…?
God works in mysterious ways… and the Pope is attempting to emulate His mysterious ways…
Pope Francis and Mehmet Gormez, head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, sought common ground...

2. The Pope wanted Turkey to respect the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide… The Turkish president did not yield an inch… and afterwards the Pope praised the Turkish President for his statement few months ago apologizing to Armenians about WW I atrocities… The Turkish President did not admit the Armenian Genocide and the Pope praised him for concealing the historical facts…
Check what a Catholic reporter writes…
The Pope visited the Armenian Patriarch in Istanbul hospital...

Then there was the Armenian question, and in particular the question of the Armenian Genocide, the hundredth anniversary of which falls next year. Again, this was seemingly raised by the Pope, but from what he says in the plane, one gets the distinct impression that Mr Erdogan did not give an inch, and neither is the Pope prepared to push him further. This is a huge pity. It will come as a major disappointment to all Armenians and all Catholic Armenians in particular. It will disappoint all those who feel, such as myself, that there can be no justice without truth and that the Armenians are victims of a continuing historical injustice. It will disappoint many Turks, those disenchanted with Mr Erdogan, too.

Indeed what a waste of time and opportunity… to do the Christian thing and push the Turkish President for the truth…

3. The Pope wanted to advance Church unity… Catholic and Orthodox reconciliation… Then he made an strange announcement…that the conservatives both churches are unwilling for rapprochement… This is very curious and strange… So far I have not encountered any Catholic leader-bishop or Orthodox priest-bishop who is opposed to church unity… it is difficult…Of course… but not one is against the ecumenical rapprochement of the churches…

Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople embrace during an ecumenical celebration in the Church...

And after the Pope, Putin travels to Turkey for another suck up…  There must be something…I do not know what…in Turkey… that Kerry visited… the Pope visited… Putin will visit…
America sucked up to Turkey…
The Pope sucked up to Turkey…
And now it is Russia’s turn…
I guess the Big brothers are afraid that the Islamic-Jihadists will issue and order and behead these leaders…
Big Brothers have another way of talking with each other… another way of sharing the loot and harmonizing the profit… GREED also has its mysterious ways…like God…and the Pope and Kerry… and Putin…
May be it is time people learn from the youth and students in Hong Kong…

Be inspired by them… Get involved… and MAKE A DIFFERENCE…

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