Things I Saw Today...
Come Together...
I was riding the bus...
There was a mom with her son in her lap... The baby dropped his toy... There were six people around her... I counted them in my frustration... Non of them offered help...
The mom tried to reach the toy... had difficulties...
They were in front of the bus... and few of us were clustered at the back...
An older lady, sitting in front of me stood up... walked to them from the back of the bus where we were... and picked the toy and returned it to the mom...
While returning our eyes met... and we smiled... It was my way of thanking the older lady... and also covering my frustration...
The mom turned her head... sought for the older lady... and with a smile thanked her...
Another thing happened on the bus...
A woman was riding alone on the bus ...

She was covered still when I arrived to my destination and came down...
Both vignettes stayed with me all day long... I could not shake them off... So I decided to share them with you... A wise person quoted once... "Blood flows slower than time. That's why habits are harder to form."
The two vignettes recaptured the quotation... I thought of the mom and the kid... I though of the woman wrapped in the silvery visor... I thought about my friend and his quotation... I thought about my other friends... and the world...
... Then I read and projected a better tomorrow...
I read and contemplated...
I read about the billionaire who gave his money away... He said, after all...
You can only wear one pair of pants at a time...
So rob the people... robbing they even become CEO's and presidents... They establish an empire of "Greed Without Borders..." I guess that's GLOBALIZATION of GREED...
Others, like Chuck Feeney make the world a better place... They bring people together...
I read about blood diamonds... and imagined all the rings... all the earrings dangling the diamonds soaked in blood... dripping blood... and then I asked, "Are people so UGLY that they need ornaments just like a Christmas tree...?"
After all;
Rebel and government groups fought brutally over diamond-rich territory in the north of the country and funded themselves by selling the stones to international buyers.
... Then I read and projected a better tomorrow...
I read and contemplated...
I read about the billionaire who gave his money away... He said, after all...
You can only wear one pair of pants at a time...

Others, like Chuck Feeney make the world a better place... They bring people together...
I read about blood diamonds... and imagined all the rings... all the earrings dangling the diamonds soaked in blood... dripping blood... and then I asked, "Are people so UGLY that they need ornaments just like a Christmas tree...?"
After all;
Rebel and government groups fought brutally over diamond-rich territory in the north of the country and funded themselves by selling the stones to international buyers.

Looking for diamonds... sifting for diamonds... and then... EUREKA...! Here it is...!!!
I wonder who's wearing that bloody diamond... now...!!!
... and then I read;
Chernobyl: Huge sliding arch to block radiation is nearing completion 30 years after the nuclear disaster...
Ukraine is a good country...
I grew up tasting Ukrainian culture... I love the dances, the theater, the ballet... and the art...
Chernobyl is a disaster that haunts me...
Imagine running away from radiation... Can that be...? How fast one should run... to beat the advancing radiation...?
Then my mind roamed to Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
I wondered back to Stalin and the Potato Famine...

A huge dome will cover and trap the radiation...

The greed of the... and the suffering of the 99...
Imagine a world where people come together... Help
each other...
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