Guilty...Guilty...Guilty...and the chant goes on...
all day long... Of course he is guilty... of course he did something extremely stupid... But the matter of factly chant of guilty... guilty... and guilty... has a disturbing tone in it... and I heard that over and over again... the chant has a tone which echoes... "We are right... and they are wrong...," also, it reflects the attitude... "we are angels... and they are evil..."
The Boston bomber... in court...

I have read William Golding over and over again... He is a good writer... makes me think... and thinking makes me a better person... I like that...
I have no compassion for Islamic-Jihadists... be they from Chechen, as the Boston bomber, or from Azerbaijan or Turkey or the Middle East... They are religious-fascists and they live in the Dark Ages... "We the people..." should be free and believe in whatever faith they like... and live with each other in peace and harmony...
The Islamist-Jihadists have no place in a civilized community... But the policies of the NATO-West created them... actually, the NATO-West and the reactionary Saudi Kingdom are the parents of the Islamist-Jihadists ... their love affair and GREED created the Jihadists of the Middle East and that spread throughout... The Boston Bomber is part of that Jihadists scene... and the NATO-West and Russian-East must take responsibility for their birth... and action...
We may sentence the Boston Bomber to death... but we cannot eliminate the Jihadists... unless the "civilized and democratic"countries CHANGE THEIR POLICY BASED ON GREED AND PROFIT...
The scene of the boys dancing around the pigs head is haunting me today...
...And Black lives Matter... and Black lives matter...
The man running away from the police... and the police gunning him down... firing eight bullets from the running black man...
... Today they had a conference...and...
Just before the conference of the mayor and the police chief was set to begin, demonstrators walked in. They were led by a man wearing a "Black Lives Matter" T-shirt who shouted, "This is what democracy looks like!"
several minutes after the shooting, Walter L. Scott remained face
down with his hands cuffed behind his back and the police looking at him... and waiting for him to die... "to serve and protect," they say...
police walked to Walter... after shooting him and dropped this object
besides him... planting "something" at the crime scene...
...And again people are on the streets... Indeed Black lives Matter... and ALL lives matter...

Today... my skull is full of the chants of the boys in the Lord of the Flies... and I am disturbed and I want things to change...
...And now in Yemen... The Saudi King with the aid of the NATO-West is bombing cities... because they have lost hegemony over the Yemeni people...Yemeni man... against NATO-West technology... and civilians are dying... to satisfy the GREED of the NATO-West and the RUSSIAN-East...
From the courts in Boston... to the streets of South Carolina... and to Aden, Yemen... "We the People..." are being sacrificed to the GREED and PROFIT of the Big Brothers from the West and East and North and South...
Today the Big Brothers Without Borders ... has conjured in me the scene where the boys are dancing and chanting around the pigs head... in the Lord of the Flies...
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