The strandbeest Creatures 
The strandbeest creature-desined and invented by Theo jansen
He is wondering how may the creatures evolve to walk by themselves?
He wants artificial intelligence (AI) to take over so as the Strandbeests will be self sustaining and self propagate...!
Intriguing and futuristic... will it come true...? Will he succeed...? Maybe...
After Stephen Hawking speculating that AI robots will eventually end the human race... I believe that Jansen's concept is viable... What a treat for the Miami beach... and all those who enjoy the beach...
Check what he is saying about his project...
and Artist Theo Jansen...
Meet...Artist and Futurist... Theo jansen
...Other creatures... Theo Jansen will take them to Miami...
Jansen describes them as ‘skeletons that walk on the wind, so they don’t have to eat’.
He compares their creation to an evolution of ‘new forms of life’, and plans to
leave them to ‘live their own lives’ in herds on beaches. Theo Jansen is not
just in the business of making sculptures.
Check below for more explanation from the artist ... futurist... scientist...
When we imagine artificial intelligence – the
technology warned about by experts like Elon Musk and, few days ago
by Stephen Hawking – we might think of sleek robotics…robot like creatures…looking
like humans… It’s unlikely that many would picture tubes and polymer sails
lumbering along a beach.
Jansen, who is 66 years old, has big plans for his
creatures. “Within the next 20 years I want the animals to be independent from
me, so they take their own decisions – when to walk on the beach, what to
anchor themselves against during storms or when to move away from the water.”
He acknowledges that he’s trying to accelerate the pace of
evolution. “AI means that you teach a beast to learn, and I’m not that far yet.
I’d love to go to that stage of evolution, but I’m afraid my animals are still
very primitive and you couldn’t even compare them to a worm,” he says. “They’ve
only been around for 24 years, and normally evolution takes millions of years.
I’ve a very short time – maybe I’ve still got 20 years to live – and I’m in a
hurry with the evolution of the beast.”
they are still basic, the Strandbeests are now more self-sufficient. “They’ve
found better ways to protect themselves against storms, they have sensors that
feel the water and feel the hardness of the sand. They’ve become better and
better at surviving on the beaches.” One development means they can now walk on
soft as well as hard sand. “It’s easy to walk on hard sand because they’re
pushed by the wind, but on soft sand they need a special drive system which is
driven by pressed air.
the animals have a way of storing the wind,” says Jansen. “There are wings
which go up and down in the wind, and there are pumps connected to those wings
which pump air into bottles at high pressure. The pressed air can drive muscles
– ski poles that lift the animal and help push it over the soft sand.”
often strays into the language of the engineer, and it’s easy to forget that
his creatures are also beautiful. “I don’t want to make ‘nice’ animals, I just
want to make surviving animals,” he says. “They can be very nasty; my
relationship with the beasts is different from what it is with people or
animals. They are so low in their evolutionary development I still see them as
The Rise of the Halal Vacation
The Big brothers will bomb them... But for a buck or two them will do anything... Imagine Hawaii without bikinis... Imagine a dry Munich without beer... Imagine Portugal and Spain without chorizo ... their specialty of pork sausage... But it is happening for a buck or two... Halal-friendly, similar to kosher, tourism is gaining momentum... the Muslims have money... and the Westerners are GREEDY for money... So from Europe to Asia... from Spain to Japan and Korea... people are jumping on the profitable tourism... they are offering alcohol-free minibars... making prayer rooms available with their special prayer rugs... and providing women-only swimming pools... The governments are bombing them... the people are welcoming them... ***
They will never Learn... The Big brothers are Greedy and profit chasing and stubborn bums.
Read the passage below very carefully...
Raed Fares, a Syrian broadcaster at odds with
both the Assad regime and ISIS - the Islamic Jihadists, is lucky to be alive. Gunmen sprayed him with
bullets, shattering bones in his shoulder and puncturing a lung, but he
continues his humor-tinged protests on YouTube and Facebook.
Under constant threat of assassination, Fares is smuggling
U.S.-funded radios into Syria to give people the opportunity to hear the news
of their own struggle, with commentary that spares no one, especially not
The Big Brothers provided electronic gadgets and initiated the "Arab Spring..." But now... Iraq is in shambles... Libya is being overtaken by Jihadists... Egypt pardoned Mubarak just last week... Their policy failed... but they NEVER learn... they are still continuing their crusade against the Assad regime... knowing full well that if Assad goes... Islamic Jihadists will step in...
May be that is exactly what they want... who knows what a buck or two will do... who knows where there greed will lead them... to... and it is the SEASON FOR PEACE...!
:Today is the seventh day of Advent:
Wake up with a carol in your heart and get involved... make peace on earth reality
Be active and usher in PEACE...
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