Ross, the chaplain and my friend, knew the danger of dogma and Organized Religion... He always reminded my of that... He said Organized Religion and democracy and civilization cannot co-exist...
Ross was a visionary and he foresaw the coming terror and brutal beheadings of Islamic-Jihadist fascism...
love football (though some call it soccer...!)... It is "the beautiful game"... It is an art in its own right... The game is athletic... and graceful... It looks like a ballet without the music... But the vociferous stands almost provide the missing music... the chants are civilized and comprise a touch of primitive and brutish ritual... It reminds me of the boys... chanting and dancing in circles around the head on the stick... and if when the chanting-dancing is not civilized... hooliganism takes over... riots take over...I love football ( some call it soccer...) and the passing and the curving flying ball... It is magic...
The game is not violent and that's its basic appeal to me... The North American "football" is not played by foot... and also is quite violent... I don't like it...
My student-engineer-friend plays football (some call it soccer) and he is quite good at it... That's what he says... I have never seen him play... but I do not have any reason not to believe him. I was thinking about football (some call it soccer) all day... Just because I read in the news that the father of the Afghani boy... who is a fan of Messi ( Barcelona player from Argentine...) was threatened... So he fled Afghanistan...
Organized Religion at it Again... ... "I received 20-30 unknown threatening calls in Afghanistan asking why I'm teaching my kid about football and not teaching him about the Quran," the boy's father, Muhammad Arif Ahmadi, has told the news outlets...

Here is the kid happy... displaying the autographed football jersey from Messi... Why people do not let kids to be kids... and force them into child labour... salve labour... force them to become child soldiers... Force them to be like the elders... imitate the stupidity of their elders and maim and kill and attack others... commit genocide... ?????????????????????????????????????????
It is the tragedy of our times...
Islamic-Jihadist-fascists... threaten the kid and his father and force them to escape to safety away from home...
... And the West... and North America... and NATO... invaded Afghanistan in order shoulder "the White men's burden..." and "introduce DEMOCRACY..."
Democracy is not a game... and it cannot be forced on others... Democracy cannot be forced fed to people who do not have the basic knowledge of civilized behaviour...
Democracy cannot be introduced to any community who take their basic knowledge from the "Holy Books"...
Organized Religion is NOT Democratic by its very tenets... be it Christian or Islam or Hindu or Judaism... or any other religion... Organized Religion imposes concepts and vision on its followers which cannot be question... and the interpretation of the Holy Book(s) MUST BE followed... and in case of Islam ushers in despotic rule and fascism... which directly rejects the democratic concepts of the West and North America...
Turkey is Sliding into Despotism... and Islamic Directorship...
Turkey's most celebrated auther Orhan Pamuc Speaks out...
Pamuc himself was subject to persecution for 10 years... when he wrote about the Armenian massacres and genocide...
has nothing to do with insulting the president. This is only about
silencing political opposition. This is about intimidating people and
scaring the country so nobody would criticize the government,"
he said following Belge’s court hearing.
has nothing to do with insulting the president. This is only about
silencing political opposition. This is about intimidating people and
scaring the country so nobody would criticize the government,"
he said following Belge’s court hearing.
hope the leaders of the EU when they are shaking hands with Turkish
leaders…would also occasionally talk about free speech," he
said loud and clear that one million Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were
killed in Turkey, and I stand by that. For me, these are scholarly
issues,' said Pamuk. 'I am a novelist. I address human suffering and
pain and it is obvious, even in Turkey, that there was an immense
hidden pain which we now have to face.' He went on to remind me that
the biggest obstacle right now was Article 301. This is a new law and
how it found its way into Turkey's new and supposedly EU-friendly
penal code is a subject of heated speculation.
301 ... is about "insulting Turkishness..." and Pamuk was
prosecuted under that law for his statement about Armenians and
But the EU and the West and North America will not listen to Orhan Pamuk and Turkish intellectuals... They will go after their greed and chase profit... and the Turkish leaders will massacre more Kurds... and prosecute more intellectuals... and stifle democracy...
In Afghanistan... the West-NATO and North America want to "introduce democracy..." and in Turkey they are silent when democracy is maimed and intellectuals are imprisoned...
This is the shameful face of the globalized Big Brothers... This is the deceitful face of the alliance of Big Brothers Without Borders...
... And "see" you tomorrow...
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