Ross loved to walk...
He had given away his car when he was much younger... and now he walked to school every day... holding an umbrella when it rained and enjoying the sunshine competing with the clouds while wearing his straw hat...

In the Spring he had few places that he had to visit... There were few walks that he absolutely had to take... In the parks, across the river banks, in the nearby woods...and on the weekends in the downtown core... "The human jungle... The glass and concrete maze...," he called the downtown core... Both the "jungle" and the "maze" were his playgrounds on most weekends...
He lived by himself, but he never tolerated solitary confinement... "Life has to much to offer..." and I enjoy it... "and you know what...?
God wants us to enjoy it..." According to Ross not enjoying life was a sin... He advised people to go out and do whatever they like to do... "Don't listen to other... Go out and do whatever you fancy... God wants you to be happy and enjoy...," was his advice to all, younger students and older people... "Enjoy... and be happy... never mind the others..." He despised the dictatorship of society... and wanted everyone to break the diktats of social norms and mores... "Be yourself... and be happy... you are allowed...," I overheard him admonish-advice a teacher... and when he noticed me from afar, he winked...

He winked because he sensed that the teacher will not get and do what he was attempting to teach... He said, "Some teachers are unteachable...," and laughed one of his thunderous laughs... Obviously he was happy... and his joy was indeed contagious... It made my day...
On a Saturday in the spring, we visited High Park... a gem tucked well within the city... adjacent to the downtown core...

He loved the park... He loved the atmosphere... The amalgamated
milieu of trees, flowers, people, the scent of fresh are, the aroma of the flowers, the breeze whispering magical notes in your ears... and Ross was metamorphosed into a kid... He hopped around... inviting me to follow him...
Once he climbed a rock near the High Park sign... He stood there... motionless... his hands folded to his chest... and a smile hanging on his lips... He looked like a mischievous kid... The Rossie bouncing out of his skin... He stood motionless... five... and ten... and fifteen minutes... frozen in time and in space... Happy for his achievement... created by Rodin... maybe Michelangelo... maybe just Rossie...

The Thinker by Rodin... "I think, therefore I am...," said Descartes...
I waited for him... and he invited me to join him... and I did... We were on top of that cliff for about 30 minutes... Passers by were amused and smiled... Some wanted to talk... But we could not answer there questions... We were ossified... We were not there any more... and time and space and people were not part of our world... existence...
When we stepped down they applauded... People had fun too...
Ross was unpredictable and to look around with his perspective was a bonus to me... and all who walked with him...

We took a long walk in the park... It was for time our Cherry Blossom walk... Wonderful walk... and there was not much to talk... after our
marbleized adventure on the cliff at the entrance of the park...
We just enjoyed the atmosphere and the blossoms... Nature is marvelous... She protects us... and we should protect her... our symbiotic walk ended at the restaurant... We were hungry... and we were thirsty for a glass of wine...
...And more... From a Friend
I wanted to start off by letting you know that I don't get a chance every day to look at your blog, but at least every other I take a second to catch up on the ones that I've missed. Gives me a minute to stop and read something I enjoy. I had made a promise to a friend to read a book called What on Earth am I here for? The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I know he's a popular person when it comes to religion, but I have to be honest and say I can't stand his blind word for word following of the bible. I do not really enjoy reading that book, it's too narrow minded for me. Your blog however, gets me thinking. It opens up my mind to consider different views. I'm very happy that you enjoy my e-mails, because I definitely enjoy your blog posts.
I wanted to let you know something I think is super important about that designer "Islamic" clothing.
When I was in Turkey, I discussed a lot, with many different Turkish people, about their beliefs and the Quran. I learned something very interesting. The way they dress, their coverings for their heads and bodies, are actually NOT a religious belief.

I was told by a university professor that it isn't found in their holy book that women must cover up in this way. This means that the clothing is not RELIGIOUS, but is instead CULTURAL. I'm not exactly sure why, but it really bothers me when people confuse this. When the rest of the Middle East adopted Islam from Saudi Arabia, they not only adopted the religion and beliefs, but also the cultural habits and dress of the people. It is an Arabian cultural dress, not Islamic. This is why they do not all feel bound to dress in such a way. I don't know, call me a hippie, but I feel that God made us naked, so anything we put on our body is already showing disrespect. Covering up EVEN MORE...can't be more insulting to the being who made us in HIS IMAGE than that.
[Just a fleeting thought... Maybe the fig leaves should be sufficient...]

Some people insists that Michelangelo's David should wear a fig leaf...
I am clearly not a politically correct person hahaha.

My opinions define me, and I will never hide them because I'm afraid of offending someone. I am a Christian, I am Middle Eastern, a generation of my family was killed by Muslims in the genocide, I am dealing with cancer, I am a Star Wars nerd, I am a Disney princess, I am so much more, and I'm not ashamed of any of it. Who I am is a direct result of my environment and the people in it. They decided they had the right to convert, to live in certain areas, to end lives, to pollute the environment, to do whatever they wanted, and I've decided that I have those rights as well. I have the right to live my beliefs, to choose the places I want to spend my time and the people I want to spend it with, to be healthy (and to encourage people to be the same), to disapprove of negative energy, and to enjoy being silly and escaping reality. I think that people who feel the need to be politically correct have never really experienced racism, faithism, sexism, or any other isms out there, I always thought it made me stronger and more understanding of others. It's much easier to judge people for voicing their opinions than to voice your own for everyone to hear. It frustrates me because people are ashamed to show who they really are and what they really believe in.
I was laughing with a coworker the other day, we were talking about dating and attraction. She asked me if I would ever date someone black or Asian, I said not a chance. I simply don't find them to be attractive people. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Some people though, they get all up in arms and think that it's racist!

I have a very good friend who is Muslim, he asked me on a date. I had to tell him that as a friend, I love him, however there could never be a possible future for us because our religious beliefs would make it very complicated and it's something I'm not willing to compromise on. He was very understanding of it, and we are still very good friends. Other's think that is the most horrible reason I could ever give to not date someone. Is all of that racist?! Absolutely not!!!! It's just realistic and honest! Does it stop me from being friends with different people? No. Other people annoy me when they start to judge me about what they interpret as me judging other people.
I had to get that all out after reading your blog this afternoon hahahahaha please excuse my rant on political correctness...I don't know if there is anything that bothers me more than that. I hope it wasn't too bad.
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