Monday, 28 August 2017

Decadence and GREED ... Hurricanes, Sinkholes and Assholes...

Texas is devastated... by biblical floods 

From ancient times humans have respected the elements of mother nature with awe and respect... They have venerated and worshiped them... Even in modern, more cut-throat and greedy times... gold has been a source of wealth and steady stability...

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 The principle is that our world is composed of four immutable elements, each with completely different properties, and although may be combined in various ways, can never be fundamentally changed.
Over time the basic elements that compose our world has expanded to include over a hundred elements, each more complex than the last, shown in the modern periodic table.
Four Classical ElementsYet the Four Elements are not just a simplistic version of our modern periodic table,  they have profound physical, vital, psychological and spiritual significance. 
The ancient Greek belief in five basic elements, these being earth (γῆ ge), water (ὕδωρ hudor), air (ἀήρ aer), fire (πῦρ pur) and aether (αἰθήρ aither), dates from pre-Socratic times and persisted throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, deeply influencing European thought and culture. 
Texas... under water...
NASA astronaut Jack Fischer photographed Hurricane Harvey from the International Space Station on Friday, August 25.
The hurricane... churning and keeping an eye...  Mother nature is a powerful source of energy...
Blessed are those who are able to harness the power of nature...
People walk down a flooded street as they evacuate their homes in Houston on August 28. Cattle are stranded in a flooded pasture in La Grange, Texas, on August 28.
People are struggling to save each other and animals are looking dazed and amazed the flood...
Volunteer rescue boats make their way into a flooded subdivision in Spring, Texas, on August 28. A car is submerged by floodwaters on a freeway near downtown Houston on August 27.
People are rescued and goods salvaged... Everyone is each others neighbour... others are submerged under water... I guess never to be recovered ... 
I hope insurance companies behave like humans and help people in need... I realize that this is a wild hope... but human nevertheless...
Water rushes from a large sinkhole along a highway in Rosenberg, Texas, on August 27.
A big sinkhole.... 
When Katrina and Sandy devastated parts of the U.S. evangelical pastors blasphemed saying alluding that they were God's punishment to secular ethics and norms... in America...
I just hope that they will not take the stage and began their funny talk for Texas too...


Some are above the Law... 

 While walking through the city we at times encountered police cruisers... and my friend always yelled; "To Serve and Protect... the 1%..." and with the pardoning of Arpaio... I guess he has a point...
He phoned me few days ago and said; "You see what I mean..."

Local immigrants' rights organisations protest in Phoenix, Arizona, against the decision to pardon former Sheriff Joe Arpaio (25 August 2017) Sheriff Joe Arpaio attending a rally by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Prescott Valley, Arizona (04 October 2016)
When you have friends at higher places... like the White House or the Kremlin... or any other government den... then, you are ABOVE THE LAW...

There are always two tiers for everything... even in heaven they say there is the right wing... one sits to the right side of God... and there is the left wing... when you are not that special to God... 

Arpiao is one of a kind... that's not true... He is one in a rotten bunch...  of KKK and White Supremacist ... and the rest... He proudly escorted the detainees to "concentration camp..." 
What kind of an asshole will be proud of "concentration camps...?" Are we totally devoid of human decency... ?
Once Latinos were arrested, bad things happened to them. Many were sent to Tent City, which Arpaio himself proudly called a “concentration camp,” where they lived under brutal conditions, with temperatures inside the tents sometimes rising to 145 degrees.


Storm Harvey: 'Catastrophic' flooding expected to worsen... and the absurdity of the pastors and preachers can not be surpassed ...

Rabbi Leiter Blames Hurricane Sandy on Gays and Marriage Equality... !

New York - A Jewish Rabbi is blaming Hurricane Sandy on gays, calling devastation of New York ‘divine justice’ for the city’s same-sex marriage laws...

Rabbi Leiter Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency referred to Hurricane Sandy as “divine justice“ for the state of New York’s 2011 legalization of marriage for same-sex couples. 

