The Pope called it the "Ecumenism of Blood..." referring to the plight of Christians in the Middle East and Turkey and Azerbaijan...
While God commands..."Thou shall not kill..." the Quran advocates killing of the "infidels..." referring to ALL who are not "practicing Muslims..."
We all knew that the Boston Bomber, Tsarnaev, is guilty of the bombings... But the "democratic" media so far was referring to him as the "alleged bomber"... now that the guilty verdict is out... they are chanting in unison... "GUILTY...GUILTY...GUILTY..."
And now they are speculating about the verdict... It makes me sick to listen to the news these days... it is full of speculation and punditry... "Will he be sentences to death...?"
As the Big Business-Big Brother media played the game of "alleged bomber..." till the jury announced the guilty verdict, they are patiently speculating... about the death penalty...
But all during the trial there was a man in front of the court house with a sign...
Kebartas, a 66-year-old retiree from South Boston, hopes that Tsarnaev will not receive the death penalty...
A Vietnam veteran and former mental health worker, Kebartas stood in front of the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse every morning of Tsarnaev's trial. He held a simple sign, written by hand on poster board: "Death Penalty is Murder."
A Vietnam veteran and former mental health worker, Kebartas stood in front of the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse every morning of Tsarnaev's trial. He held a simple sign, written by hand on poster board: "Death Penalty is Murder."
word "Murder" was lettered in red, the color of blood... And he is correct... God said, "Thou shall not kill..." and God meant it...
- I am not sure how Christians justify the death penalty... but they do...
- I am not sure how the U.S. justifies the death penalty... but the U.S. does...
- I am not sure how the civilized U.S. of A. joins the Saudi Kings and upholds the death penalty...
Judy Clarke and other defense attorneys walk past Kerbartas as they arrive at federal court Wednesday...
At times Kebartas is joined by other protesters, including the man in the sombrero...
On the other hand, the Muslim-Jihadists belive that once they bomb in Boston and kill the "infidels"... even if they are killed, they will go to haven... where Allah will provide for them comfortable living with lots of concubines and women... (and I am not sure what Allah will provide to the women "martyrs"...!)
The Boston Bomber wants to be "martyred"... he wants to be sentenced to death... according to his beliefs... according to the Quran... SO SENTENCING HIM TO DEATH WILL FULFILL HIS WISH... and if he does not receive the death penalty, then his wish of "Jihadi martyrdom" will be denied to him...
The Boston Bomber wants to be "martyred"... he wants to be sentenced to death... according to his beliefs... according to the Quran... SO SENTENCING HIM TO DEATH WILL FULFILL HIS WISH... and if he does not receive the death penalty, then his wish of "Jihadi martyrdom" will be denied to him...
- God tells us... "thou shall not kill" the Tsarnaev guy...
- Allah responds... he killed for me... so martyr him and he will go the heaven...
I guess, I will want for God... despite the ugly, and heinous and obnoxious act the Tsarnaev committed...
For their part, Western liberals would do well not to sacrifice critical thinking to the god of political correctness, or look for reasons to bring Christianity down to the level of Islam merely to avoid the existential truth that the Islamic-Jihadist in the Middle East and the Islamic-fascists in Turkey and Azerbaijan are both different and dangerous.
There are just too many Muslims who take the Quran literally... and too many others who couldn't care less about the violence done in the name of Islam.
"O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..." Quran (8:65)
Allah is asking the Prophet to tell the people, the Muslim believers to fight...
...And the Warning...
"O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place." Quran (9:38-39)
But, Apologists for Islam and Western liberals... claim that it is a religion of and for peace... But read the verse below... If Islamic-Jihad is a “spiritual struggle,” as the apologists claim, then why are the “blind,” the “lame,” and the “sick” excused and exempted from the “spiritual struggle...” ?
Read the verse below...
is no blame for the blind, nor is there blame for the lame, nor is
there blame for the sick (that they go not forth to war). And whoso
obeyeth Allah and His messenger, He will make him enter Gardens
underneath which rivers flow; and whoso turneth back, him will He
punish with a painful doom." Quran
The U.S. sponsored the Chechens because they were(..and are) fighting the Russians... so despite their beliefs... they imported them to the U.S. and created the Boston Bombers...
This guy does not care whether they kill him or spare his life... Actually, like the suicide bombers, he wants to be killed, that is "martyred" so as he will go to heaven where luxury apartments and dozens of women will await him... that's what is promised in his belief...
Some Islamic scholars are propagating a newly invented lie... They write...
The tragedy of modern Islam is in its endless sequence of tragedies.
1. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan... 2. The disintegration of Yugoslavia – Bosnia and Sabernicia 3. Russia's war on Chechens and apparently Dzhokhar shares his name with a recent Chechen “patriot”... 4. Israel's continued occupation of Palestine... 5. The invasion of Iraq... 6. “Arab Spring” and “civil war” in Syria... 7. ...and of course the wars in Gaza and the West Bank... and still under Israeli rule...
But the war on Christians in the Middle East and Turkey did not start by the above 7 or 8 or more policies...
- The War on Christians has gone forever... the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Turks... and Constantinople became Istanbul...
- The Armenian and Assyrian and Pontic Greek genocides were committed 100 years ago... It is the 100 anniversary of the Armenian Genocide this year...
those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People
of the Book, [ that is, Christians and Jews] until they pay the
Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves
subdued." Quran (9:29)
"If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to
strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may
remember." Quran (8:57)
The above verse from the Quran is actually advocating violent terrorism... so as to "strike fear" in all of us... " We the people..."

And this verse is telling this guy to "punish" and "disgrace" us... "We the people..."
A violent religion can not bring peace to the world... No matter how much we pundits try... It will be a wishful thinking on our part...
Unless the West-NATO recognizes the genocides of Armenians, and Assyrians and Pontic Greeks... and hold the Turkish Islamist-fascists accountable... the Islamic-Jihadist violence will continue... and the bombings in Boston and Paris and Spain and all over Europe will continue...
Western pundits are speculating whether the Boston Bomber will be sentenced to death...?
There are three reasons why he should not be sentenced to death... Firstly, God commanded... "Thou shall not kill..." and second, we should not create more "martyrs" for the Islamic-Jihadists... After all they religiously believe that they will go to heaven... once we kill-murder them... and thirdly, we should act more civilized than the Islamist-Jihadists... After all, if we kill this guy, we will be the same as the ones who are beheading hostages in the Middle East...
I genuinely believe that "We the people ..." are BETTER than the Jihadists beheaders...
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