Things...and other Things...and More...
Religion is to FREE the individual from bondage...
Through out history...religion is used to suppress the free thinkers... the human spirit...
The left you see a T-shirt from religious group...
The right another group counters...the "religious" point of view...
What has religion doing with virginity... Give me a break...Every women cannot be...."Virgin Mary"...that is the privilege bestowed by God on "Virgin Mary"...
Jesus told the crowd... Cast the first stone...if you have not sinned...
A a former student sent a long diatribe against abortion...from her religious point of view...
I guess virginity and abortion are the twin towers of the ALL MALE RELIGIOUS hierarchy...
I guess the church should not interpret the suppress... I guess the religion should be used to uplift the spirit and free humans from the BONDAGE of GREED and from the shackles of consumerism ...
Religion everywhere has become a commercial and political enterprise ...
The Bums that Talk...
The first time I encountered a "talking bum" was in a night school... I myself... "Why this female student..." I thought to myself, "has demeaned herself by the slogan on her bum...? She will return home in the darkness of the night...and things are dangerous as already..."
I think a male designer invented this too... and vulnerable females adopted it...
Why anyone will want to attract attention to their body parts... is besides me...
There was a female vice-principal in my last school who used to wear low-cut dresses and exposed cleavages... why she wanted to attract attention to her body instead of her leadership and intellect... is still a puzzle to me... Some teachers speculated that the "body" is all that she has...
May be they were correct... !
There are many stupid slogans...and this is one of them...
Why anyone will want to attract attention by advertising stupidity has been a conundrum that I have been unable to solve...
...And then... many female students do "make up" in front of their locker...
Why a young lady...will mess up her face... ? This is yet another riddle that I have been unable to solve...
Young ladies... Why they will mess up in the false pretension of "make up"... Who wants to look like the lady to the right...!
And of course beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...
A very good friend forwarded the long hair photo to me...
I wondered... "Why she wants to much time...on her hair..." and the "low-cut dressed vice-principal" came to my mind...
The lady with the long hair...and the good friend who is bald now... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... this saying is the common sense version of Eisenstein's Theory of Relativity... After all, "everything is beautiful, in its own way..."
Stop the nonsensical quarrels ... about who is right...
Stop the Big Brother disputes... THERE IS MORE THAN ONE RIGHT... ALL of us are correct...Let's come together and find again... the Golden Mean of the Greeks...and cooperate instead of competing... Share instead of selfish greed...
...And the burning the Middle East...
ISIS, Islamist-Jihadist terror in Syria....
66 000 Syrian kurds and minorities have fled Syria in the last 24 hours...
America and the West are playing with fire... When they are arming "moderate" Islamist ... the weapons provided eventually will find their way to the ISIS-Jihadists....
The Americans and their Western allies... turned a blind eye and let their citizen travel to Syria to fight the regime... Now those same Western and U.S. Islamic-Jihadists from England and France and the U.S. and Canada have turned their wrath against the West...
The U.S. and Western political naivete came to haunt
It will be the same with the new policies...The arms they provide will trickle to ISIS-Jihadists eventually...But then it will be too late...
When GREED dictates the policies...disaster follows always...
When GREED dictates the policies...disaster follows always...
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