Debate with each other and Arrive to a Mutually Shared Truth...and ACT...
Hello again,
As I promised this is the 3rd dialogue that I initiate...
I've been following the news quite closely ever since the Ukraine situation.
A couple of weeks back a separatist group personnel carrier was blown up. The media reported this as a Ukrainian Right Sector attack on the separatists.
This brings me to my point. Media is broken, the whole idea of it... the truth is swept under the carpet while the false facts shine bright and create controversy.

I know not all news is like this, it's mostly the war news or anything to do with a country that another country doesn't like, but still it's annoying.

At ALL times read everything and anything critically...Do not rely on the writers/reporters good will...Truth is a subjective concept and as such it is tainted with the perception and biases of the author...
Media is a Big Business...
Where big fish eats the small fish...and thereby profit more...
When greed and profit are the motive, truth will be the casualty...
When greed and profit are the motive, truth will be the casualty...
To continue on the bombing situation, a couple of days ago a former separatist, an Armenian immigrant (that's what made me think about the blog), spoke out on a European news station. He said... Him and 29 other separatists were following another 30 man separatist convoy, at the time they did not know the convoy was a separatist one and someone told them it was the Right Sector so they blew it up... But the truth is never told by the media and assumptions, very horrible assumptions, are made without any thinking involved.
The destruction and human suffering in Ukraine...
"Separatists were following another 30 man separatist convoy..."
Now to get away from Ukraine.
In the States the media really bashes Iran and the people of Iran. Why? Because they are enemies and they want all Americans to think that every Iranian person is a terrorist. However that is far from true. An American was traveling the world... he wanted to visit Iran but heard it was a dangerous place but no one really went there in person to see what actually was going on. He decided to go and share his experience on YouTube. I forgot where the video is as I watched it a month ago but I can recall what the man had to say about the place. He shared a video of people offering him free food on every block. Even while driving people tossed oranges towards him. The amount of love he got from these so called "terrorists" was unreal. A lot different then what the media says about them.
In the States the media really bashes Iran and the people of Iran. Why? Because they are enemies and they want all Americans to think that every Iranian person is a terrorist. However that is far from true. An American was traveling the world... he wanted to visit Iran but heard it was a dangerous place but no one really went there in person to see what actually was going on. He decided to go and share his experience on YouTube. I forgot where the video is as I watched it a month ago but I can recall what the man had to say about the place. He shared a video of people offering him free food on every block. Even while driving people tossed oranges towards him. The amount of love he got from these so called "terrorists" was unreal. A lot different then what the media says about them.
We keep saying lets initiate change and make the world a better place. But we have a difficult time thinking of ways to actually change things. I think stopping horrible media assumptions is a great place to start thinking of ways to stop hate against others. Peace will only become a norm if we are given positive views on what people are actually like instead of putting on a mask on every nice person. Media can change the views of MILLIONS of people because everyone listens to the media, if we can change the media we can change the world.
Media can change the views of MILLIONS of people...
V.D. (for Visionary Determination)
Dear V.D.
I am very happy to read your 3rd contribution to our dialogue...I hope with time you will write longer articles and share your global concerns with us and elucidate us with your thoughts and reasoning...
- The world media in all its forms is part and parcel of big business...
- Big business is driven by the profit motive... Profit is force that propels their concerns and hence their articles and reportage which tainted by views and biases that increase their profit margin...
- Hence truth will suffer...
It is analogous to kids in school...and in the playground....
- Assume two guys fancy the same girl in their class...
- One of them resorts to gossip and malicious lies to demean his rival...
- This person is motivated not by truth but by his emotions and fancy...
Indeed information matters and information is power...
Besides providing kids entertainment...The IT revolution has;
1. Democratized the media...and made information available to wider audiences..
Example: My blog would not have been feasible before and in order to write I would have sucked up to a media boss...and hence taint my views...
2. Since IT revolution democratized the media...It also democratized the means to disseminate and spread information...
Example: You and I can engage in a dialogue and invite others to join us... This was not feasible before the IT revolution...
So you guys ave both the information and the means to engage in useful debate...and act to change the world for the better...
Media is important...But not the established media...
The for profit media is a distortion of everything...
Read the news item below...
If that happens...we will lose more of our choice...and we will be victims to lies and distortions that will make more profit to this Rupert Murdoch guy...
21st Century Fox, a film and TV empire controlled by Rupert Murdoch, offered to buy Time Warner last month for about $80 billion, a deal that would combine two of the largest players in the cable network business and possibly unleash a wave of consolidation among content producers.
If the deal had been struck, the combination would have given birth to the world's largest media company that would control — if regulators approve it, hardly a safe assumption — two huge Hollywood movie studios, local TV stations nationwide, the most watched cable news network in Fox News along with its closest rival CNN, as well as several popular cable channels in HBO, TNT and TBS.
The following quote is from Hillary Clinton....
Clinton, who has said journalism is now driven more by entertainment than fact-based reporting, said that "if it all stopped," a lot of people would lose their jobs.
In order to entertain they will twist the truth...
And they have to entertain to make more money...
What I will suggest is that you form independent debating groups and share information independently of the mass media...
May be this blog will play a role in your discussions and debates...
When I was in my early twenties, I along with few others, formed a debating club...It grew very fast...We divided it into several groups...I was leading one of the groups...
In order to publicize our views and in order to keep closer contact with each other, we initiated a monthly journal...
We did not have computers...We had few typewriters and we used these to type and to photocopy and to distribute...It was expensive, but we were devoted....and we did it....
When I came to Canada.... I initiated another monthly....
It is fun to write...It makes you think...
It is fun to get feedback....It makes you amend your ways...
To debate is the civilized way to propel things forward....
I am not that young any more...
The younger generation should take up the torch and run the marathon...
Relying on Big Business Media is futile...Do not rely on that...
Whatever you are reading, always read between the lines...Stop and think and sort things out...
Students have asked; "what is truth?"..."What is reality?"
There is NO truth...everything is relative...
There is NO reality...Reality is the perception of the individual...
If we will comprehend this simple premise...then the Global Village will be a better place...
While writing this, I have the news on....
1. A plane is shut down in Ukraine...
I may start to seek who did it and for what....The US media is accusing the Russians...It may be true...Most probably it is true...But the way they US media is presenting the news is that....We are the GOOD GUYS and they are the BAD GUYS...
They are saying )right now) Putin lies, and we NEVER lie...
Placing the blame on Russians and Putin will not make any difference...200 plus people have died...and both sides are the ones who caused it....
I say: STOP THE VIOLENCE and STOP PLAYING an EAST-WEST dual in Ukraine...Leave the Ukrainians alone and they will resolve their differences...
I know this because I have enjoyed Ukrainian culture in Kiev....and I am sure that Ukrainians are intelligent and cultured enough to live together in peace and harmony....ONLY THE OUTSIDE POWERS MUST LEAVE THEM ALONE....US and RUSSIA...MUST GO HOME...
2. The news also is blasting that the Israeli army has invaded Gaza.... and if you listen to both sides...THERE ARE TWO TRUTHS....
I say: Leave the people in peace...and stop killings...
But I know that it will not happen....Ukraine will be minced to pieces...and Israel and Palestine will not co-exist...
The is the sad human reality...
Robert Frost writes, "Good fences make good neighbors."
And I will add...Borders make enemies...
Can we imagine a Global Village WITHOUT BORDERS....?
IMAGINE .... A world without borders...a world in harmony...a world of PEACE....
Dear V.D.
You suggest that we smile...I definitely will...But it would be much more meaningful if we smile in PEACE....
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