Just build it... they will come... That's the sad

... And indeed when you built something, it will generate its own induced demand...
Pharmaceuticals generate a new drug and then they advertise like crazy to induce demand for it...
Personal background research, most of the time useless... is being induced by a web site... Ancestry.com... They advertise like crazy so as to induce demand for their service site...
Tobacco companies advertise to hook you on cigarettes... you pay money in order to be addicted to cancer causing substance...
I am certain you may think of other examples too... Indeed, you build it and they will swarm...
... and when you built guns, people will use them...
The lead character hears a voice when walking through his corn field which says "If you build it, he will come". Later he sees a vision of a baseball field. He builds the field and indeedShoeless Joe Jackson, a long dead professional baseball player, turns up and asks to play catch... |
It is the same with guns... If you manufacture it, someone will use it... That's the sad truth in the Las Vegas shootings... Gun violence is an epidemic... The 2nd amendment should not be an unbridled license to kill... and "thoughts and prayers are not enough..."
There must be rules and regulations to check guns and control gun violence... Weapons and guns are essentially manufactured to kill... Maybe they should not be manufactured to start with...
Hunting... killing animals...
Wars........ Killing humans...
Wars are essentially "break and enter" on a larger scale... a B and E... committed by governments, the executives of the 1%... Wars are to steal another nations property... resources... by force... and to kill and subjugate people... by force...
Maybe manufacturing weapons should be banned altogether... Maybe the resources wasted on manufacturing weapons and guns and all the rest of sophisticated killing machines... should be banned... Maybe the resources wasted on weapons and killing should be allocated to feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless...
Maybe... and then the world will be a more civilized place to live in freedom and pursue happiness...
Maybe... and maybe you can help...
The military is a waste of resources... when it is used for wars... in the Middle East... in Afghanistan... in Iraq...

Sandy Hook Massacre of kids...

Just remembering and praying for the victims is not enough... in Sandy Hook the victims were just kids...

Sandy Hook Massacre of kids...

Just remembering and praying for the victims is not enough... in Sandy Hook the victims were just kids...
But, as mentioned above..., when weapons are manufactured they will be used... The military in wars and "lone wolves..." in spaces like Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017... Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016... Blacksburg, Virginia at Virginia Tech. on April 16, 2007... and Sandy Hook Elementary School...(2012) and San Bernardino and Fort Hood... all in the 2000's...

People carry a person at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after shots were fired (David Becker/Getty) in Las Vegas...

People carry a person at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after shots were fired (David Becker/Getty) in Las Vegas...
When guns are manufactured... people will use them... When weapons are manufactured the outcome will be wars... that's the paradox of "build and they will come..."

People scramble for shelter at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after gun fire was heard (David Becker/Getty) in Las Vegas...

People scramble for shelter at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival after gun fire was heard (David Becker/Getty) in Las Vegas...
I am for peaceful coexistence of humans... of peoples...
Maybe the military should be used to provide relief from natural disasters... like they are doing in Porto Rico... and not create human disasters like in the Middle East and Iraq and Afghanistan...

Soldiers HELPING in Porto Rico... STOP THE WARS and HELP PEOPLE...

Soldiers HELPING in Porto Rico... STOP THE WARS and HELP PEOPLE...
The soldiers maybe our "first responders..." in disasters... and helicopters maybe used for helping people... like in Porto Rico...
An starving nation like North Korea... should not be forced to manufacture weaponry and bombs... They should not be forced and coerced to resort to violence in order to defend their right to survive...
Guns are evil... weapons and bombs are inhumane...
Maybe they should be banned...
I have great respect for generals as human beings... not on the battlefield but rather in their duties as human beings...
Maybe more generals should speak of their humanity and maybe more soldiers will be rehumanised... Instead of abandoning themselves to their raw animal instincts...
Maybe soldiers should learn to help... instead of to kill...
Read the box below...
was that made clearer than in the recent video of Air Force
Academy superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria speaking
to cadets after
racist slurs were posted on message boards of five black cadet
candidates at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School: "If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you can't treat someone from another gender, whether that's a man or a woman, with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you demean someone in any way, then you need to get out. And if you can't treat someone from another race or a different color skin with dignity and respect, then you need to get out," the visibly furious general told his troops... |
The general should be honoured for his bold and humane action... It is funny that to be human requires courage and indeed boldness...
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