I have heard "Go back to where you came from..." or "Go back to your country..." yelled at people!
Students have tols me about their experience in stores and on the street... back and froth from school...
It is unfortunate... but racists are everywhere... and now in the new era of Trumpism... people are emboldened to call police over blacks and Latinos... People are emboldened to harass immigrants...
But here is my take...
Why don't the European-white-Americans... return to their roots and live happily every after in the "white Europe" that they dream...
The descendants of the Puritans... and Huguenots... and those who at the time escaped religious persecution and harassment... because they were Protestants in one European country and Catholic in the other... Calvinists who escaped oppression... and all the many religious sects and minorities who were prosecuted in Europe and desperately escaped oppression and harassment in Europe at the time... in the 1700... before 1776... WHY DON'T THEY RETURN TO EUROPE... WHERE THEY CAME FROM...
The Mayflower descendants... let them go back...
After all Blacks did not come here for fun... they did not even embark on an escape ship, like the Mayflower... they were chained and handcuffed and brought here as slaves...
The Latinos escaped the chaos and economic repression that successive Juntas created in Latin America... of course the North American governments aided and abetted to the Juntas and the right wing death squads... in Nicaragua and Honduras and El Salvador and Panama and Brazil and Argentina and Chili and Colombia and the rest...
The North American regimes helped in the prosecution of the people... and people escaped repression and economic hardship... and just like Europeans few centuries ago... they escaped and came to North America... U.S. and Canada...
So if "White North America" does not like the demographic changes in North America... They have the option... LET THEM RETURN TO EUROPE... in stead of yelling at immigrants to return where they came from...
Massacring the aboriginals, genocides... and enslaving the African Americans are barbarism of the past... and those "white Europeans" who are unhappy with the demographic changes happening in North America... Those "whites" who cannot live with the reality and want to create fake countries... let them jump on jumbo-jet Mayflower and return to "White Europe..." and leave the rest of us alone...
They will be happy and we will be happier...

White supremacists have not much to offer other than discrimination and hate...

Students discovered that someone had hung bananas around American University on the day a black, female student body president took office.

The online attacks against her began after media coverage of the May 2017 stunt involving bananas with messages written on them. One said, "Harambe Bait," a reference to the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla killed in 2016 after dragging a child through its enclosure. Another said, "AKA Free," a shot at the African-American sorority of which Dumpson is a member.

were playing innocent games in the Garden of Eden, so the mythology narrates... and then the
serpent in the Garden of Eden hissed the first fake news to
Eve... thus Patriarchy insists, but maybe the snake hissing was to Adam, after all, who knows... hence it all began... human deception, lies,
killings and murders and usurpation and exploitation and bigotry and racism... and rape and the rest! ... and the history of Patriarchy began with the revelation of human nakedness...
And thus began the dialectic rivalry between Patriarchy and humanism... between fake news and the emerging truth... between exploitation and cooperation... between war and peace...
Indeed, it all began with the realization of the nakedness of humans and the need for cooperation... The naked truth...

By eating
the apple... humans began creating the AI and the Facebook and all the rest of the
tech games... and the Silicon valley...

NRA and the 2nd Amendment are both the inventions of patriarchy... in the US the NRA is the fig leaf for the naked truth... of gun violence...
The truth is GUNS KILL... and more guns kill more...
The organized violent expressions of the US Civil War has long ended... the armies have disbanded... and the slavery is abolished... But the "Cold Civil War" was never halted... and the NRA and the Gun Violence and the Evangelicals ( the evolved patriarchy of the Puritans...)
The truth is GUNS KILL... and more guns kill more...
The organized violent expressions of the US Civil War has long ended... the armies have disbanded... and the slavery is abolished... But the "Cold Civil War" was never halted... and the NRA and the Gun Violence and the Evangelicals ( the evolved patriarchy of the Puritans...)
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