The Supreme Court decision... Clarence Thomas and the Movie Confirmation...

Death row inmate Timothy Tyrone Foster ...and Justice Clarence Thomas
The dead sentence is inhumane and against the God's law... "Thou shall NOT kill..." and ignorance in the higher up... is dangerous...
After all,
Who knows what will happen if ignorant arrogance, Donald Trump is at the top...!!!!!!!
The Supreme Court ruled Monday morning in favor of a death row inmate in a case concerning race discrimination in jury selection...
Tyrone Foster, an African-American, is on death row in Georgia for
the 1987 murder of an elderly white woman, Queen Madge White. The
jury that convicted him was all white. Twenty years after his
sentence his attorneys obtained notes the prosecution team took while
it was engaged in picking a jury, including marking potential jurors
who were black had a "b" written by their name.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion...
"The focus on race in the prosecution's file plainly demonstrates a concerted effort to keep black prospective jurors off the jury."
The decision came down 7-1 in favour of the inmate... and reiterated that jurors cannot be struck because of race... and ironically,Justice Clarence Thomas, the only black voice on the Supreme Court, was the only dissenting voice... And, I remembered the movie that I saw few days ago...

of sexual harassment... A rapt television audience of tens of
millions Americans heard Anita Hill describe a workplace environment
that included talk of oral sex and a pubic hair on a Coke... and
references to Thomas being black and having a long-big penis... and
persistent pressure for dating and sex...
Thomas, in a very astute and smart move, struck back by declaring that he was being subjected to a
“high-tech lynching” referring to his being black...
Dong Silver is a retired porn star... and He gained new fame when
Anita Hill testified that Clarence Thomas had mentioned to her that
he was a viewer of Long Dong Silver films...
Clarence Thomas struck to his guns... to his "Long Dong Silver..." and accused the senate for "high-tech lynching..." despite the fact that Anita Hill was black too...
The movie exposes how the Republican allies of Clarence Thomas accused Anita Hill of psychological disorders... That she has imagined things and that she desired to have sex with Clarence Thomas... They portrayed Anita Hill as a psycho... and lunatic... and a sick person having sexual fantasies...
The Democrats... kept quiet... not even a single sentence in defense of Anita Hill...

But he and his democratic buddies kept quiet white the others were ripping Anita Hill with "Long Dong Silvers..."
It was pathetic to see a group of all male senators sexually abusing a female witness... Just because she had dared to accuse one of their own with sexual harassment and they ganged up to make ALL Anita Hills realize that they, the males, have the upper hand... That they, females, if they want to work and rise up the ranks, they have to submit to the sexual whims... of their male bosses...
The all-male senate committee was transparent in their male chauvinism and pathetic in their impotent masturbation...

Kerry Washington as Anita Hill in the movie Confirmation... is scared and afraid of the powerful male club... the Senate Committee...

Kerry-Anita swearing "to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth..." and Senator Hatch... waving The Exorcist and accusing Anita Hill of sexual fantasies and psychosis... and NO one came to the defense of Anita Hill... The male chauvinist senate committee ganged up on her and all the females... They wanted to PUT the ladies in their place... scared Anita Hill...

The Democrats... John Mitchell, Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy... succumbed to the accusation of "High-tech lynching..." and kept quiet... John Mitchell even refused to meet with female senators who wanted to have a chat with him... and defend Anita Hill...
I suggest that you make time and see the movie on HBO... It is educational... and also it is a good movie...