The Brave New World is coming to life...
Check what is happening...

- automated authoritarianism ... When leaders twit and the rest of us read and follow and applaud... We are cheated and taken advantage of... We are the masses and they are the 1%... the rich and the powerful... the bosses...
- automated anarchy... The conspiracy theorists and the fake news create a globalized havoc... what to believe...? Maybe nothing... Whom to believe...? Maybe no one...
- automated globalism... The "liberal democracies" of Europe and North America exploit the rest of the world... and create the refugee crisis.... The refugees are coming... the refugees are coming... close the harbors... and erect the walls...
- automated warfare... the 1% does not need the poor anymore... they do not need the Wretched of the World... the Blacks and Latinos and the non-European and the non-white minorities... can wallow in their wretched poverty... the 1% has drones and AI and robots... and bombs... they can bomb the shit out of anywhere they fancy... The Israeli religious and political leaders can blow and demolish any Palestinian home they desire... The Saudis and the United Arab Emirates can create hell in Yemen...
- automated cold war... The Russians did it... they meddled in the U.S.A. elections... they promoted Brexit... they promoted fascist and racist parties in Europe... and of course if the Russians van do it... so can China... and Iran and Saudi Arabia and Turkey... and of course the "liberal democracies" have done it for centuries... Tey have argues "the white man's burden"... to cover up their exploitative racism... and sent missionaries to Africa and Asia and Latin America in order to evangelize and spread the GOOD word bible... after all, Jesus gave the instructions that Christians are to 'Go into all the world and preach ...' and the Europeans and North Americans perverted the instructions into 'Go into all the world exploit...'
- virtual cage... and thus the world shrank into the global village that we live in... and the 1% introduced Global Warming and converted the world into global prison... and made the world into a world of homeless refugees...
And now they are attempting to crush the homeless and the refugees... Europe made a deal with Libya... and the U.S. made a deal with Guatemala...
In Libya they bombed the refugees... in Guatemala they terrorize and starve them...
This is the Brave New World of the global 1%... where Russian oligarchs... Saudi princes... U.S. billionaires... Turkish and Philippine dictators-fascists... European and North American "liberal democracies..." have converted the rest of the globe into "shithole... countries..."
The Wreched of the World... revolted in Algeria... against French colonialism... in 1968 there was Prague Spring... there was French youth revolt... there was North American Anti-Vietnam movement against the 1% who had developed bone spurs... in their head...

Trump says, “I don’t do cover-ups.”
And Nixon said, “I am not a crook...”
And Clinton said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman...”
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