The Best of the Best...
The 1980s... The anti-Vietnam protesters were everywhere in the U.S. and in Europe... The Kent University was student protest center... where a student protester was a victim to state sponsored violence... The student was killed by a police bullet... The 1980's brought out into the streets the best of the best... The student-worker protests in Paris... The Czech Spring in 1968... People were on the march from Berkeley to Los Angeles to New York and to Paris and to Prague...
The youth, the best of the best... were in the streets for freedom and for liberty from the unbridled greed of the ruling 1% in Western Liberal Democracies... and also from the ossified and rotting Soviet bureaucracies of the East...
The youth were out and it was time for hope and time for a new rainbow appearing on the horizon...
Decades have gone by... the system absorbed the grievances of the youth... and renewed itself... and now that renewal is in danger... The greed of the 1% and the fascistic tendencies of the rulers from Turkey to Saudi Arabia to Poland and Russia and to the liberal democracies of Europe and North America... is stifling all the hope for the future...
The environment is being polluted and the ruling 1% does not much care... People are loosing their homes and the ruling 1% does not even care... The refugees are invading Europe and the Americas... the only response from the ruling 1% is to come up with bans and barriers to prevent the refugees...
Today in my morning walk I counted five homeless people on the pavements... and I imagined the refugees... the globalized homeless of the globe...
The G20... is meeting in Hamburg... and the people in their tens of thousands have gathered to protest... the inhumanity of the 1% and their unbridled greed...
I sort of comprehend people working hard for their first million, but I always wonder what they will do with the five-six seven- millions... I always wondered why people want to have more and more in the banks...
I have told my students that the monies in the banks are just colourful paper... once those colourful papers come out of the bank vaults and are spread around... they will have a USE value...
Money sitting in the bank is just coloured paper... but once the monies are taken out of the banks and spread around... they will be meaningful and will make people happy...
Hamburg... was divided into two camps... the rulers and the representatives of the 1% and the rest... the people... the 99%...

Here a young man has climbed on top of an armoured car... and the protectors of the 1% are attempting to bring him down...
Protests bring the best out of the youth and the people...

In order to usher in the new... people are shedding the illusions of the old... on the streets of Hamburg... People against the water canons of the 1%...

Pepper spray and water canons are directed against the protesters... The greed of the 1% needs the protection of the system to be successful...

People fighting for teir rights and for the future...
Indeed "Power to the People..."

and the chant is still valid... "Power to the people..."
The G20 has has all kinds of rulers...
Bureaucratic-oligarchs like Putin... Putin's Russia has no room for dissent and freedom of though and speech... where all opposition leaders are dispensable...
Absolute monarchs like Saudi Arabia... where women are not "persons' and they have to take permission from their male "guardians"... Where Islamic-Sharia Law is supreme... and opposition is not tolerated... even bloggers are punished and lashed and whipped in the public square...
There are the Western Democrats... the guardians of the 1%... like Trump and May and Marcon and Merkel...
...and then there are authocratic tendencies like in Poland... where the rule of law is okay as long as it agrees with the government...
Turkey is a special case... where the rulers want to take the country back decades and establish an Islamic society and Sharia Law... where minorities, like Kurds and Armenians, have no rights... where the denial of the Armenian Genocide is a nationalist duty...
Here also people are resisting... like they are resisting in hamburg...
In Turkey...
of thousands of people have been arrested or dismissed from their
jobs in the civil service, military, judiciary, academia and
media, in a broad crackdown on
people opposed to the regime and government of the Erdogan… who
is trampling the rule of law and democracy and civil society…
The islamist government wants to introduce Islamic law and
has gone beyond the alleged perpetrators of
a coup d’etat and encompasses
dissidents of all stripes, including senior opposition lawmakers,
and civil servants and reporters...
Tens of thousands are marching for freedom and liberty... they want to live in freedom and pursue happiness as they desire...
Those who want to abide by Islamic-Sharia law... let them do so... But those who want freedom of religion and live according to their beliefs... let them also do so...

Turks and Kurds and Armenians are marching from Ankara to Istanbul for freedom and for an open society...

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