It all began with "Western Liberal Democracies" arrogance... Similar to "white man's burden..." when the "West..." decided to "export" democracy to the Middle East...
The "liberal democracies" of the West disguised their intentions of hegemony and dominance by catch phrases like "Arab Spring..." and the more militant version of it, "regime change..."
Both "Arab Spring..." and the more militant "Regime Change..." served as a fig leaf to cover the hegemonic and deceit of the West...
First, it was applied selectively...
The regimes that were not following the Wests hegemony... like Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Libya... were brutalized... Now Iraq is a divided country where Islamic Jihadists have a fertile ground to flourish at any moment... Syria is engulfed in civil war for seven years and Yemen is devastated under West-Saudi Arabia bombs... Libya is fragmented into fiefdoms... and Egypt is essentially a mirror image of the Egypt of the Mubarak era...
The regimes which were "friendly" with the West were not touched... despite the fact that they were medieval despotic monarchies and sheikdoms where DEMOCRACY DOES NOT EXIST...
The selective Arab Spring induced regime changes expose the hypocrisy of the West...
Secondly, democracy cannot be imposed and democratic norms and mores cannot be legislated...
Democratic way of life is a stage in the economic development of a community... The more the economy develops, the more democratic the society becomes... After all, there will be more material wealth to spread around and that will induce more tolerance and understanding among people... One of my professors in university stressed that; "an underdeveloped country will create an underdeveloped democracy..." Indeed... graft and bribes will be prevalent... A police force will be dependent on the governing elite for their salaries... and whatever the police are paid will not be enough to resist bribes... Policing, even in the Western Liberal Democracies... is a problem...
With arms you subjugate people... With arms you deprive people of their liberties and enslave them... But with arms you CANNOT export democratic values... Arms do not educate people... they just compound the misery... After a decade of "Arab Spring..." and "Regime changes..." the devastation of the Middle East still ongoing... and people are being murdered... to enrich the 1% of the "Western Liberal Democracies...
And the other side of the coin...
Arms and military force do not solve problems... at most, they may postpone social development and solutions... social evolution has never been achieved through military imposition... and,
When people manufacture arms... they want to sell them... after all, they are manufacturing those arms to make a profit... Arms are not for philanthropy and charity! Since manufacturers want to make profit, they will look for people to sell them and, of course markets to consume them... THOSE ARE THE BATTLEFIELDS... THOSE ARE THE KILLING FIELDS... and THOSE ARE THE SCHOOL CAMPUSES in the U.S.
The armed conflict, the Civil War, did not solve much... It abolished the slavery... but did not change the outlook and attitudes of many... Taking the knee, the debate about the Confederate Flag and confederate statues... are just the tip of the iceberg...
The debate about guns is yet another facet of the COLD CIVIL WAR which is ripping society apart... and it is yet another indication that arms will never solve problems...
The gun control debate is as old as organized communities... Before it was the stick and stone of the powerful... now it is the gun of the sociopath and the mentally disturbed... It is the gun of the racist and the drunk... It is the gun of the people who insists on their individual rights without any consideration of the community that they have chose to live in...
Once we decide in a community... we give up some of our individual rights... COMMUNITY trumps the INDIVIDUAL...
If the proponents of guns want to have their absolute individual rights... they should abandon the community and climb the mountain and live alone as individuals in the wilderness of their choice... with their inner demons... After the Florida shooting some lawmakers suggested to arm the teachers... Two things...
1. As mentioned above... arms do not solve any conflict... They may kill and maim and subjugate... but NEVER solve issues... and definitely not educate the students... 2. If the lawmakers are so insightful, let them dismiss their armed body guards and the police... Let them arm themselves and protect their assemblies without depending on armed guards and police... After all, if it is good for the schools and arming teachers will protect school, by the same token arming the senators and congresspeople will MUST BE GOOD for the congress too... Let the rulers and the 1% forfeit their guards and the police and let them defend themselves... Definitely, whatever the teachers can do the lawmakers can match their skills...
The absurdity of gun-solutions and the logic of the myth of arms protecting the vulnerable and the rights of the individual is fascinatingly fantastic... The agony of the youth/students is evident of the logical falsely of the gun worshipers...
Guns aggravate conflicts and never solve disputes... and never protect anyone...
Tomorrow is National School Walkout... against the fairy tale that guns provide security and protect freedoms...
The youth had enough and they are demanding an end to gun violence and they expect the lawmakers to to listen to them and adopt changes...
"America's children are growing up in fear," said Lane Murdock, the National School Walkout founder...
Lane Murdock, a 16-year-old sophomore from Ridgefield, Connecticut, launched the National School Walkout...
I found out about the shooting at MSD [Florida school shooting], I remember I didn't have a
huge reaction. And because of that, I knew I needed to change
myself, and we needed to change this country," Lane said.
should be horrified, and we're not anymore. It's American
culture." |
School shooting: Another funny tale...
Teachers in Pennsylvania get 16 inch bats after Florida...

All 500 teachers of Millcreek School District near Erie got a 16in (41cm) bat in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school attack in February.
Though the bats are largely symbolic, Superintendent William Hall said, they are there as a "last resort".
"Unfortunately, we're in a day and age where one might need to use them to protect ourselves and our kids."
The superintendent said the aim was to have a "consistent tool" for every teacher in every classroom.
Human absurdity has NO LIMITS...