Leiter, referring to lower Manhattan as “one of the national centers of homosexuality,” argued that “the Great Flood in the time of Noah was ... triggered by the recognition of same-gender marriages.” He warned that “the Lord will not bring another flood to destroy the entire world, but He could punish particular areas with a flood.” Leiter gave as evidence to prove his assertions the appearance of a “double rainbow” above the city after the storm, together with a high tide during the full moon.


Rev. John Haggee, evangelical pastor of a “mega-church” in Texas, had this to say about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans floods...

Image result for photos of Rev. John Hagee,New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they ... were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. ... I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.
Jerry Falwell, world famous and influential and absurd televangelist-evangelical  pastor reiterated his past warnings... and included other groups into the mix... Falwell proclaimed, on Pat Robertson's 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network...
I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, “You helped this happen!”
Related image... And Pat Roberson... another Evangelical pastor ... Responded to the Falwell hate lines...

Pat Robertson responded: “I totally concur.”

Robertson's moronically absurd statement...  
Last year he preached  ... “God came to me in a dream last night and showed me the future,” said Robertson. “He took me to heaven and I saw Donald Trump seated at the right hand of our Lord.”
I guess Pussy Grabbers will definitely inherit the glory of God ...
 Of course the Catholic and the Muslim clergy follow the absurdities of the evangelicals...  

Pope Benedict XVI 
“[The Church] should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed. ... The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less.” The pope warned that humans must “listen to the language of creation” and understand the intended roles of man and woman. He called behavior outside heterosexual relations “a destruction of God’s work.”
Related imageSome Muslim clerics  joined  funny Christian preachers in attributing  the superstorm Sandy  which devastated areas of America, Haiti and Cuba on the wrath of God... 
They insisted that God is mad as hell over the fact that more and more people are staying away from organized religion... They want to have Church-Synagogue-Temple-Mosque governed society... 
The religious preachers are apprehensive that eventually they may become redundant and absurd... !
Their preaching has nothing to do with the LOVE OF GOD and everything to do with their greed and hypocrisy... 

The times of Noah are long over... and natural disasters are not because of God's wrath on the evolving norms and mores of society... but rather, they are the result of climate change and the greed of the 1%... 

LAST year the president of an anti-gay Christian group who once said natural disasters were a message from God condemning the increasingly gay-friendly world has had his own home flooded.
In an ironic twist, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, had his home flooded by more than 10ft of water during the Louisiana floods.
Memes, Hurricane, and Homosexuality: Tony Perkins, the leader of an anti-LGBT
 hate group, who claimed that God uses natural
 disasters such as hurricanes and flooding to
 punish homosexuals and their supporters, had
 his own house destroyed by a flood. weirdI guess God punished him for his hate and lies...
Evangelicals are bold faced hate groups and they camouflage their hate with the "grace of God..." 
God at his/her worst moment was still ALL INCLUSIVE... unlike these pastors who preach racism and hate... and cite the scriptures as their witness... They preach their biases and spew their hate for anyone who does not resemble their white-sexist-racist image... They anti-immigrant agenda is a white wash for their ANTI-HUMAN racism...
They preach that "God is love..." and they hate all but themselves...

The pastor and his flooded home... He blamed gays for natural disasters... !
But why nature struck his home...?
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These evangelical-televangelist assholes make fun of everything human... and join the 1% on their greed... and faith for profit... God for profit... Jesus for profit... 

Will there come a time when God-Jesus-Holy Spirit will be listed on the Dow Jones or the Nasdaq...?
Well you never know... a geek or a robot may find the answer to that too... 

Friday, 25 August 2017

Religion is Comforting to Some... But Organized Religion is Just a Brutal Fuck Up...

Organized religion of the East or West... North or South... is the root cause of human misery...

