Yesterday I e-mailed to friends a report just published about countries that are danger to women...
Here it is...
The most dangerous country to be a woman is India , but the US is not far behind... The US ranks 10th in survey... and sorry to admit, it will be worse before it gets better...The Handmaid's Tale is looming larger and larger with each passing day... (You may browse the survey too... the link is included...)
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The Thomson Reuters Foundation released its results Tuesday of a survey of 550 experts on women's issues, finding India to be the most dangerous nation for sexual violence against women, as well as human trafficking for domestic work, forced labor, forced marriage and sexual slavery, among other reasons.
It was also the most dangerous country in the world for cultural traditions that impact women, the survey found, citing acid attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage and physical abuse. India was the fourth most dangerous country for women in the same survey seven years ago.
Nine of the 10 countries on the list were from Asia, the Middle East or Africa. At number 10 was the United States, the only Western country to be included. The foundation said this was directly related to the #MeToo movement.
The world's most dangerous countries for women
According to the survey:
1. India
2. Afghanistan
3. Syria
4. Somalia
5. Saudi Arabia
6. Pakistan
7. Democratic Republic of Congo
8. Yemen
9. Nigeria
10. United States
Just imagine the counties which some leaders in the US called "shitholes...counties..."
And only "shitholes" are preceding the US... what an irony...!
When I wrote to my friends that "it will be worse before it will get better...," It was just my observation and analysis of the political evolution of the "Western Liberal Democracies... for the past decade... But the vacancy created in the US Supreme Court ... adds to my worries and apprehension...

The Handmaid's Tale will be more of a reality... and I am worried...

The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, originally published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England, in a totalitarian state resembling a theonomy, which has overthrown the United States government. The novel focuses on the journey of the handmaid Offred. Her name derives from the possessive form "of Fred"; handmaids are forbidden to use their birth names and must echo the male, or master, whom they serve.
The Handmaid's Tale explores themes of women in subjugation in a patriarchal society and the various means by which these women attempt to gain individualism and independence.
In Turkey, Erdogan began his crusade for anti-democratic "Reforms" just like the populist revolutions which are sweeping the US and the Western Liberal Democracies... But now Erdogan of Turkey reigns supreme and he was re-elected again this past Sunday... Erdogan, just like Putin of Russia, has eroded the democratic norms in Turkey and imprisoned reporters and journalists and teachers and professionals... the jails in Turkey are full of innocent intellectuals...

Is this what will become of Europe and Northern America and the US...?
The Danger is dangling before us...
Are we to follow the example of Erdogan's Turkey and Putin's Russia... ? Even positing this question makes me jittery... and I get vertigo by thinking about it...
Will the people in Europe and North America sense the danger and defend their rights...? I am not that certain...!
...and I am pessimistic for the future...