Afghanistan and Pakistan
Now that the West has decided to leave the country...
What next...?
Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. She survived, and has continued to speak out on the importance of education. She was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, and again in 2014.
Afghan girls walk home from school...Despite progress in recent tears, girls face threats from the Taliban and other Islamist extremists and at times from their families too.
In Afghanistan, girls are required by law to go to school. However, many of them never do.Death threats, acid attacks and bombings by Taliban militants and other extremists lead many parents who support female education to keep their daughters at home.Sometimes, it's the families themselves who stand in the way. School officials in conservative communities say relatives are often more interested in marrying off their daughters or sisters than in helping them get an education.
- When girls are married families are paid and also "one less mouth to feed" for the family...
- Because of money girls are married when they are 12-14...
- Because of money education is luxury..
Attackers in Afghanistan have sprayed acid in the faces of at least 15 girls near a school in Kandahar, police say.
Soraya Paksat of Voice of Afghan Women holds a knife that was confiscated from a woman who came to visit a young relative in one of the group's shelters. The woman intended to kill the girl for fleeing an abusive father.
Brief Biography of Aryana Sayeed
- Born in Afghanistan
- At Age of 8 leaves Afghanistan for Switzerland
- Joins Church choir at age 12 and develops her passion for singing
- Studies "travel and business management" due to financial pressures and pressure from family
- Settles in the UK,with her family, 7 years ago and starts all over to pursue her passion and singing ambition
- She had several successful tours and visited Toronto too
- She sings about love and all the rest, but also about women and the oppression of mothers and daughters in Afghan culture

Aryana Sayeed
Pictures Are Worth Thousands...of Words...
- Check the before and after...and derive your own conclusion...
- I myself am surprised and find the photos of "Before-After" depressing...
- How we define "progress" amazing and varies...
- Granted that different cultures define progress differently... but these photos are mind boggling...
- Now that the West is leaving...Now that the U.S. will depart...What NEXT...?
In 1978...Before the West went to Afghanistan to Introduce democracy...
In 2013 - After the West introduced "democracy"...
In 1982 - Before the West went to Afghanistan to "help"...
In 2012 - After the West "Helped"...
In 1981 - Before the West decided to "Help"...
In 2001 - After the West "helped"...
In 1955 - Before the West
In 2002 - After the West...
In 1962 - Before
In 2001 - After
In 2010 - After the West Helped...
First Afghans were living by themselves in their own way...
Then there came the Soviets...
The West was not happy...
They armed the Taliban to fight the Soviets...
The Taliban was out of line and to extreme...
The West did not like them...They were dubbed terrorist...
and then,
The West went into Afghanistan to introduce Western style "democracy"...
Many died...much happend...and now the West will the end of the year...
What next...?
There are many heroin addicts in the West... and some Afghan citizens are asking...
Why the West could not, did not destroy the Poppy Fields that produce heroin...? With all the might of Western armies...Why they did not destroy the heroin culture...?
After the West leaves...The Poppy culture will still flourish in Afghanistan and the addicts in the West will pay for it...
And the question remains....What next...for Afghanistan...Did we establish "democracy" there...?
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