My parents were Genocide survivors...
and After my last post a friend contacted me...
read your post this afternoon. It was really nice to
read. I get frustrated a lot of the time because when most
people talk about April 24th it’s a message full of
anger and hate. That bothers me to the point that I would
almost prefer never to think about that day at all. The
way you wrote about it though helps me to reflect on why we really
use April 24th to remember what happened to our
I had pushed the meaning of the day out of my
mind all day because of all the negative thoughts and feelings it
usually brings up, but your e-mail brought the true message back to
me. On my way home from school I thought about my family
and what they had to go through. The fact that all of my
great-grandparents were orphans. Men who grew up without
fathers and women who grew up without mothers. Such a
difficult life. I think about what I would do without a
mother or a father even now! I’m almost 30!!! My great-grandfather
wasn’t even 10 years old yet and had his sisters to look after as
point of this though is really just that I wanted to say thank you
for reminding me why we remember.
going with my grandma to see The Promise .
I’m very interested to see how they
tell the story. I’m also very interested to see what my
grandma thinks. She’s from a different generation than
me that is more directly touched by it all. It should be a
very interesting night. I will definitely write to you
later in the week to let you know what I think of the movie.
also wanted to let you know that I’m starting a very exciting
initiative for the Eco-Team at my
school!!! I’m at night school now though, so I’ll write to
you about it at the end of the week :) I think it might make
you want to come back to teaching with me hahaha...
a great week!!!
... And my response...
to you...
you for your message and your vision...
just wanted to add:
world recently discovered "alternative facts" and "fake
news..." But, for 102 years Armenians have suffered the "fake
news" from Turkey and its ruling classes... Turkey's denial of
the Armenian Genocide are "alternative facts" promoted by
its rulers...
new government in the U.S. and its allies generate "fake news"
like Turkey generated the "fake news" about the Armenian
Genocide... and like the new government of the U.S. and its allies, Turkey promoted and still promotes "alternative facts"...
Western media discovered these concepts recently, in the last 100
days... but, the Armenians have lived with the "fake news"
and "alternative facts" for 102 years...
of the Armenian Genocide... is not only "fake news" and
"alternative fact," but also the perpetuation of the

humanists, as teacher, as human being you are obliged to remember the
Armenian Genocide and put it in its global perspective... If the Armenian
Genocide is not recognized and punished, then it will generate new
Armenian Genocide should not be a pawn in the geopolitical interests
of the mighty... It should be entrenched in human decency and
am sure you got the gist of my reasoning... I have always advocated
the global dimensions of the Armenian Genocide... and have chosen the
slogan; "through Armenia embracing the WORLD..."
would like to see a world where arms are not manufactured and the
military budgets are allocated to ease the pain of each and every
human being... all over the globe...
have a suggestion for your ECO-TEAM... anchor it in human rights and needs...
environment and nature is necessary for the survival of human
beings... I want a world where coming generations will have clean air
to breath... fresh and clean water to drink...
uncontaminated produce to eat... ALL THESE ARE ESSENTIAL
FOR THE SURVIVAL OF GLOBAL POPULATION... and the devastation caused by wars... is another dimension to keep always in mind...

environmentalists will be fake and hypocritical if they do not
include wars as essential part of global pollution...
Vietnam they used Agent Orange... in order to defoliate the forests
so as they may kill better... In Syria they bombed the hell of of the
chemicals used as pesticides are harmful to humans... so are the
bombs that rain on cities...
rain... like acid-rain... Both are harmful and both kill...
advocates should not shy from the devastation caused by ALL WARS...
as I noted in before; THERE ARE NO JUST CAUSE... NO SIDE IS
the reason does justify the action...
beings should be intelligent enough to resolve disputed by reasoning
and discussion and not resort to arms...
do fight... humans MUST talk and share...
wish I was with you in your Eco-Team...
the work and let me know if I can help in any way...
Demonstrating their love for working people...!
... And on another note...
A US clothing company has been mocked on social media for selling a pair of $425 (£330; €390) jeans complete with "crackled, caked-on muddy coating".
Among those to join the chorus of Facebook criticism of what Nordstrom calls its Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans is Discovery Channel Dirty Jobs presenter Mike Rowe who described them as "looking like they have been worn by someone with a dirty job" but "made for people who don't."

"They're a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic - not iconic."
Imagine Ivanka Trump in these...
"You can achieve the same look for a lot less by rolling in your backyard or gardening," a fashion observer wrote...
It reminds me the 80's when the fashion industry promoted the colourful and joyful hippy-clothing...
The buck hunting greed is omnipresent in society... and greed always has trumped morality...