Every day during my walks I encounter homeless people... It depresses me seeing people coated in grime... and on the pavement looking into the void... not noticing the surrounding and the daily life around them...
Their glassy stares makes me sad... I wished I had the $100 billion of this Bezos guy and distribute them among the homeless of the world... But I don't have that... and he has...
My brother's wife died recently... He is alone... no children... They lived in a trailer home on a big lot... They wanted to built a large house... Their home... but circumstances were not kind to them... they just had money to dig a well... and lay down the foundations of a future four bedroom home...
His wife passed away... and the place looks abandoned... run down... lots of junk and four, maybe five cars... all of them not functioning... He had a car... could not pay the bills... It was repossessed... Now he has a motorcycle... and a broken heart... He misses his wife... She was her only companion... They lives far from us... the rest of the family...
Now the trailer is dusty... the flowers have dried out... and the foundation of their dream house worthless...
He lives like a homeless with a trailer...
He had a quadruple by-pass... 20 years ago... he has weak lungs... can hardly breath...
He is essentially a homeless... with a land and trailer...
They have spent about 400 000 dollars to looks after the lot... and now he is asking 300 000 dollars for the property... But no one is interested and the adjacent lots are selling for about
100 000 dollars... So he has something... but that real estate is not worth much...
His demand and the offers (had no offer so far...) are in a clash!
He is a working poor... more like a retired poor...
He is adamant in his demand for the lot...
No one is interested... with that price...
So he drags himself... like the other working and retired poor...
He was with us on the Thanksgiving few days... we took him back to his place yesterday...
When I see a homeless while walking in the city... my brother comes to my mind... I cannot help the homeless much... and I cannot help by brother... he rejects all advice... and refuses help... But we take food and the rest to him every week...
We help him as much as we can...
During the week, on Wednesday before the Thanksgiving Day... one of the homeless had displayed a sign... "Very hungry... Need food..." She had climbed few steps off the sidewalk and was in deep sleep...
People had dropped food... I did too...
On Friday, after the Thanksgiving... I passe by the same spot... She had left all the donated food on the sidewalk... and she was not around...
I wondered what had happened to her...
I wonder what will happen to my brother too... !
I wonder... and try to help... I wish I had the billions of Bezos
If you're one of the millions shopping on Amazon on Black Friday, congratulations: You helped make Jeff Bezos a $100 billion man.
the founder and largest shareholder of Amazon, reached the
12-digit milestone for the first time, according to Bloomberg,
one of the two major services that track the real-time net worth
of the world's richest people.
the other service, shows him just scraping by, with $99.6 billion
to his name.
Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) stock
climbed 2.5% on Friday to put Bezos over the top. The stock got a
lift from reports that online
shopping on Thanksgiving and Black Friday jumped
18% compared with last year. Bezos made almost $2.4 billion on
Friday alone.
I read this on Thanksgiving Day... on CNN
news... It is such a nice story... and wanted to
share with anyone who is interested...
Couple raises thousands for homeless veteran to thank him for selfless act

(CNN)When Kate McClure first met Johnny Bobbitt Jr., he was homeless.
Bobbitt used to spend most of his time sitting with a sign on a roadside in Philadelphia.
In October, McClure was driving down Interstate 95 there when she ran out of gas. Scared and nervous, she got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station and met Bobbitt. He told her to get back in the vehicle and lock the door. Minutes later, he emerged with a red gas can.
He had used his last $20 to buy her gas.
Bobbitt didn't ask for money; McClure didn't have any then. Over the next few weeks, she gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat and socks. She would give him a few dollars each time she saw him.
But McClure wanted to do more. About two weeks ago, she and her boyfriend, Mark D'Amico, who both live in New Jersey, started a GoFundMe page. They hoped to raise $10,000 -- enough money for first and last month's rent, a reliable vehicle and up to six months of expenses. Normalcy.
The story ran in a local paper and later went viral. By Friday, the fund exceeded $300,000.
"I don't have an explanation for it. I think it was the perfect storm," D'Amico told CNN Thursday.
More than 10,000 people have made donations, the Go Fund Me page said.
"We wanted to make sure he was safe, and go from there," McClure told CNN Thursday. "I remember when we got our first donation, we were like, 'holy crap.'
Earlier this month, Bobbitt flashed a wide smile when they told him about the first set of donations amounted to $769.
"God, that's amazing. Damn, y'all did all that. That is awesome," he said, stroking that beard in a video McClure took then.
D'Amico told him a lot of people wanted to help him.
"People talk about Philly ... I have honestly met more good people than bad. I really have," he said. "Like y'all."
Bobbitt, a North Carolina native, lived in Missoula, Montana, according to his Facebook page. He studied nursing and was a former paramedic and firefighter. He also served in Marine Corps, according to the page.
On Wednesday night, the couple checked Bobbitt into a hotel. They gave him money for contact lenses and took him to Walmart, where he got some socks.
Mostly, he wanted to just lay in the hotel bed and watch television, D'Amico said.
On Thursday, D'Amico bought Johnny a computer. "He can't wait to get on a computer," D'Amico said.
The couple asked Bobbitt what he wanted to do with all the money. Bobbitt was hesitant to say, but he plans to make a video and explain it all, D'Amico said."The whole game changed in the last 24 to 48 hours. His expectations changed, and what he wanted to do changed," D'Amico said. "He has a couple of places in Philadelphia that got him through and got him by. He wants to pay it forward."
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