History attest to this fact... from ancient Greece to Egypt and Rome... 
Christianity created the Crusaders... Christians battled between each other... Catholics and protestants... and the conflict claimed millions... America was established by pilgrims and people escaping religious persecution in Europe - England and France... and the rest... Ireland is a recent example of the conflicts among Christians...
Christians penetrated Africa and Asia in the name of religion and camouflaged their GREED with racist ideology of the so called... White Men's Burden... to civilize the world and to humanize the "savages..."  
Christianity hunted people in Africa to enslave them... Christianity created slavery...
Islam was spread by the sword... Spreading from Saudi Arabia they conquered North Africa and the Middle East...
The Turkish version of Islam slaughtered the "infidels" and massacred Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians... just because of their religion... and usurped their belongings... Turkish version of Islam committed the first Genocide of the Twentieth Century... 
The Middle East is in turmoil because of the three major religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam competing with each other...
The Middle East, in fact world, cannot achieve PEACE as long as ORGANIZED RELIGION is alive and well and kicking...
Check below some of the news of the day...

Deadly clashes in India after controversial guru found guilty of rape... India guru rape case: 23 die in unrest as Ram Rahim Singh convicted...
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh is the spiritual leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda. Rioters smash television trucks during violence in Panchkula, India, August 25, 2017Crowds smashed television trucks in Panchkula after the verdict...

At least 23 people have been killed in violent protests over the rape conviction of a popular religious leader in north India...
Rape is nothing new to religious leaders... Catholics like to fuck boys... Evangelicals like both sexes and prostitutes too... 
Muslims are very much like Christians when it comes to sex... though they rather have harems... 

The guru's supporters gather on the roadside in Sirsa on Thursday before the verdict in the rape case. 
   An Indian soldier stands guard Friday in Panchkula, where the guru's trial was held.
The guru's supporters gather... and then burn and riot...

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh... The Guru

Messenger of God poster
  • Leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda sect, which claims to have 60 million followers around the world
  • He took over the sect - which describes itself as "a non-profit social welfare and spiritual organisation" - when he was 23
  • He performs at rock concerts, acts in films and even has his own line of food products
  • he is known as "rockstar baba" and "guru of bling" because of his shiny, colourful clothes and because of his diamonds
  • He has been accused of mocking Sikh and Hindu figures
  • He has been investigated for murder and rape, charges he denies
  • He has been accused of forcing followers to undergo castration to "get closer to god"

I like the serenity of the ashrams... and the peaceful life in monasteries... there is transcendental peace in both ashrams and monasteries... But Hindu and Sikh gurus, like Christian priests, are not without blame...
They get rich fast too... They fuck around too... They rape and cheat too...

Check this too... 

ISIS suicide attack at mosque in Afghan capital... They act in the name of Islam...

Afghans flee the site of an attack on a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kabul during Friday prayers. Afghan security officials take positions Friday near the Kabul mosque after the attack.
Afghans flee the site of an attack on a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kabul during Friday prayers... and the police serve and protect...

Just like Catholics and Protestants... Muslims are fighting each other too... Shea and Sunni conflict camouflages the conflict between the Saudi and Iranian rulers... The conflict is "religious," but in fact the 1% of the Saudis are fighting the Iranian 1%...
Greed is the name of the game...

ISIS (the Islamic Jihadists) has claimed responsibility for an attack Friday on a Shiite Muslim mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul that authorities said left 20 people dead... Organized religion has murdered and maimed people over the centuries...
They have committed all kinds of atrocities and brutalized the population...
The Sunni-Shiaa rivalry in Islam reminds me of the wars waged between Catholics and Protestants in Europe... not so long ago...  

They say religion is the drug to lull people...
Christians promise an after-life of riches and opulence... ONLY IF you remain docile and obedient to the law in REAL LIFE...
Muslims promise lots of virgins in after-life if you sacrifice yourself in the name of Islam... In the name of Allah... They say suicide bombers will be blessed with beautiful virgins... ONLY IN AFTER-LIFE...

