Information is not Knowledge…
Information is the accumulation of facts…
Knowledge if connecting the facts together and making sense out of that…Learn from the examples and eventually make moral judgments and conclusions…
Connecting the facts together ...Thinking is knowledge ...
Teaching facts at schools and universities is not educating the youth…making them see the connections; making them tie the facts together; making them think and make conclusions…is what the education system must do…and they are failing in that…
Teaching just facts is making the student like google apps…Like a Wikipedia…But students are more than that…and that is what my young friend, Abhishek, was advocating in the previous blog post…
Information is not knowledge...
And knowledge is power...
Information is not knowledge...
And knowledge is power...
...So share what you have and you will multiply your power...
In every society there is a minority who’s committed to an idea and act to realize it…
That is what the Muslim Jihadists are doing and the majority of Muslim society has kept silence…
................Discuss in GROUPS ..............and ACT
They say the peaceful majority is irrelevant…
They sat the silent majority does not count…
Islam is a peace loving religion…But it needs to demonstrate that…Christianity is a peace loving religion, but it needs to reflect its peaceful nature in action…Judaism is a peace loving religion, but Israeli actions make peace a mockery…
Three Israeli teens abducted and killed...
Meditation is a way of thinking
It is the same with other religions…
The peaceful and peace loving nature of various religions is not enough…Actions speak louder…and human history is witness to our violence and wars and genocides…
We failed miserably…
When I was teaching within the confines of institutions…I could not speak my mind freely…So I was denied the right to say the above…I had to be “politically correct”…I had to be part of the silent majority …I had to be part of the peaceful majority…
I had to be irrelevant…
The admin acted on behalf of ALL…Teachers did not count…
The admin dictated the rules…and the students were there for the glory of the bureaucratic elite…the ruling elite set the rules and dictated them…They even defined the religion and the morality … Students and teachers had to just trod the path…and
ALL was nice…
At times I attempted to bend things a bit…
I led my classes to the school chapel…to reflect and to meditate… for few minutes…At times I talked about peace…
When students asked me to help them…I first checked if they have attempted the problem at hand in a serious manner…If not, I asked them to think about it for another few minutes…I gave them hints to discover the situation themselves…
I declined to treat them a “empty bags” and I refused to fill facts in the bag…
At present the facts are at our fingertips…So I refused to prepare another google app…
Some students liked the way I did…
The silent majority hated my ways…They were reluctant to thing and reason for themselves…They were part of the silent majority…They wanted to remain and integral part of the peaceful majority…
They say …The silent majority is irrelevant…
They say…The peaceful majority is aiding and abetting the admin to wage war in schools, in universities, in Iraq and Syria and Ukraine and Afghanistan and all the other places…
If we love peace…We have to act…and sacrifice for it…
If we become part of the silent majority, then we become part of the …system of wars and greed …
May be we can deal with the situation with more meditation and with more reflection…
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices (much like the term sports) that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion,[3] love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration[4] single-pointed analysis,[5] meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity.
(Taken from Wikipedia) |
Can meditation really slow down the effects of age?
When the mind stays sharp and agile...EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE...
When the mind stays sharp and agile...EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE...
Can meditation put the brakes on biological erosion within our cells and make us promote more peace and harmony…?
Can we adopt the ways that the Natives of North America had…
Can we have peace and love and harmony…in nature…with nature…with each other…?
Eastern religions such as Buddhism have long advocated the health benefits of meditation, but Western medicine and thought has been less welcoming … They rather sell medicine and beauty products than promote health and peace …
Meditation is not that profitable to the pharmaceutical companies … and the doctors are part and parcel of the medical establishment…
Ideas are GOOD, the concepts beautiful…But facts and information are not enough…
You must act…Otherwise, being part of the silent majority…with not be enough…
Check the Ganges river… that Eastern religions accept as holy…
You google the facts…But you must think afterwards…you must make connections and you must arrive at conclusions…
The river where swimming can be a health hazard…Raw sewage...Open drains...
- Ganges is the holy river…
- Ganges cools people…
- Ganges helps children play and swim and have fun…
- Ganges helps adults in their spiritual journey… Also,
- Ganges irrigates fields and provides water to cities… The locals say…The river is holy…Our religion is peaceful…So we are safe…
The local say...The river is holy...Our religion is peaceful...So we are safe...even if the Ganges is polluted... In the Hindu faith, the river Ganges is a goddess and its waters are thought to be purifying.

This is an open drain going into the Holy River...
Some 300 million litres of untreated domestic sewage are dumped into the river every day.
In Varanasi itself, a city of a million people, 35 drains and sewers empty into its waters, two of them just a few kilometres upstream from the swimming classes.
Swimming in Holy Ganges in Varanasi, India may not be safe also...
Untreated sewage from open drains flows directly into the Ganges
Then there are the cremations. According to the Hindu faith, anyone cremated in Varanasi is freed from Moksha, the cycle of life and death, if part of their cremated body is placed in the river as an offering.
Burning Holy Ganges
It's estimated that 32,000 bodies are cremated every year at two sites in Varanasi - Manikarnina and Harish Chandra - and the latter is upstream from the swimming clubs.
The corpses of the poor and homeless, who cannot afford a proper cremation, are dumped in the river too.
Industrial effluents, meanwhile, from the city's growing number of factories, include the harmful heavy metals lead, cadmium and chromium.
Swimming in the Ganges is wonderful…The religion is on our side too
But human greed and profit pollute the river and make it unsafe…for ALL…
Is dipping and swimming safe...?
Check the garbage and pollution in the Holy River...
Being part of the silent majority is like immersing our heads into the sand...
Being part of the peaceful majority is like swimming in the garbage of the Holy River...
"IT" gives us the facts...But we must make the connections...We must come to conclusions...and we must make sense of our world and come together in a GLOBAL VILLAGE...and ACT TOGETHER
Being part of the silent majority is like immersing our heads into the sand...
Being part of the peaceful majority is like swimming in the garbage of the Holy River...
Share and you will be powerfully blessed...Discuss with your friends...Connect the dots...and act together... You will feel blessed and powerful...
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You have to ACT....We have to ACT..."IT" gives us the facts...But we must make the connections...We must come to conclusions...and we must make sense of our world and come together in a GLOBAL VILLAGE...and ACT TOGETHER
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