I enjoy walking and jogging in the mornings when the sun is rising and the city is waking up...
The rush of the people and the whizzing cars look funny and at times I stop and observe the rat race... looks stressful and mad... I always think people should find a more relaxed way to go to work... more enjoyable way at work... but changing habits is difficult... to unlearn the bad and relearn the good and the new is always based on the social mores... and conditioned on the norms accepted by the silent majority and imposed on us by the ruling 1%...
While walking, I think democracy is a sham... an idea devoid of meaning... It has as
many meanings as there are people in the world... Both Russia and the West claim to be democratic... China insists on its democracy too...
But the West accuses Russia of undemocratic practices based on oligarchic bureaucracy... Russia and China accuse the West as the dictatorship of the 1%... and the West accuses China as one party state...
I enjoy thinking while I walk... and I toy with different types of democracies... I find it funny... semantics instigates ALL the disputes... and the disputes are not because of democracy or lack of democratic norms... and the wars are not because on system is better than the other... Wars are essentially because the 1% of one country/system is not able to share the pie with the 1% of another country/system...
It is insanely ridiculous... the 1%'s cannot share the pie and then the people go to war and kill each other...
How the Vietnam War help us...?
How the Iraqi War is helping us...?
... and how the Afghan War will help us...?
All three wars have a common denominator... they kill people and they sell arms... and the sale of arms profits the 1% of one country or another...
War is insane... and it legalizes killing and murder...
Today, while walking, I encountered six, maybe seven homeless people...
The first one was wrapped in big plastic bags and was sleeping... dirt and dust was all around him... and the leaves were teasing him... He was not bothered by the noise of the cars... He was not annoyed by the honking of the rushing person... He was just knocked out by the chilling breeze of the evening and now that it was warmer... he just wanted to sleep...
I wondered whether he was dreaming too... I asked myself whether homeless people dream too... Do they...? I do not know...! Maybe they will have nightmares... are the nightmares considered dream... ? Maybe...
I met another one... sleeping on a metal bench provided by the city ( that is by the taxpayers like you and me...) at the bus stops... he sat down suddenly on the bench and looked around... He had four, maybe five bags full of things... those were his possessions... and that was ALL that he had... he checked the bags... all were there and closed his eyes again... He was grimy and the others waiting for the bus... stood away from him... he had a peculiar smell that you will comprehend when you have not showered for ages... and when you are living on the dust and sooth of the city...
People separated themselves from him... and waited for the bust few yards away from the homeless guy...
There was another one... with a shopping cart... He was on a side street and was reading a daily paper... The cart was all that he have in the world... "Do people rob them...?" I thought...
Then there was this girl... relaxing at the sidewalk cafe... and she had her dog, a huge one lying besides her... and blocking the side walk... I changed my path, bypassed them... She yelled after me, "He will not bite you... He is very friendly..."
What made her think that I wanted to be friends with her dog beats me...!
I love my morning walks... and I love observing the rush hour, the traffic, the honking and noisy people... but the homeless make me think... and I always ask, "How come a wealthy country in Western Europe or North America... has so many homeless...?"
Does the 1% care...? I don't think so... but then, maybe they do...
People helping people made me happy...
Eighty beachgoers linked hands at Panama City beach in Florida to rescue a family that was sucked up by the waves into the ocean...
The family was in danger... but the people on the beach came to their rescue...
I thought: "Who needs the fucked up 1%...?"

In a testament to the true human spirit, 80 beachgoers formed a human chain in Panama City Beach in Florida to help save a family pulled in to the water by strong tides...
People helping each other... it's wonderful...
Fuck the 1%... Who needs them... I wonder...!
*********************************************I am fascinated by Van Gogh since my early teens days... I read The Lust For Life... few times... and then the movie too...
Fascinating artist... Great human being... wonderful painter...
The sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh...
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