And check the U.S. Evangelicals...

Image result for photos of leading evangelical pastors in the us 
Evangelical leaders led a prayer circle in the Oval Office in which they laid hands on President Donald Trump to invoke God’s blessing...

Why their God is allied with the most immoral leaders in the world... ? Is their God immoral too...? Or, maybe morality is just for the people and not the 1%... !!!

Check these funny people...

Image result for photos of leading evangelical pastors in the usReverend Patrick Mahoney is arrested in front of the Supreme Court... He was protesting abortion...

Evangelicals insist that abortion is murder... But, ALL of them defend capital punishment... ALL of they defend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The commandment says... Thou shall not kill... and there are no qualifications and exceptions

Selective judgment and cynical hypocrisy... is the trade mark of the US Evangelicals...

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Pastor Jeffress insists that God has given authority to Trump to do way with the North Korean leader...

Questions: Since when God gave permission to anyone to start a nuclear war...?
Is God a warmonger too...?

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Organized Religion in the service of the 1%...

Pastor Robert Jeffress thinks Donald Trump is the gift of God to humanity... 
he was given to us so as he cleans the globe from North Korean leader           and 
liberates the Holy Lands from the Islamic Jihadists                                                   and 
smashes the Islamic terrorists...

Organized religion is just a scheme to enrich oneself 

and cheat the people... that's according to the behavior

of US evangelical pastors and organized religion...

Image result for photos of leading evangelical pastors in the usPastor Joel Osteen... Prosperity gospel promoter...

If you are rich it is the will of God... he preaches...
and of course, 
the axiom to this is that if you are poor it's God will too...

Is it God's will that this fast talking pastor got rich very fast and praised the Lord for leaders who are willing to start wars and trample all human morality...?

Question: Is God this mean that He sides with the 1%... ?

Is the God of this televangelists just cruel and sadistic...? 
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Their Christian love blames the victim: 
Televangelist Pat Robertson explains why 
healing prayers don’t work by claiming that some people secretly “enjoy their sickness,” and do not want to be cured...

Question... Have you met people who 
enjoy their sickness...?

Evangelist Christians fighting Mormonism...

If I thought for a second that Mormonism was remotely Christian, I wouldn’t spend my life doing what I am doing today.  I’ve studied Mormonism my entire life (47 years) and I’ve yet to find even one doctrine of Mormonism that is biblically correct.  Every single teaching in the Mormon Church is wrong my friend and if you can prove otherwise I’d sure like to hear about it!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Organized Religions are at the Root of the GLOBALIZED Evil

Organized Religion is at the Root of all Evil...

The Middle East gave us the three major organized religions... They say the Middle East is the cradle of civilization... I would qualify this generalization by inserting the qualifier... It is the cradle of Western civilization... India and China-Japan are the cradle of OTHER civilizations...
For the past couple of decades, ever since the globalization of terrorism... There is much talk about "the clash of civilizations..." Again I will qualify this assertion and insist on the "clash of religions..." 
They have "Radical Islamic terrorism..." and the West, specially the US has Radical Christian Terrorism... and instead of a clash of civilizations... we have a clash of Organized Religions... 
 The Middle East is in turmoil... The Middle East will stay in turmoil... as long as there are the three major Organized Religions... Islam, Christianity and Judaism...
The invasion of the Crusaders never came to an end... It still continues... it still is alive and well and still clashing with Islam and still pretending that they want to liberate the Holy Lands...
The 1% of the Western (Judeo-Christian) alliances... is clashing with the 1% of the emerging Islamic states (Turkey-Saudi Arabia... and the rest...)
The world population is caught up in the middle...
The organized religions are covering up the greed of the 1%... They always have done that... and as long as organized religion is alive and opulently well... they will ally with the laity (the 1%) and the Middle East will stay a powder keg thay may explode the globalized hypocrisy and  globalized greed...

Check the three examples below...

