There is a myth in ancient Armenian History-Mythology...
At the funeral of a beloved king... people begin to commit
suicide by stab themselves... an ancient custom of honoured
death... like Brutus falling on his sword in Greek History...
The prince, who was going to succeed his father... laments...
"Father, I do not want to rule the ruins... after your death...!"
And the myth says that the father raises his head from the
shroud cover and curses his son, the prince...
Hamburg, Germany after the G20 protests and Mosul, Iraq after the "victory" of U.S. led demonstrates the people's rage... Iraqi army over the ISIS-Islamic Jihadists...
The G20 and the U.S. led Iraqi army are declaring victory and
what is left are just the ruins of cities...
In order to satisfy their egos... the rulers (from both sides) just
engage in a game of ruins...
Wars kill... wars ruin leave people to suffer... make people
homeless... and of course create refugees... Refugees are the
globalized form of homelessness...
The March for Justice... reached Istanbul after 24 days...
People demanding justice... walked for 24 days... from Ankara, the Turkish capital, to Istanbul demanding justice... and equity... and fairness... and freedom...
The march reached Istanbul after 24 days
More and more... Erdogan is evolving into an Islamic Dictator... similar to the Kings and Emirs of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates surrounding it...
People's demand... Adalet... but the ruler's... the G20 and the 1%... say... "let them eat cake..." like the times of the French Revolution... like the times of the American Revolution...
Adalet means...justice... fairness... equity... reason... and the people want freedom...
The Turkish state is based in oppression of the minorities... It is based on the Armenian Genocide which killed over 1.5 million people and expelled the rest of the Armenians from their homeland and dispossessed them... It is based on the Genocide of Pontic Greeks and Assyrians... and it is based on the oppression of the Kurdish people...

And the Turkish people, Turks-Armenians-Kurds-Assyrians-Greeks- Alawites, are demanding justice and fairness and freedom...
More than 50,000 people have been arrested and 140,000 dismissed or suspended since last year's attempted military takeover... The military takeover which Swedish papers claimed that was initiated by Erdogan himself... just to consolidate his powers... as an Islamic dictator...
The detentions of human rights activists and leading journalists and opposition leaders have drawn international condemnation... by to no avail...
People are fed up... and they are demanding "adalet"...
Justice and fairness and equity and freedom...
But more and justice and coexistence of the peoples
of Turkey is becoming an impossibility... and it must be
divided into three separate entities...
1. Ankara and its surrounding for the Turks who want
Islamic rule, like Erdogan...
2. Istanbul and its surroundings for the Turks who want
liberal, European style democracy...
3. The Eastern districts of Turkey and independent
Kurdish-Armenian state...
If these are not achieved... Turkey will be
in a perpetual state of turmoil and will
destabilize the entire region...
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