Tuesday 27 November 2018

Of Wealth and Global Warming... and the contradiction s of the 1%...

People speculate that Putin is the wealthiest man in the world... 
Trump speculates that he has 10 billion...
The Saudi prince, Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud is wealthy beyond imagination... People estimate the wealth of the Saudi family at 1.4 trillion dollars... U.S. $1 400 000 000 000...

...and I wonder...
Why people need that much money...? 
I reminded my students that money is coloured paper... green or whatever... sitting in the bank... but the moment it is taken out and spread around... it will bring happiness and joy to the owner and also to the community that the person is a part of...

...and I wonder...
Why people desire that much money...? 
"After all," I tell myself, "they cannot consume... waste that much money in their temporal life... and of course they cannot take the money to their grave and beyond..."

...and I wonder...
Why people desire so much money...? 
They fight for it... they cheat for it... they go to war for it... they massacre for it... genocides and holocausts are committed for it... and some panhandle and beg for it... some drug people, paddle in drugs for it... some rape for it... some murder for it... some marry for it and others divorce for it...

...and I wonder... 
Why so many atrocities are committed in the name of MONEY... when indeed it is hoarded in banks... not to see the light of day...?

... and I think; "Of course millions and billions and trillions are excessive, but maybe they want to leave their wealth to their kids... and propagate the 1%... "

Indeed... maybe... !

But then I tell myself; "If they want to leave that much wealth and money to their kids... If they love their children so much... If they care about their next generation so much... then why do they not care about the environment... and global warming and the destruction and the floods and the blizzards and the snow and the hurricanes and the wildfires... ?"

But then I ask to myself; "Why they poison the rivers and the lakes and the seas...? Why they generate so much plastic to suffocate life under the oceans...? Why they produce so much arms and ammunition to kill and maim people...   and produce chemical waste... and chemical weapons... ?"

... and I cannot solve the conundrum created... I cannot come up with a satisfactory answer... and get depressed...

The legacy of the 1%... wealth for their kids and a globe of waste and disaster... uninhabitable world...

How the kids will live in a polluted world...? How the kids will survive in a toxic environment...? 
The kids will inherit the wealth- millions and billions and trillions... but then they will inherit a poisoned world... 

13 federal agencies in the U.S. published a dire warning on Black Friday...
But some leaders, and the executive of the 1% declared... "I don't believe it..."

See below...

A scene of devastation in Paradise, Calif.

It's not snow from the blizzards in the Midwest... It is ash from the wildfires in Paradise... 

and the Warning...

Without major action to curb global warming, the American economy could lose 10 percent of G.D.P. by 2100, according to a report from 13 federal agencies, although the Trump administration is expected to ignore it. Meanwhile, coal shows no going away as a worldwide energy source... 

The Growing Threats of Climate Change

The National Climate Assessment has an innocuous-sounding name and was released on the Friday after Thanksgiving, but the report from 13 federal agencies has a dire message: Climate change is taking a toll on our health, economy and environment, and unless we cut greenhouse gas emissions, it’s going to get worse. Much worse. As in rising sea levels, worsening wildfires, more intense storms, an increase in disease and death, and large economic losses.


    The Incredible Shrinking Earth

California continues to be ravaged by its deadliest wildfires in history, reflecting a monumental shift taking place in the world. “[T]he earth, for humans, has begun to shrink, under our feet,” writes Bill McKibben in The New Yorker.
“Until now, human beings have been spreading, from our beginnings in Africa, out across the globe,” McKibben points out. “But a period of contraction is setting in as we lose parts of the habitable earth.”
Some places are being wiped off the map as sea levels rise, while other areas are becoming unbearably hot. “By 2070, tropical regions that now get one day of truly oppressive humid heat a year can expect between 100 and 250 days, if the current levels of greenhouse-gas emissions continue.” 
And don’t expect global warming to turn “the Arctic into the new Midwest” anytime soon. The soil is poor and the melting permafrost layer “cracks roads, tilts houses, and uproots trees.”

Why the World Needs to Worry About Global Cooling

The number of small air conditioning units worldwide is projected to nearly quadruple by 2050, according to a new report by the Rocky Mountain Institute. The result of all this cooling: more global warming.

“To put this in perspective; if we turned the entire global population vegetarian overnight, replanted two-thirds of our degraded tropical forests, and doubled the world’s bicycle commuting it would just barely neutralize the negative impact from this one piece of technology,” write Iain Campbell, an author of the report, and William Sisson in Greentech Media.

There is hope. The report claims that it is feasible to develop “a technology solution that has one-fifth of the climate impact” of current air conditioners. To that end, the Institute has partnered with Mission Innovation and the government of India on the Global Cooling Prize, which will provide $3 million for innovators to solve this burning issue.

... and I wonder...
Why they want to pile up so much money... and then, they do not care about the world where they live in... ?

I cannot solve the contradiction... and I wonder...!

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