My morning walks are not eventful…
enjoy the peace of aloneness and begin my celebration of
the day… in my own way...
I see people rushing... and I try to guess... to where...?
What has puzzled me most are the homeless people I
encounter along the way...
I everyday see three homeless men under a tree with the
shopping carts besides them...full of empty plastic bottles...
They chat... and laugh... and relax...
When I first noticed them...that was few years ago... I was
struck by the "normal" way they socialized and interacted
with each other...
They collect plastic water bottles from the refuse bins on
the streets... and now I take my empty plastic bottles to
them... sometimes I offer them food too... I don't know why
they will not accept money... but still once in a while I try...
I wonder why there are homeless in affluent countries like
the U.S. or the U.K. or Canada...and the rest... I never get
used to the idea of homelessness... and I wonder... how all
of us go home and enjoy the day...? how the pastors and
the congregation go home to their meals after the routine
church service...? and how the politicians of of the left and
the right go home to their families after a "heated" debate
on health care and taxes...?
How come the God of the Christians and the Muslims and
the Jews and the Buddhists and the Chinese-Confucians and
all the rest... How come God has forsaken the people...
I comprehend the 1% pursuing their greed... chasing the
next million after the previous million... But I have hard
time to understand God who has forsaken the people of the
world in globalized need-despair...
Maybe you have an answer... Maybe the pundits have a
twisted rationalization... Maybe the priests and the rabbis
and the mullahs and the shamans have a convoluted idea...
a sermon of peace and patience...
The globalized normal of misery and refugees and poverty
and war and hunger... makes me think about how useless
the God of organized religions is...
People think of replacing presidents and leaders... Maybe it
is time to replace God...
This happened the past week... few days ago...
A couple drove for about an hour to have dinner in a fancy
Manchester-UK restaurant... and celebrate whatever...
But they were refused... because of dress code...
The weather was
warm and the man
was in sandals... Of
course they were
hungry and
warm and the man
was in sandals... Of
course they were
hungry and
They walked out...
Outside of the restaurant they saw a homeless man...
charity had distributed
boots in that area few days
The diner asked for John's
shoe size... 13...The diner's was 9...
He asked if John will lend him the boots for few hours...
John agreed...
The couple dined... and were happy...
The homeless was happy too... He had helped the couple...

The couple in the restaurant... with the boots of the homeless John...
When the couple left the restaurant... the man offered
money and thanked John... But John refused the money...
Just like the homeless that I meet almost every day...
Eventually, after the third, maybe fourth offer, John
accepted a 10 pound bill...
A passerby witnessed the homeless with the couple and
offered a 50 pound note...
After all, GOOD things are contagious... too...
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