This is Victory... Let's Celebrate in the Ruins... of Raqqa... The capital has fallen... But grievances and oppression are rife in the Middle East...
Iran is a theocracy...
Saudi Arabia is a despotic kingdom... So Jordan and the oil patch of the Emirates...
Libya is a fractured infestation of terror groups...
Iraq is a sectarian nightmare... Shia Arabs attacking Kurds... Once Saddam used chemical weapons against the Kurds... and now the Shia Arabs are attempting to stifle the aspirations of the Kurds...
Turkey is a fascistic one man rule... Check the irony... Recently a Turkish nationalist was sentenced to 20 years for assassinating an Armenian reporter/publisher and then a Turkish journalist was sentenced to 28 years for writing about the assassination... 20 for the killer and 28 for the reporter... because the fascist regime did not like what he wrote... Turkey is a long standing infested sore on European civilization and culture... They were the "sick man of Europe..." before and now they are the Islamic fascists of the continent...
The Middle Easters have many grievances... and bombing ISIS out of Raqqa will not much change anything...
What is there to celebrate...? The ruins are the witnesses of brutality and savagery... and the streets of Raqqa will never be the same... Celebrate what... The brutality of Assad regime or the fascists Islamists who have liberated Raqqa... along with the Kurds... and as it is happening in Iraq... the kutds will be squeezed out in Syria too... In Iraq its the Shia Arabs and in Syria it will be the fascists Islamists...
Indeed, what's there to celebrate...? Check the photo above...!
What Did You Expect... A Rose Garden...?
Global Culture... is a pretext... and an outlet for
money laundering by the rich... the 1%... and
that has no borders... Russian oligarchs launder
money through their western pals in Europe
and North America... Europeans and North
Americans launder via their off-shore accounts
and their construction businesses and through
the banks and also art and culture...
money laundering by the rich... the 1%... and
that has no borders... Russian oligarchs launder
money through their western pals in Europe
and North America... Europeans and North
Americans launder via their off-shore accounts
and their construction businesses and through
the banks and also art and culture...

Churchill partially smoked the 4in (10cm) cigar at the Le Bourget Airport in Paris on 11 May 1947...
So what... Churchill had sucked on the cigar and some idiot with bags of money... bought the butt from an auction for $12 000 ...
The 1% has lots of money to waste... but people in Porto Rico are drinking poisoned and contaminated water...
The values of the 1% stink and the cultural fart that it radiates stinks more...
rich do get richer... and the 1% Without Borders can not halt their
greedy plunder of the world...
American economy began to fall
behind and stagnate... with the rise of China and India... and reinvigorated
Russia... Globalization of the world economy deprived the US of its supremacy... So the US voted for people who will tear down the Paris
Accord... on climate… and rape the environment by repealing the
existing regulations... They say their will be more mining of coal... more pollution
in the rivers and lakes... more poisoning of waters and towns and
cities... All these to compensate the profit margin of the 1%...

making it the most expensive home for sale in the world...
They have much to waste on butts and royal left overs...
But the world is in a convulsion... Read the heart wrenching item in the box...
The 1% will spend $410 million on a shelter... while there are so many homeless in the streets of America and Europe... People without shelter...
The 1% will spend $12 000 on a cigar butt... and $410 million on shelter... meanwhile the people in Porto Rico drink contaminated water... and people in Myanmar are subjected to GENOCIDE...