It is Sunday... and I am listening to Mozart's Requiem... I love it... I listen to spiritual music every Sunday morning... I do not attend any church services... The priests homily sounds hypocritical... and annoys me...
I listen to Bach's Mass and get elevated... I listen to Gregorian Chants and Armenian Orthodox Mass-Badarak and they open up new spaces for me... they spiritualize me again...
After all,
I do not need ORGANIZED RELIGION to spiritualize me...!
After all,
organized religion has always been corrupt... !

The Vatican... and a cathedral in Russia...

Lord's Prayer: Pope Francis calls for change
Pope Francis has called for a translation of a phrase about temptation in the Lord's Prayer to be changed.
The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.
His suggestion is to use "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
The Lord's Prayer is the best-known prayer in Christianity.
The pontiff said France's Roman Catholic Church was now using the new wording "do not let us fall into temptation" as an alternative, and something similar should be used worldwide.
"Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fell," he told TV2000, an Italian Catholic TV channel.
"A father does not do that, a father helps you to get up immediately."
It is a translation from the Latin Vulgate, a 4th-Century Latin translation of the Bible, which itself was translated from ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.
Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has not shied away from controversy and has tackled some issues head-on, Vatican observers say.
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The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation"................... ....
Suggested wording is "do not let us fall into temptation" ..........................
Logic for change... A father does not "lead" into a fall... and then look how you fall...
By the same logic... A father does not "let us fall..." and then look how we fall...
I think if one is faulty, then the other is too...
After all, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... Let the Armenian Genocide happen... and then watched how people are raped and butchered...
Same with the Holocaust... Same with the two World Wars... Same with the Holodomor...
Parsing is good pastime... I love it... But, thinking is better... people should live by it...
Organized religion just exploits the insecurities of people and enriches itself... The Vatican is an opulent example... and the Evangelical mega-churches in the U.S. attest to it... Evangelical pastors and leaders are all multi-millionaires while their followers are poor and elderly... The Evangelicals live a live of luscious and sumptuous life and prey on the insecurities of the elderly to enrich themselves and their "religious" cronies...
The Pope was "diplomatic" when he last week visited Myanmar- Burma... He did not mention Rohingya... so as not to upset the Burmese army and Aung San Suu Kyi... and, according to him, endanger the "dialogue"... of what...?
I guess it is the dialogue of the sword... that the Pope refereed to...
While thousands are murdered and their houses burned and the women raped and people driven out of their lands... more than 600 000 are driven out... The Pope of course needs to be diplomatic... !
The U.S. Evangelicals supported an accused child molester-a pedophile-a racist and
a misogynist person for the U.S. senate race... in Alabama...! Since when God sided with an accused pedophile...?
Organized religion has always played politics to gain power and mislead the people... from the Crusaders to Islamic hordes... and the Buddhists of Burma and the ashrams of India...
After all,
If God, then why all the misery in the world...?
Organized religion is as corrupt as the global 1%...
Organized religion just exploits the insecurities of people and enriches itself... The Vatican is an opulent example... and the Evangelical mega-churches in the U.S. attest to it... Evangelical pastors and leaders are all multi-millionaires while their followers are poor and elderly... The Evangelicals live a live of luscious and sumptuous life and prey on the insecurities of the elderly to enrich themselves and their "religious" cronies...
The Pope was "diplomatic" when he last week visited Myanmar- Burma... He did not mention Rohingya... so as not to upset the Burmese army and Aung San Suu Kyi... and, according to him, endanger the "dialogue"... of what...?
I guess it is the dialogue of the sword... that the Pope refereed to...
While thousands are murdered and their houses burned and the women raped and people driven out of their lands... more than 600 000 are driven out... The Pope of course needs to be diplomatic... !
The U.S. Evangelicals supported an accused child molester-a pedophile-a racist and
a misogynist person for the U.S. senate race... in Alabama...! Since when God sided with an accused pedophile...?
Organized religion has always played politics to gain power and mislead the people... from the Crusaders to Islamic hordes... and the Buddhists of Burma and the ashrams of India...
After all,
If God, then why all the misery in the world...?
Organized religion is as corrupt as the global 1%...

Jerusalem - Mount of Olives - Church of Pater Noster... Organized religious tourism... God and spirituality for sale... for money...