Saudi Arabia...
A screenshot from a video of a 14-year-old boy in the Saudi city of Jeddah dancing the Macarena. (Screen capture: YouTube) 
A 14-year-old boy in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia dancing the Macarena... 
         (Screen capture: YouTube)

Saudi police detained a 14-year-old boy on Tuesday after a video of the teenager dancing the Macarena in a crosswalk made waves on social media...
The religious zealots are always occupied with public morality...
Women have to be covered, but men may wear shorts... and you do not dance in the public... If you want to fuck around and have sex, DO IN COVERTLY like the clergy are used to do... That's what organized religion - clergy of ALL organized religions do...  Fuck in the hiding... have a veneer of public decency... cover up and then fuck up...

Holy Lands... Members of Women of the Wall hold up a Torah scroll during a prayer service marking the first day of the Jewish month of Elul, on August 23, 2017, at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City. (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)
Members of Women of the Wall hold up a Torah scroll during a prayer service marking the first day of the Jewish month of Elul, on August 23, 2017, at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City. (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)

Guards at the entrance to the Western Wall complex in Jerusalem “strip searched” four female rabbinical students on Wednesday ahead of the Women of the Wall’s monthly prayer service at the holy site, liberal Jewish groups said.

Guards strip search the women... for weapons...

The religious Jewish establishment wants to harass to more "liberal" Jews...
The traditional... old fashioned... Biblical ways... have to persist, they say... and women should be placed in their place... Strip search them... shame them... so as they will not be at the Holy Wall...


And then there is Turkey...

Erdogan... Turkey's president... is on an international manhunt. He is using the interpol to arrest all intellectuals who oppose to him... Dogan Akhanli is one of them...

On Turkish demand... Spain arrest Him and then grants Erdogan critic conditional release...

This picture taken on January 7, 2011 shows German author of Turkish origin Dogan Akhanli in Cologne, western Germany.
Mr Akhanli describes himself as a former political prisoner

A known critic of Turkey's government who was arrested in Spain has been granted conditional release.
German-Turkish writer Dogan Akhanli has written extensively about human rights in Turkey.
He usually lives in Germany, where his arrest is seen as politically motivated, and the German embassy has said he should not be deported.
Mr Akhanli is being released on condition that he stays in Madrid, his lawyer said.
"The fight was worth it," Ilias Uyar said in a Facebook post after the hearing. "Dogan Akhanli is free."
Mr Akhanli was detained on Saturday in the city of Granada, where he was reportedly on holiday.
The arrest was carried out on an Interpol "red notice" - a request to arrest a wanted individual for extradition. The request is made by national police forces, and it does not indicate the person is wanted by Interpol itself.
The 60-year-old has written about the killing in 2007 of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, and the 1915 killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks - which was labelled as genocide by the German parliament last year.
Large numbers of journalists have been jailed in Turkey since a failed coup (which some Swedish journalists reported that Erdogan initiated it in order to gather more power and silence critics...)   last year, and news outlets critical of the government have been shut down or taken over.
Tens of thousands of people, including academics and government officials, have also faced arrest.

Indeed the Middle east is in Turmoil... and organized religion is the root cause of it...
The Middle east conflict will not be solved... and NO U.S. administration will have any power to solve it... as long as the three major organized religions -Islam, Christianity, Judaism- are alive and kicking...
We are witnessing NOT the "clash of civilizations..." but the dragging of the Crusaders attempting to liberate the Holy Lands...
................... and in this cruel farce the world populations is paying the price, while the 1% is getting fatter and richer...

The stock market registered and unprecedented rise again...!!! and organized religions uses its opium to fuck us around...
Image result for opum

The opium filed of organized religion...



...and the age of reason... which MAY NEVER COME... 

But still it is aquaminous fun to wait for 


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

In Search of Utopian Democracy... Not in Russia... Not in North America... Not in China... WHERE...?

It has been 70 years since India and Pakistan 

emerged as independent countries... and threw 

away colonial rule...

