The globalization of the world united us in a collective destiny never witnessed before...
The wars are not localized any more... and the elusive peace will not be localized too...
The wars in the Middle East, mostly instigated by the West-NATO and the U.S. has rippled through Europe... The Migration Crisis is the face of the wars in the Middle east... The crisis in the Middle East has developed a tsunami effect through global terrorism... and as yet the global community has no solution to the crisis... in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya, in Israel-Palestine...
The Middle East is transformed to the perpetual killing fields of the 21st century... Will it stop...? It's anyone's guess... But definitely it will usher in a NEW WORLD ORDER... What will be its shape... is a guess for anyone...
Will it be the total Islamization of Europe...? Maybe...
Will it curtail the U.S. global hegemony...? Again, maybe...
Will it initiate the decline of Judea-Christian civilization...? Definitely yes... The New World Order will be more democratic than the fake democracies of the West-NATO-U.S.
Democracies cannot be hinged to greed-profit chasing values of our capitalist societies... The New World Order democracies will be based on sharing and peaceful coexistence... of all nations...
The wars in the Middle East are the painful witnesses to the birth of the New World Order... The wars are the childbirth pains...

This is a projection of the face of the Turkish President Erdogan... It is styled as the face of Hitler... It appeared on the walls of the building of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin...
The projection was a reaction of German artists to the recent arrests of two Turkish journalists... because they offended the President and also printed news which the President's party did not appreciate...
The Turkish President has a very thin skin and takes criticism of his imperial ambitions as personal insults... His regime has punished more than 2000 reporters-journalists for insulting Turkishness or the presidency...
The Turkish regime even extended its reach to Europe and wanted to punish satirists in Germany and France and Austria... The president succeeded partially in Germany... a court ruled over the weekend in his favour...
Jokes About Erdogan Aren't Funny in Germany

The German government has allowed authorities to prosecute—if they choose to do so—Jan Böhmermann, a satirist who mocked the Turkish leader on TV... The judge ruled that Böhmermann is allowed to mock the Turkish president... but he should not refer to the president having sex with goats and animals and other sexual references...
By siding with the Turkish president... the German judge in fact arrested the free expression of artistic ideas... and handcuffed freedom of speech...
So if Big Brothers do not like anything they can refer to the German courts to curtail the free flow of ideas and criticism...
The Islamist-fascists of Turkey are exporting their authoritarian outlook and Islamic Sharia concepts to Europe and beyond... Now it is Germany... and then Europe and North America too...
For a century the Turkish fascists are denying the Armenian Genocide... and by their denials they are perpetuating the genocide...
But neither Europe nor minorities can survive in a Islamist-fascist society... The authoritarian Islamist Sharia laws do not allow democracy and stifle all human freedoms...
Last week fascist parliamentarians attacked Kurdish and Armenian PMs... in the Turkish Parliament...
Read below...
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