I was going to start when Ross and I were planning to visit a mosque... But then a funny thing happened...

that is, shit-pooh frequently...
I have not studied biology-zoology... In fact at school I studied very hard for that course... but no matter what, I barely passed the course...
The bird caught my attention and made me happy... and just then and there... I decided to share the poohing bird with you...
I went out to the backyard... checked what had happened... and left it there... It changed my mood for the better... I was in my backyard... under the oak tree... I looked up and checked the twigs that the bird played with... The oak tree is huge and when I look at it I always wonder... "How many leaves are on the tree...?" I have no clue...
In the backyard I wondered... what if a human had done all that the bird did... I attempted to imagine my reaction... I contrived my plan of action... 911...? Chase him out...? I decided I would have done both... I will do both...
The bird made me happy... the human distorted the beauty... !!!!!!
I went back into the house...
Ross, the chaplain at me school, came to my class one day and was curious if I will be willing to visit a mosque with him... I told him that most probably they will not let us into the mosque... He said; "Let's try..." and i went along with him...We phoned the office of a nearby mosque... and checked if we can visit them... The man on the other side of the phone was cordial and did not oppose... We sat a date...
Ross and I went to visit them...

Ross thanked and we bundled our disappointment and went to a nearby bar... We drank our disappointment out...
I remembered all this while reading about Europe and what is happening there... My daughter lives in Europe and I check what the latest news is from that part of the troubled world...
I remembered Ross and his disappointment... and wondered what would have been his reaction to the migrant-refugee crisis in Europe... Would he have said, "They are allowed..." ? Would he have dismissed the situation as the essential by product of White Men's Burden... The inevitable by product of the invasion of Afghanistan... The invasion of Iraq... and the so dubbed "Arab Spring..."
I wondered all morning what would have Ross said... what would have he done... and then the bird poohed in my backyard and for few moments I was happy...
But the question remained with me... What would have Ross done and what would have he said...? What will happen to Europe...?
woman, with her fist raised, defying a uniformed march of neo-Nazis
in Sweden
I would have not imagined that Sweden will be a stage where civilizations clash... But it is happening right now... all over Europe...
I wonder if there will be a reconciliation or the clash of civilization will open the way to neo-Nazi thugs...
I wonder if Ross would have connected the bird's pooh in my backyard... The neo-Nazi gangs in Europe and the Islamic-Jihadist-fascists in the Middle East and in Turkey...
Neo-Nazi movements have been on the rise in
Sweden and other European countries as a result of the migration
crisis. The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party is the third
biggest political force in the country.
country, which has a decades-old reputation for welcoming refugees
and political asylum seekers, has introduced tighter border
controls in an attempt to control the influx.
Germany, Sweden is one of the main destinations for migrants
trying to reach Europe. Tensions there have been heightened by
arson attacks on asylum centres and other cases of violence.
... Is the, Islimazation of Europe the main impetus for the growth and bold resurgence of neo-Nazis ...
Has Big Brother leadership placed its greed and profit chasing before the humane and Judaeo-Christian culture of Europe...?
I wish Ross was around and answered my questions... ! |
... And still the... Islamization of Europe Continues...
... And still the... Islamization of Europe Continues...
The Swedish Green Party has Islamisation Problems...
party's problems started when Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan, a
Green Party member and former leader of a Swedish Muslim youth
group, resigned last week after media reports that he had contacts
with ultra-nationalists and Islamists in his native Turkey. Though
he denied any wrongdoing and the party leadership defended him
until the end, he stepped down when a video surfaced of Kaplan
comparing Israel's treatment of Palestinians to how the Nazis
persecuted Jews.
emerged where Kaplan and other Muslim members of the Green Party
were seen holding up four fingers, a hand gesture used by the
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. One of them, a Green Party youth
leader, walked into the picture during a live broadcast on Swedish
television and flashed the sign behind the presenter.
course the gesture isn't illegal in “liberal” Sweden but many
Green Party members questioned whether the brotherhood's
conservative views are compatible with the feminist and
gay-friendly platform of the Swedish Greens.
biggest outcry came after Yasri Khan, a 30-year-old running for a
seat on the Green Party's executive board, refused to shake the
hand of a Swedish TV reporter. He said shaking hands with someone
from the opposite sex is too "intimate," and instead put
his hand on his heart in a Muslim greeting.
deputy head of Sweden’s main Turkish association stepped down in
disgrace after calling for death to Armenians. Speaking to a small
crowd in Stockholm, Barbaros Leylani urged Turks to awaken, and to
kill what he branded "the Armenian dogs.”
at Sergels Square in the center of the Swedish capital, Leylani
also said: "Let us show Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe what Turkey stands for. We do not like blood, but we can let the blood flow when it is needed," the Swedish publication Dagens Nyheter reported.
... And here is...
Adonis, greatest Syrian-Lebanese Arab poet , who lives in Europe now says...
Adonis, greatest Syrian-Lebanese Arab poet , who lives in Europe now says...
... But the... Islamization of Europe Continues...
The oil barons and their greed and profit chasing...
Fort McMurray in western Canada is burning... The entire population - more than 80 000 - have been driven off their homes...
Even emperor Nero would have felt the devastation... and not enjoyed the fire... but the oil barons do not care... They will pollute the earth and they will extract profit out of the dirty oil sands... and unfortunately squeeze people out of their homes...
Check the devastation below...

People are fleeing through the fire tunnel...

It is total devastation... and I hope the newly elected government... instead of showing off the charm and cute face of the Prime Minister... helps the people...
The oil companies should help the people too...
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