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One man, one vote is a sham of democracy... and our shame...

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And,Trump just called India "the world's largest democracy..." in his Afghanistan Speech...                                                         

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Love-fest... of leaders...

Indeed... at times

India euphemistically... figuratively... 

metaphorically is called "the largest 

democracy in the world..."

But, Democracy is not merely a large voting 
base and "one man, one vote..."

Indian democracy is still deformed...  
  • The Caste System... HinduismThe Caste System--(groups assigned by birth not personality)... The Hindu conception of the social order is that people are different, and different people will fit well into different aspects of society. It is indeed a class structure that is determined by birth.                                              Loosely, it means that in some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor, too. Same goes for being rich, if you're a glass-half-full person...
  • There are too many illiterate in India...  India has by far the largest population of illiterate adults... numbering 287 million... and amounting to 37 per cent of the global adult illiteracy... The United Nations report highlighted the huge disparities existing in education levels of India's rich and poor...
  • The socioeconomic situation is miserable in India... One of my economic professors  in one of his lectures prophesied, "an underdeveloped country will have an underdeveloped democracy..."    

New Delhi (CNN) India's latest Socioeconomic and Caste Census paints a stark picture of widespread rural poverty and deprivation,
Of the 300 million households surveyed, an overwhelming majority (73%) live in villages. Of this rural population, less than 5% earn enough to pay taxes, only 2.5% own a 4-wheeler vehicle and less than 10% have salaried jobs.
Not only does rural India have miserable statistics on income and asset ownership, its literacy rates are low. Only 3.5% of students graduate and around 35.7% of residents can't read or write.
It comes as no surprise that the bulk of the Indian population is still overwhelmingly poor.
Past surveys and experts have continued to emphasize the chasm between the two disparate pictures of India -- one that owns ambitious space and nuclear programs, and boasts of billionaires and information technology prowess, and the one in the villages, of which 92 million households (51%) earn their living by manual labor.

A society that has a poorer class... cannot function as a proper

democracy as the people will be bribed very easily... 

A society which has a large illiterate base... cannot function in 

democratic norms... as the population will be easily lulled by 

the rhetoric of demagogues and false promises of politicians...

In a society, where caste like racist norms prevail... in which 

symbols of discrimination and repression prevail... in which 

colour of ones skin determines acceptability... determines rules 

of social mobility... cannot be democratic... after all, democracy

appreciates equality, fraternity and the pursuit of happiness 

for ALL...

A society which gyrates to sexist norms... where women are 

paid less and appreciated less... and abused more... cannot be 

considered democratic... Check the sorry statistics below...

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               In India a child under 16 is 

raped every 2.6 hours     


 a child under 10 every 

13 hours...

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A ten-year old rape victim who was denied an abortion has given birth in northern India.
The 10-year old delivered a baby girl via Caesarian section... Both the girl and her baby are in stable condition... 
There are currently 27 sitting judges, against a maximum possible strength of 31. There is only one lady sitting judge. As per the Constitution of India, Supreme Court judges retire at age 65.

Image result for photos of jagdish singh khehar chief justiceJagdish Singh Khehar is the current Chief Justice of India, after T. S. Thakur retired on 3 January 2017.
The girl was forced to have the baby after India's Supreme Court rejected the family's plea for an abortion three weeks ago, based on the opinions of eight doctors and an examination of the girl...
A campaign against child sexual abuse

Image result for photos of 10 year old child pregnant in India

The scale of abuse in India

  • A child under 16 is raped every 155 minutes, a child under 10 every 13 hours
  • More than 10,000 children were raped in 2015
  • 240 million women living in India were married before they turned 18                                   
  • 53.22% of children who participated in a government study reported some form of sexual abuse
  • 50% of abusers are known to the child or are "persons in trust and care-givers"

... And how much Western societies in Europe and North America... resemble the deformed society and democracy of India...?

You'll be the judge and the jury and the executioner too...