Big Brothers of the World hate Freedom of speech and Freedom of Expression and Independent Thinking...
Check below...
The actor imagines Silvio Berlusconi's brain in Vladimir Putin's body...
and to imagine it... tickles my brain... It is intriguing and ingenious satire...
I love it...
Mocking the Big Brothers from Moscow to Italy is fun and fantastic too...
BRAVO and BRAVO again..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sergei Yepishev and Milena Tskhovreba in BerlusPutin...
I wish I could be there...
It must be fun to see Italian corruption in Russian skin...
A fearless Russian drama company has risen from the dead after being evicted from its premises in Moscow this winter... The eviction seemed at first to be a political death sentence, but does a theater with barely 100 seats really present a threat to Big Brothers...?
Actors, directors and supporters find another run down venue and renovate and redecorate... to make it cozy enough as their new theater space...
Oleg Karlsson, an architect, was one of hundreds who responded to SOS messages on Facebook. He donated his time and expertise to turn a semi-derelict structure - once part of an 18th Century nobleman's estate, and later a fish shop - into Doc's new base.
While renovating...
While renovating...
"We never went hungry because people [supporters] kept bringing in sandwiches and home cooked food. It was a great atmosphere."
"Teatr Doc's" new premises... When "We the People..." come together miracles happen...
The previous venue on fashionable Pushkin Square... from wher Teatr Doc was thrown out by the Big Brothers...
It Reads like a Kafka novel...
Then, one evening in December, as it started screening clips from a documentary on the political turmoil and bloodshed in Ukraine, police from a special anti-extremism division burst in and marched everyone out into the courtyard.
Yelena Gremina, a renowned playwright and the director of Teatr Doc
"We believe in freedom of expression..."
Teatr Doc has made its mark by reflecting the unvarnished reality of everyday life in Russia.
Theater is a powerful intellectual medium... and appealing to the intelligentsia of the cities...
In my youth I had friends who wrote and acted too... in "guerrilla theater..." It was fun and very effective... laughing at Big Brothers is good and healthy... mocking their excesses is indeed therapeutic...
In my youth I had friends who wrote and acted too... in "guerrilla theater..." It was fun and very effective... laughing at Big Brothers is good and healthy... mocking their excesses is indeed therapeutic...
One play which may have irritated the authorities was about the whistle-blowing lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, who accused tax officials and police officers of embezzling $230m. Shortly afterwards, he was arrested and died an agonising death in custody. Based on interviews and court transcripts, the title of the play One Hour and 18 Minutes refers to the period of time that medical treatment was denied to Magnitsky in his cell.
"The play showed how incredibly callous all of the policemen were, as well as the guards, the judges and the medical staff," says Freedman. "It was the story of a man simply hounded to death because he had information about government corruption."
I am sure Snowden, the U.S. whistle blower, would appreciate this play too...
And today...
I am sure Snowden, the U.S. whistle blower, would appreciate this play too...
Funny Friday... Maybe the secret agents were drunk...
I read today that a U.S. Congressman is having an affair with the lady who lobbies him... Having an affair with the person lobbying you is lucrative business... You get pay and you have love affair on top of the payment... The only caveat is that this congressman has a family... and also is in a huge CONFLICT OF INTEREST ... But then, that's nothing new for Big Brothers...
Of course the theater is in Russia... but Big Brother corruption has NO BORDERS...
From Russia to Italy and to the U.S. the Big Brothers are a UNION WITHOUT BORDERS...
In Russia they chokes FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION ...
In both cases they ignore "We the People..."
But I believe in the power of the people... get inspired and build new venues for all Teatr Docs.........................................................................................................................................!
This Item is outrageous...
The Big Brother police call the "We the People...," demonstrators, "enemy forces..." and "adversaries..."
Since when the demonstrators are the "enemy forces...!" The demonstrators are not the Islamist-Jihadists in Syria... They are the U.S. people... just demonstrating...
And you think this things happen only in Moscow...
It is all a farce... and "democracy" is only for the rich who pay the piper...
The Big Brother police call the "We the People...," demonstrators, "enemy forces..." and "adversaries..."
Since when the demonstrators are the "enemy forces...!" The demonstrators are not the Islamist-Jihadists in Syria... They are the U.S. people... just demonstrating...
And you think this things happen only in Moscow...
It is all a farce... and "democracy" is only for the rich who pay the piper...
As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as "enemy forces" and "adversaries" to refer to protesters...
Just a few Notes ... about Women in the U. S.
1) The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women -- or CEDAW, as it's known -- was adopted by the United Nations in 1979.
Only seven counties haven't ratified it...: Iran, Palau, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tonga and the United States.
2) Mothers of newborns are guaranteed paid leave in 188 countries, the World Policy Analysis Center reports...
Only nine countries do not guaranty this... Guess which one is among them? The United States.
The others: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Suriname and Tonga.
The others: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Suriname and Tonga.
3) In 2013, women who worked full-time, year-round in the United States were paid 78% of what men were paid -- or 78 cents for every dollar earned on average by men, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That gap, though, is worse for women of color: Black women make 64 cents and Latinas make 56 cents for every dollar earned by a white man.
And in politics...
- Women Representation is only 19.4% in the congress...
- Also gender equality is not guarantied in the constitution...
- And women in the U.S. are twice as likely to retire in poverty than males...
When democratic norms are based on money and profit... we cannot expect much equality... Since the more you pay to Big Brother electoral campaigns the more equal you are... and women do not make enough to start with... so they do not contribute as much to the Big Brother election campaigns...
Muslims threw 12 people off the crowded and leaky boat just because they
were Christians!!

Thousands of people each year make the dangerous sea journey from North Africa to Europe's Mediterranean coast, often aboard vessels poorly equipped for the trip. Many of them attempt the voyage to flee war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.

The dogs that survive on human refuse...
Thousands of people each year make the dangerous sea journey from North Africa to Europe's Mediterranean coast, often aboard vessels poorly equipped for the trip. Many of them attempt the voyage to flee war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.
More than 10,000 people have arrived on Italian shores from Libya since last weekend alone, according to the Italian coast guard...
Many die each year while attempting the voyage, often when boats capsized. Last year at least 3,200 died trying to make the trip. Since 2000, according to the International Organization for Migration, almost 22,000 people have died fleeing across the Mediterranean.
People migrate when they cannot survive the political and economic conditions in their countries...
In Africa it is poverty and Islamic terror... So people migrate to Europe...
But the irony is that the Muslims migrate to Christian counties of Europe and expect to be better... But once there they accuse the Christians of bias...
In the boat to safety...and to European shores... you expect that the migrants will show camaraderie... and help each other...
But not always... The Muslims on the boat threw 12 Christians off the boat and let them drown...
These people will never stop surprising us with their barbarity and cruelty and inhumanity...
The Opinion Pages| OP-ED COLUMNIST
Armenians and Ottoman Turks
"A century on, the debate over the killings continues."
The New York Times has posted a cartoon on Armenian Genocide by Patrick Chappatte who is an editorial cartoonist for The International New York Times.
But of course the Islamic-fascist regime of Turkey is on a denial trip... They say Islam is peaceful and they do not kill...murder... and genocide is an invention of the Western civilization...
As long as Turkey does not reconcile itself with its past and its genocidal policies... They will not go forward and join the civilized world...
They will be like the tadpole below... who has seized to evolve and resisted evolutionary forces...
The more Turkey denies the genocides of Armenians, and Assyrians and Pontic Greeks... the more they will be an outcast... and have allies like the Islamic-Jihadists and the reactionary kingdom of Saudi Arabia... and the like...
Tadpole shrimps are found in diverse places like China and Scotland... and it looks like they have stopped the evolutionary clock and they have survived through the ages as they are seen in this photo without evolving... They look very prehistoric...
The "Phallic" columns are wonders of nature... They rise up to
and condemn the Genocide of the Armenians...
These columns are indeed wonders of nature... But they will become the curse of the wondering souls ... the victims of genocide will rise up like the columns and shame the Islamist-fascists who still deny the Armenian genocide...
The Boston Marathon victim's family pleads... Don't give Tsarnaev death Penalty...
They say the appeals process will prolong their anguish and make it a bleeding wound without an end in sight...
It will be similar to the Armenian Genocide which is without resolution for 100 years... because the Islamic-fascists regimes of Turkey deny that the genocide ever happened...
These columns are indeed wonders of nature... But they will become the curse of the wondering souls ... the victims of genocide will rise up like the columns and shame the Islamist-fascists who still deny the Armenian genocide...
The Boston Marathon victim's family pleads... Don't give Tsarnaev death Penalty...
They say the appeals process will prolong their anguish and make it a bleeding wound without an end in sight...
It will be similar to the Armenian Genocide which is without resolution for 100 years... because the Islamic-fascists regimes of Turkey deny that the genocide ever happened...
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